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Everything posted by Jennabelle88

  1. That's my thinking. Idk if it's worse to report him missing or let them figure it out on their own. If you report him missing, they'll jumpstart an investigation, right? If they figure it out on their own, you have time to formulate a plan or get the hell out of dodge or something!
  2. So are our favorite Liars gonna make appearances on this show? I'd love to see them! Honestly, they picked my least favorite characters to do a spinoff. Granted, I don't hate them, but they wouldn't have been my runners-up. However, I am interested to see where this show goes. Lord knows I wasted 7 years of my life on this roller coaster, yet here I am again! Hopefully the logic behind this one will make more sense than PLL, but then again, the writer hasn't changed. We'll see, I guess!
  3. I have to admit, the coaches crack me up. And when Adam kept trying to bait Blake with his knock knock joke, I actually laughed out loud. I get bored during the blind auditions, so I appreciate a panel that can keep me entertained.
  4. Yall, I was fully prepared for Cosmetic Lady's neck to fall off her shoulders, by the looks of things. I was wrong, however, because her freaking forehead flapped open instead! Sometimes I have to prepare myself for these episodes. I'll admit my stomach churned. Then ol dude had a saw blade stuck in his stomach! Yeah, the first few minutes of that episode were rough for me. Overall, I liked the episode, but I hope they don't plan on killing off Chim. I love him! And JLH looked slimmer to me this episode than last season. Is it just me?
  5. I guess. I just always viewed Trish as the open and honest character. And with Roger so quick to have background checks run on EVERYONE, I find it hard to believe he'd never run one on his wife. Do marriages even show on background checks? I don't even know. Lol
  6. So they've been married for how long? And Roger had no idea that Trish had previously been married? And no one finds that odd? Okay...
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