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  1. I'ma be there with alcohol, a bindi, and an anklet!!! I'll post pics 😂😂😂😂
  2. Yeah, I saw her FB live (I have a lot of free time 😂). It was sooo stupid!!!!
  3. I thought she was saying "potential" because they haven't proposed yet...? Not sure.
  4. So with the way that Dimitri forces Vanessa to work out, I'm thinking he probably did the same with Ashley after her pregnancy. I wonder if that's why Ashley has the separation of her abs. You're not supposed to do exercises that target your and for like 2mos (iirc) after birth. Hmmmm.. just thought about that. If so, that's sad.
  5. Wow Paige is so rude!!! She basically kicked Brandy and Bre out after breakfast! "Y'all better go; I got lots to do." God damn.. her white trash is really showing. And I feel bad for Bre... She seemed like such a nice, outgoing girl. But she seems like she felt super uncomfortable after Paige's drama. At breakfast she wasn't as talkative as she was the rest of the time we saw her, and I just got the vibe that she didn't feel welcome.
  6. Just watching this ep, and omg!!! When Paige and Brandy hugged and Creeper had to group hug them both 🤮🤮🤮 Then Brandy says, "she still didn't seem ok." He is quick as lightning to tell her, "no,no, she's fine!!!!!" Lmao .. worried she might change her mind and he won't get the chance to kiss her or grab her boobs. Ughhh he's so effing naasstyyy!!!!o Omfg then he tries to kiss her at mini golf after Paige's fucking meltdown. Like she's gonna be ok with that after she flipped out over him walking out the door with her. Brandy looked soooo uncomfortable. God this family grosses me out
  7. Ugh I looked at her multiple fb's. I was a stripper for 10yrs. I know one when I see one. Js. And she seems like a sad excuse of a human with her hatred and rudeness towards others. It's sad. The Alldredges dodged a huge bullet!
  8. So, I was watching Escaping Polygamy the other night, and the girls said that the men like to "keep it in the family" to keep the blood line pure. They believe god has singled them out, and they don't want to have people who aren't "chosen" in the family. Also, they believe they're exempt from birth defects from the incest; god won't let that happen. Just wow. But yeah, I wonder if that is the reason a lot of these families seem to be related in some way.
  9. I love how offended Jeanette gets when her parents tell her she always gives into Jazz! This happened a couple episodes ago as well. The truth hurts; especially when it points directly to your shitty parenting. Her whole life Jazz has been shown that her happiness is the only thing in the world that matters. Of course she thinks that saying "but this will make me happy!" is the way to get what she wants. 🙄 After seeing how easily she gave in to her parents, I am also beginning to believe it was all just a stunt for ratings. Too bad, because I was looking forward to her moving out and falling flat on her face. I do agree with Twopper - Jazz is good with the kids.
  10. This!!! Soooo much! High school is definitely NOT the best years of your life 😂 Most of the people who miss the great time and popularity they had in high school are living in the past. It's so much better to peak in (at least) your 30s -- when you have more life experience and no longer have that childish mindset.
  11. Thank you. That gave me another perspective on this. I didn't know that; I guess I forgot. Thanks! -------- I wasn't trying to argue that Jazz isn't transgender.. I was legitimately confused. Thanks for y'all input.
  12. Yeah, I have watched it from the beginning... Just thinking. I believe she does want to be a girl. But I read a lot about how many kids with body dysphoria "grow out of it" so to speak by puberty. Again, not all.
  13. Since gender is a social construct, why do the Jennings say Jazz is transgender because as a child she liked pink, heels, dresses, and other "girly" things? I am in no way saying that she's not! But perhaps Jazz said she wanted to be a girl because she enjoyed the toys and clothes that her sister played with and wore.
  14. She SHAVES them with one of those little eyebrow razors 😬 Also, all that hype about what Ahmir isn't telling the truth about just for Jazz to not even pay a single ounce of attention to what his mother said!
  15. Omg I hate that woman!!!!! She's such an attention seeker!! I thought it was so pathetic how she just HAD to go to the convention in Philly despite the doctors and Greg very clearly telling her not to being Jazz. Dr. Ting said something along the lines of, "You need to have a backup plan as of now." Jeannette replied, "well, there isn't a backup plan." Way to put your daughter in danger for the sake of fame, Jeannette.
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