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Posts posted by ShadowDenizen

  1. Sadly, I think $3.99 is now the "Industry standard".

    Marvel has very few titles at the $2.99 price-point, and DC has dwindled their lower-priced list of comics, too.


    Keeping in mind that I'm more of a DC than a Marvel fan...

    What happened to the classic Nick Fury?


    I know that Ultimate!Nick Fury is the Nick Fury people know from the Marvel Movies; but what happened to the Nick Fury I grew up with? I know they're (apparently) trying to merge the Ultimaes and Marvel Prime univereses together (I know they did the "Spider-Men" mini-series and the "Cataclysm" mini-series"), but have we seen anything of Classic!Nick Fury since then? 

  2. I loved the way Sisko took his stand against it by refusing to give up his uniform and going back into the box.


    Yeah, this was a great example of Sisko's bad-assness (and hard-headedness)! W e'll see more of it in later episodes, but this RELLY showcases that when Sisko sets his mind on something, or is conviced he's in the right, he will go to any lengths to prove it, and he just will not back down.


    The ends do not even begin to justify her utterly evil means.


    This was another great example that DS9 does so well, that often those who SEEM to have your best interest at heart, really are purely out for themselves. (Winn, I'm looking at you!!)

    • Love 1
  3. I gotta say, even though the Derreck win is a likely lock?


    I'm knda wanting to see Victoria win, since A) SHe's the least offensive player in the house (followed by Cody), and B) It would epitomize what made this season so shockingly entertainment-free.



    Loved, loved, loved Cody tripping over hmself while playing "Dinousaur".

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  4. Derrick is on his way to playing quite possibly the most masterful game in BB history. And I'm rooting for him big time.


    I think when you consider "Masterful Games", you have to take into account the qulaity of the competiition.  Yes, Derrick is slick, and playing a good game, but not a great since it seemingly takes ZERO effort to lead this batch of pitiful hamsters by the nose. And he certainly doesn't compare to some of the true BB greats (like Dan Gheesling.)

  5. I do love that the editors seem to hate him just as much as I do, though. Every time he was being discussed by his housemates, they cut to footage of Frankie vainly preening in the mirror or some such. Hilarious.



    Frankie is seriously like the Snidely Whiplash of this show.


    Is it wrong that I loved Cody's dinosaur costume?  (Though not so much when Frankie the FameWhore tried to steal all the thunder with his creepily inappropriate dinasour imitiation!)


    And I've just resigned myself to the fact that this season will limp along to it's sodden conclusion with no major twists or anything unexpected happening. (Seriously, how have any of these dumb-ass hamsters not realized Derreck is leading them around by the mihvonks?)

    • Love 1
  6. I agree that this is NOT the "Best.Season.Ever," as the judges keep insisting.


    So, there are TWO 12-year-old singers in the Finals? Really?  That seems like an aweful lot of pressure (not to mention heartbreak), since neither of them stands a chance of winnng! (Clearly Emily West or Miguel Dakota are the CHosen Ones.)


    I did giggle at the Mel/Heidi skit, I confess, particularly at the end when they both went all Drag-Queen. ("Orange is SO Season 8." Awesome.)

    But they need to stop alootting screen-time for Howie. Seriously.


    As soon as you see the elimination pair-ups between the contestants, it's almost a dead giveaway who's going through and who's not; and it looks like most of the contestants seem to know that, as well. You could tell by their expressions/body-language when someone knows they're going home. 


    I saw it coming, but I was disappointed that Jaycob didn't make the cut, but he took it gracefully. He's only 18, so hopefully he had a good career ahead of him,

    • Love 1
  7. Jaycob Curlee was OK, nothing special. His story is what's keeping him in this. He does seem like a very nice kid, and I am moved by his story, but that's beside the point.


    I'm quite partial to him.  In addition to his "story", he clearly has talent, and seems like a super-humble guy that I wouldn't mind talking to/hanging out with. But the judges were right; he needs to expand his presence, which might not be something that comes naturally to him.  Some performers are just better suited to small, intimate performances, others are more suited to the big stage selling out arenas. Neither is better or worse than the other.


    So,  I'm not sure that's gonna make the cut to the finals. sadly, but I think he has a birght future ahead of him.



    Quintavious was not as good as before.  He definitely was struggling.


    Agreed, but I think he might have the fan support.


    I also agree with the judges that the Bailo Conmingos group is just too big, though they could have quite a bit less blunt about praising the kids and dissing the adults.


    I further agree with Beagletime that Smoothini's brand of magic doesn't work so well on the big stage playing to an arena. He definitely seems more of a close-up magiician. I was surprised that he made it this far, to be honest.

    • Love 1
  8. Romeo said he's bisexual.


    Which leads me to think there'll be some "sparks" between him and WIll. (Didn't Will do a sting saying "If there's another gay man in the house, I'll find him" or whatever?


    Oh, and I never want to hear Trya utter the word "Manaconda" again. Have some pride, woman!

    • Love 2
  9. Hmm, I wonder if we're seeing the beginnings of a winner's edit for Keith.


    I'm betting it's a mis-lead. 

    I'm further betting there'll be some drama with the ladies, and he'll be sidetracked out of the running. (He wasted no time being sleazy and trying to hit on the woman [Was it Mirajna? Or someone else?] that he picked to share the Tyra suite!)

  10. Second, Adam is the tooliest tool in the tool shed, but he has a fantastic body and I would like him to hold it against me. ;-)


    Ha Ha, Wootini.

    But Hands off! He's mine!  (And I fight dirty...)


