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  1. For now we can only hope it actually stays that way.
  2. Yeah I agree with that. I mean Doug and Victor were both important characters but their deaths were expected given their age and the declining health they both had over the years. They also were more supporting characters compared to John who was still a lead at his age. I don't care for Ron writing this though(at least I hope most of it is written by someone else entirely).
  3. He did this in every soap he's been associated with. If they thought he was going to change that's on them tbh. This is why him being on the writing staff on Beyond the Gates makes me wretch because if he had any power he would do the same there too.
  4. Yes because Steven is Addie's son also. Addie had three kids. Steven and Julie with Ben Olson. Hope with Doug. Steven and Julie were full siblings.
  5. Which is wild considering that pairings happened when far worse was done between the couple(EJ/Sami, Bill/Laura etc)
  6. It was an insult she didn't care about his baseball career she was upset that he was using her (even though she was using him to make Brady jealous at the time).
  7. It's probably a scare like Abby was a few years back after her fling with EJ where nothing came of it. I expect the same scenario. I would be shocked if Belle or Shawn were allowed to procreate with others.
  8. I agree with this especially Gabi his own sister. It's wild I find myself hating Rafe a lot less than I used to years ago. I mean he's not a great character but there have been so many other terrible characters etc compared to him he's not nearly as awful to me now as he used to be. Yep just because something worked back then doesn't mean it works now as adults. Plus it really limits Shawn/Belle story wise if they only have each other. None of this makes Belle remotely likeable or Shawn viable as a leading man. I don't get why this show hasn't paired EJ/Ava it would work on so many levels. If they wanted Ava vs Kristen it should be because of EJ not Brady(who I like but can't he have a sane love interest for a change).
  9. I remember her telling him to go back into the closet when she found out he was gay. I strangely don't remember the other stuff you mentioned(although it probably happened because I do remember Paul being a model).
  10. I would like Shawn/Jada if I thought the show were going to pair these two long term but I don't see that happening. Putting that aside I actually like the Holly/Maggie spoiler. Now Holly's love life isn't that interesting or anything but it reminds me of Days past with the intergenerational storytelling where Hope or Jennifer used to talk to Alice about their romantic troubles.
  11. Actually Aiden was suspected of being the Necktie Killer at one point. Another unpopular opinion. I liked Aiden, I also liked him with Hope and he didn't even need to stay with her either. He could've been paired with anyone else on the show because he wasn't related to most of Salem. I also liked Chase before they turned him into a rapist. I thought Aiden/Hope/Chase/Ciara could've had an interesting family dynamic that could've driven a lot of story for years but instead they paired Hope with Rafe and Ciara ended up with a serial killer. This is moot now with a resurrected Bo but Hope really went downhill after that for a while.
  12. I liked Serena probably an unpopular opinion, but she was yet another casualty in the Ericole pairing. That elephant story did her no favors her secret should've been she had Eric's child and kept it from him. The only memorable thing she did was introduce us to Xander. I admit I wonder how her and Sarah would've reacted to each other. I didn't mind Serena but the rest I agreed with. In retrospect Will might has well have stayed dead because it's not like he's done much since he was resurrected of course like you I don't care for the character either.
  13. At the time we didn't know she was raped though. Which actually makes the optics of Sami forcing her to keep the kid even more terrible. I agree that intro story to her as an adult was terrible and she went downhill from there.
  14. Yeah they were particular about hiring people who could commute to Atlanta. I believe JL lives in NYC (yet flies to GH to film)
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