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Chairman Meow

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  1. I love that Cersei wants Jaime to punish Bronn for the 'betrayal' of setting up a meeting without his consent...right after saving Jaime from dragonfire (and drowning) and also being the only person in Westeros to have scored a hit on a dragon. Ugh, Cersei and her smug face makes me ragey.
  2. The problem with going to bed as soon as the episode ends is that by the time I get here, all my points have been made (and likely refuted as well.) Two things I noted: 1. Dany and Missandei are totally going to be doing the Westerossi equivalent of margaritas and girl talk sometime soon. Their smiley exchange over what happened between GW and Missandei was adorable and made me grin like a loon...nice humanizing moment...for me anyway...ymmv. 2. When Jaime was talking to Bronn about the wagon of gold, didn't he specifically mention that it was ALL bound for the Iron Bank and that none of it would be going to the Kingdom's coffers? I can't rewatch right now but I thought that there was something along those lines...which may play into any decision Bronn makes about sticking around if being guided purely by who can pay for his services...knowledge that Cersei and Jaime are broke.
  3. Did anyone else see that scene with the dead horse? I couldn't belive the way they were beating on it! I am ready for Cersei to get her just deserts... I hate her so much that it has started affecting my feelings towards Lena Heady in other roles.. but even more than Cersei...I really want tosee Qyburn die a painful horrible death. He just comes across to me as an utter sadist who really enjoys cooking up new instruments of torture...his glee in some of his scenes makes my skin crawl. I felt very stabby towards him in this episode.
  4. I loved the deadpan humor in this... but my favorite was Jorah suggesting it was rest and the climate that cured him.
  5. THIS is what I'm afraid that she meant by "That's not you." Please assure me that I'm crazy and that next week doesn't find Arya heading south again because Arya Stark is no longer who she is. Please no.
  6. Same. I'll definitely be back for more.
  7. Tormund didn't eat Ollie's parents, that was Styr the Thenn.
  8. I have never understood, before this show, the concept of hate watching. I get it now. I'd like to formally apologize to all the people who I dismissed with "If you don't like it, don't watch it!"
  9. My current favorite thing is that if you Google Brienne/Tormund you get a slew of news stories about how it's the ship you never knew you wanted.
  10. There's a least one on Ao3 already. After last night, I'm hoping for more.
  11. Bedtime Stories: By Carol
  12. My husband is a non-book reader and when the riders showed up he said "Dothraki?" He also called Jon's death... when Jon went after Olly, he was yelling 'it's a trap' at the tv.
  13. I'm the first to admit that I'm an easy cry - like SO EASY... so tonight had me in tears. There was actual sobbing that I'm trying to blame on pain meds. I haven't loved every single thing about this show - but they've become like family (and I don't love every single thing about them either) so I'm just so sad to be saying goodbye to the residents of Bluebell. I noticed that tonight's episode had some really great shots of 'Alabama' scenery - just one more thing I'm going to miss. I don't think I've been this sad about a show ending since The West Wing.
  14. I couldn't help it... I know that the whole AB and George thing is completely manufactured but I think they are both so darn cute that I squealed my way through their scenes... even curmudgeony Mr. Chairman Meow had a ridiculous smile on his face when they were moving in for the kiss. Sorry, not sorry... I love it! I'm so gonna miss Bluebell and these crazy people when this is all over.
  15. On tumblr I keep seeing this gif attached to stories about Goffman's interview Appropriate, I think.
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