    So Kelly and Miss J's scores are probably pretty accurate, but Tyra's are completely insane because they have to be super-high or super-low in order to give that person the final score she wants them to have. What was wrong with being mysteriously arbitrary?


    Or having valid critiques and comments behind them?  That said, I think Miss J's might be legit, but I think Kelly just goes for she who she likes rahter than actually adding valid insight to her "process." (Tyra's scores are, of coure, utterly nonsensical.)  But they're all STILL better than Rob's last season, who seemed to have a serious hate-one for some of the contenders.

    • Love 1
  11. Okay, I hope I wasn't the only one who noticed that their supposedly nude silly string walk actually had them in black g-strings? It's very obvious on Adam since he has so little string on him(sometimes they blur his hips to hide it, but othertimes you can clearly see the string and pouch).


    I don't think really made an effort to hide it; it was just really noticable (as you mentioned) on some of the models more than others.  Though he's a terrible, terrible model, for some reason, I'm digging Adam and his antics. (I think I'd want to punch him in real-life, but as a contestant, I find him interesting to watch, in a "What's he gonna do next?" kinda way.


    That said, this seems overall like a really lackluster crop of "models" this season.  And there's really no-one there to mentor them like there has been in previous seasons, which is something I really miss. Last few seasons it's been people just screeching at the contestants for no apparent reason.




    Wow, that model house is certainly a shrine to Tyra's narcissism.


    Tyra? Continues to be batshit-crazy, and the "Trya-Shrine" that is the Model House never fails to amuse me. Every year, I feel like I need to break out the "Tyra to English" dictionary.


    But thankfully they got rid of Rob, who added nothing, and BryanBoi (UGH! Thank Goddess!)

    • Love 2
  12. SUMMARY: While preparing the station for upcoming peace talks, O'Brien discovers that the crew have been hiding information from him and giving orders behind his back. O'Brien begins to suspect everyone on the station is gradually being altered or replaced by an unknown force.

  13. It's disappointing how much easier it is for Miguel to go through than other, more talented contestants just because of the crazy fan girls.

    As with any show like this where America gets to vote, it's generally a popularity contest more than anything else.

    The "Look" and the "Hook" will get you abut as far as (if not more so!) than the actual talent.

  14. When I find myself hating EVERY single character/storyline and more importantly every single writer who gets paid to put that craptastic shit on screen, it's time to move on. There's just really nothing left anymore.

    While I agree with that in theory...

    Apparently I'm either VERY committed, or a total masochist (or both.)


    I suffered through SO MANY bad shows (including ALL TEN SEASONS of Smallville!) without giving up. It's kind of A) the train-wreck scenario, where you can't look away, and B) the committment factor. After 4 seasons, I'm committed to the bitter, bitter (and it WILL be bitter) end of this wretched show.

  15. She's not a great singer; she's 12; she has talent but she definitely needs some nurturing. And if her mother is doing her costuming, it also makes me wonder if she's trying to make her look as young as possible. I mean, if the kid were dressed like most kids her age (minus the tendency of some to be too revealing) she'd actually look older than 12.


    I agree with this, for the most part.


    I thnk she is quite good for her age, and absolutely has potential to be a spectacular singer in the future. But no-one knows their true potential at such an early age. 


    I also think her outfits make her look exactly her age, which is appropriate, and are not (as mentioned) overly sexualized or revealing as some contestants try for.


    All that said, while I do like her quite a bit, they really need to do her a favor and cut her next round for sure. There's no way she can handle much more of this, and it's making me uncomfortable to watch. (The "Snapple Save" was sad, and seemed like a particularly excruciating method of "Saving" someone.)

    • Love 1
  16. "Yes! We wanted more Howie Mandel shenanigans!" said no one ever.


    Bwah Ha ha!

    Total agreemnent.


    Normally, I've hated seasons that devolve down to the singing category. But I've changed my tune after that dumb dog-act won a few seasons ago. (For which I totally blame Sharon Osbourne!)


    I'm liking the singers they have on this year, and find many of the other acts quite bland. (SMOOTHINI made it even this far after a terrible non-engaging perfomance last time? Riiight.)


    I like Mara Justine, though I felt terrible at all the pressure on her; that's alot for a 12 YO to process, and she just looked like she wanted to cry and/or vomit the entire night. Poor thing.


    Though I'm partial to Jaycob Curlee (who will perform next week), I think the 2 front-runners to win are Emily West  and Miguel Dakota (he's the one the Mel B. practically throws her panties at whenever she sees him, right?.)

    • Love 1
  17. I just think (Ryan Murphy's "enthusiasm" for certain actors aside) that they wouln't continue to give that much song-time to the actors who weren't consistently bringing in sales for the singles.


    And Rachel/Lea & Blaine/Darren (and Chord to a lesser degree, although that one boggles my mind; Chord is absoutely not in the same class as the other 2!!) are certainly the "faces" of Glee for the final season.



  18. This is precisely why having such a huge majority of the vocal performances allotted to the same two singers (Lea and Darren) is part of the reason that completely killed Glee.


    Do we happen to know the Top 5 (or 10) selling Glee singles?  That might also add to the larger picture. (And personally, I think it's the writing, far more than anything else, that led to the slow decline into the "Glee" that we have now.)

    • Love 3
  19. Wonder when Glee is going to figure out that Darren's (Blaine) voice really isn't that good.


    I respectfully disagree; I think (save for Lea) Darren is up there with most of the original cast in terms of quality, and above most of the newbies in terms of voice talent.

    But, it's also not just about singning alone, it's abut charisma and personality, and conveying yourself and your emotions to the audience.

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