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Everything posted by Diane

  1. I voted for Faith and Phantom Traveler and down voted Nightmare. I agree with the mandatory down vote. Do you want me to correct or will you do it?
  2. 17 - Faith 16 - Something Wicked 16 - Phantom Traveler 15 - Pilot 15 - Wendigo 15 - Dead in the Water 15 - Bloody Mary 15 - Skin 15 - Hook Man 15 - Home 15 - Asylum 15 - Scarecrow 15 - Route 666 15 - The Benders 15 - Shadow 15 - Hell House 15 - Provenance 15 - Dead Man's Blood 15 - Salvation 15 - Devil's Trap 14 – Bugs 14 - Nightmare
  3. The bolded part is where I disagree, I just don't take it as being funny. It's just rude and childish on her part. I love the actress that plays Missouri, just not her character. I love that the boys have grown and are equals too. It has been nice to see the progression.
  4. I posted my biggest reason above, I like almost all the episodes in the series, I am for the most part not that critical. But I just hate the way Dean is treated in Home and all the crap with John.
  5. I agree, it's a very hard story to watch and so sad.
  6. I am an equal brothers fan to the heart, but I hate the way Dean is spoken to and treated in this episode. It also drives me insane that he calls his Dad almost in tears and John is there and can't even answer the damn phone. I do like that Mary saves the boys, but that is about all. So this episode gets on my last nerve.
  7. Watching Home today, this episode irritates the hell out of me. But I really hate to watch out of order, so I am suffering through it. Must make it through to the next episode, love Asylum, I can do it, I can do it.
  8. I miss the darkness, the quietness the show used to have also. Kim Manners really was a genius I love his episodes, the way in Lazarus rising at the beginning with no dialogue, he could embrace the quiet. He really could let them just be in the scene, without all the pointless talking and the way he was able to film and block the scenes, again, just love his eps. I really miss the hotel rooms, they truly were a work of art.
  9. I never watched the X-Files, I will have to look up that episode and watch it, during the day. LOL.
  10. The Benders just creeps me the hell out, humans are way scarier than monsters. I can't watch that one before bed, gives me nightmares every time.
  11. I noticed more this time the very bad car driving scenes. I don't remember noticing it as much in my previous watches. Boy are they young, like babies. I am only able to watch a couple eps a day so I am not quite as far along. But I do love the 1st season and seeing them find their footing is always a treat for me. I do agree this show is so dark I have to close my blinds to see it well. Pretty sure the women who is attacked in the shower by the spiders in Bugs is the same mom in Just my Imagination.
  12. Dead in the Water is ok, really I just like Deans interaction with little Lucas.
  13. I watched Dead in the water and Phantom Traveler (which i so enjoy). Trying to do 2 a day.
  14. I watched the pilot and wendigo at work today! Will try to watch the next 2 tomorrow.
  15. You are correct I was not accusing anyone.
  16. No worries, I had to ask at the beginning too. Your mileage may vary.
  17. I agree with YMMV but having gone back and read almost a page worth of post, my point of view little to no spoilers and mostly speculation was all I was saying. I am only guessing at what Sue meant.
  18. I took Sue's remark that the post were not spoilers or speculation about spoilers. My take is the post had wondered off topic and she was looking for spoilers (on topic).
  19. I just started watching the 1st season again today too.
  20. Loved season 11, also my favorite since season 7 which I loved. I absolutely loved the MOTW episodes, all of them. The myth arc episodes were good too, I liked Chuck as God and didn't mind the Amara. Glad Metetron got his redemption (love Curtis Armstrong great actor), over all great season, it was a pleasure after season 10.
  21. Lol, walk away from the Super-wiki!!! I am ok been working at JCPenneys at night so no time.
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