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Everything posted by orangekit

  1. I caught a little bit of host chat with David Muir this morning . I wonder if Kelly is realizing that following her child to college sounds weird . Today she said they “took in a few wrestling matches” when the studio shut down ! She made it seem like they just happened to have the time to do it so they went to Joaquin’s college town for a few matches ! I guess she thinks taking in a few matches means renting house there since the start of the fall semester, Mark taking out a gym membership in the town and living there with the dogs , and both making it their primary residence ! So bizarre !
  2. Did Gelman book the empty next segment for Kelly and Mark ? Kelly compares following her child to college to being a parent of an Olympic athlete in treatment who moves to wheee their child trains ? LMAO! I hate to break it to her but Joaquin’s primary reason for being in Michigan is to go to college ! He is in a dorm !! He’s not some world class athlete who is about 10 years old who has to go across the country to train and is getting tutored so they can train most of the time ! There is a big difference between that and a kid going to college which is a way to supposedly grow up and gain independence in a safe setting !
  3. Ali and George are funny and Deja and her hubby was good too ! I have to say the Valentine’s episode was way better than their horrid Halloween special ! Kelly and Mark can definitely afford to buy a home or rent while to follow their son to college , but it’s weird and kind of kills the point of going away to college. I doubt it’s all about wrestling since as a freshman he probably doesn’t get too much time to compete at this point . I have a feeling Kelly’s “new born baby” joke has some truth to it ! It sure seems like she seems him as a little child who needs mommy to be a room mother , and not the mom or parents of a college student who needs some independence . Mark seems to have the same idea too . If it was just about wresting they could rent a place and go there for some matches , rather than move there ! not to mention a lot of matches are on the. Road ‘ I wonder if Joaquin is a embarrassed. Kelly said he was in the fence about them moving there ! Umm yeah .. like any teenager would be !
  4. The show was one of the better produced shows . I had supportive parents too, but they didn’t buy homes to follow their children to college! And if they had to work they might miss an activity or two, or both couldn’t go all the time It was kind of insulting. Like she was mocking the entries and their engagement stories . She can’t even give contestants their moments without some bizarre attention seeking behavior.
  5. They couldn’t have a live show , Kelly was busy in Michigan again playing helicopter mommy ! She is holding up a University of Michigan wrestling banner . Does a freshman usually compete that much to the point that mommy and daddy have to follow him to college ? What about their meets that are on the road ? Do Kelly and Mark follow the team all over ?
  6. The didn’t mention Betty White when it happened either ! Nathan Chen won a gold medal and instead Kelly talked about an app where she looks at women’s’ lips !! Speaking or lips , I still think Kelly did get some lip Injections ! She posted a picture of herself a and Mark in bed with the dogs , I’m sure they are babysitting in Michigan ! Kelly has no makeup on but her top lip looks like it’s sticking out from injections , or someone punched her ! Or maybe she’s just trying to stick her lip out to look like those women on her app! Whatever the reason , she looks ridiculous lately with her fish lips ! Does she think that is a sexy look ? And why would this be something she finds so mesmerizing? She definitely is wacko !
  7. OMG I watched the recording of yesterday’s show . That is a talk show host after 20 plus years is experience? She is not good , but then again I am not surprised. It is sad that I tuned into Kelly Clarkson who has no real talk show experience and she was better than Kelly ! I remember the summer after Regis retired when Kelly was just painful to watch . She thought hosting consisted of nonstop adolescent sex jokes ! So cringeworthy! Her fake narrative about never eating a chicken wing is so old now , since there are pictures online of her eating wings on Live ! It’s obvious she has some major eating disorder and body dysmorphia since she thinks her skeletal frame is “fat “! She now looks like she has boney granny arms and legs while she complains about being fat and so heavy to carry . When they had her being pulled in a tractor trailer for some Guinness record she was under 100 lbs and that was before she even got skinnier ! Her comment to the guy getting married about how “Gelman” doesn’t compensate them is pathetic when she’s able to own four expensive homes while her hubby isn’t working so he can follow their son to college ! Not to mention the private island they go to where the royals also vacation ! She is entitled to do whatever she wants with her money , but the fake BS about needing to win the lottery and also saying how she is not compensated is nauseating! She also seems cranky and unhappy with her job . So, wby doesn’t she retire? She makes more in one year than people make in a lifetime. Oh and the puckered lips fish faces are so weird ! What is that about ?
  8. Guy getting 80 plus million for going around the country stuffing his face and hosting stupid food game shows doesn’t surprise me in an era where Kardashians and Tik Tok stars become millionaires for dancing for 40 second videos ! It’s amazing how someone who dresses and cooks like a middle aged frat boy and has stupid abbreviations for everyone and everything like ICAG ( iron chef Alex Graurnaschelli ), and has crappy restaurants, is so rich on a food network ! He may be a nice guy , but I can’t tolerate 24/7 repeats of his shows . Also, it looks like Guy is gaining more and more weight and looking super bloated and unhealthy in his pictures for the new food festival . Sadly , he may suffer major health issues and possibly not enjoy his millions if he doesn’t give up his teenage earring habits since he’s now in his 50’s !
  9. I kept thinking the same thing ! Kelly can not ever let Ryan finish a thought without going on and on about herself , mostly her looks ! She also can’t go a day Without mentioning Michigan! So, Mark is in Michigan with the dogs and Kelly is wondering when to fly there to avoid bad weather ? WTF? You have a multimillion dollar job and you can’t make sure you are “live” in the studio by spending the weekend away from your adult child while he goes to away to school and the area may be hit by snow ? I know it must be rough to stay in your multilevel , multimillion dollar penthouse in NYC, but maybe she should consider not flying away when the weather may be bad , and she is sick! Will they need to be remote when she can’t fly back from playing helicopter mom? I still wonder if her son needs to have this much attention to deal with his needs , or if it’s more about Kelly and Mark and their needs ! Kelly acts like she’s the room mother of a child in elementary school ! She hangs out with other mommies , makes snacks for his friends (she had some cake made for the wrestling match), and she is packing her son’s meals and having his friends over ! I am sure the team doesn’t mind having a rich mommy supplying snacks and providing them with a luxury house to visit , but you know down deep they think this is just weird, and it makes her son really look like the “ new born baby” that she says he is !
  10. The only tolerable part was when Kelly couldn’t hear the psychologist when she did the segment on anxiety so Ryan did the interview mostly by himself ! Kelly said she was disappointed because it’s the segment she really wanted to hear , but wow , what a difference when she can’t interject her stupid self absorbed comments and hijack the interview to make it go off course so it’s all about her or her stupid attempts at humor ! It was funny when they did finally show Kelly after Ryan had done the whole segment and she literally was doing that weird stuff with her mouth and her lips that look like she’s trying to look sexy ! What was with the closed eyes and puckered lips ?Between the tacky huge fake eyelashes and her lips, Kelly just looked like she was trying very hard to look glamorous or sexy for a selfie! LOL
  11. Just like when she said she never ate a chicken wing and there were pictures all over the Internet of her eating them on the show ! Part of what makes Kelly annoying is how fake she is . And what is with the squinting and duck lips ? She can afford four homes but she can’t get contact lenses if she doesn’t want to wear glasses ? Sorry , The Michigan thing is bizarre! How weird is it for a college freshman to have his parents on National TV letting everyone know they rented a house to be near him? So embarrassing! I remember kids being embarrassed in high school when their parents picked them up in front of their friends ! I guess if you are rich you can follow your kid to school , but it’s still weird . I remember Mark needing to be stopped from going after a kid who did something aggressive to his son during a wrestling match not long ago . I’m sure the coach appreciates daddy hovering during practice and watching every move so his baby boy is ok. Kelly is probably the helicopter mommy who handles meals and any other instances where she thinks her “ new born baby “ isn’t being treated fairly in every other setting besides wresting and bugging advisors and administrators who don’t cater to her kid ! I guess the “new born baby “ title is not just a joke !
  12. Yes! What is with the duck lips ? Has Kelly had more work done ? Her face looks so tight and the lips and the eyelashes are creepy up close !
  13. OMG Kelly is awful ! She was stammering and stuttering through her boring stories ! Ryan was trying to actually talk about a current topic , but Kelly kept interrupting! If Kelly is afraid of Covid , having her son and buddies who live in a dorm and also wrestle come into their homes is probably more risky as far as covid is concerned as opposed to being in her penthouse and going to studio where everyone is probably required to be vaccinated and tested . I agree , they sure are spoiled if they can’t wash their dogs !
  14. Being athletic and having rich parents who can “donate” definitely helps with admission to any college . I once worked in an admissions office and heard and saw how jocks and people with money didn’t have to meet admission standards . When you have both things going for you it’s a huge help!
  15. Obviously they may not have known what was best for him if they feel a need to get a home near his college which is about 9 hours away from NYC! I wonder if one of the motivators for Mark to quit Riverdale was go babysit his college student son even we Kelly cool don’t join him .
  16. I don’t think it’s great for kids either , but Valerie and Duff are the perfect judges for this type Of show. Ben is just not emotionally immature, but he’s a brat who somehow has been made to think he can be rude and disrespectful.
  17. So, Kelly and Mark bought a house in Michigan to follow their child to college ? Is the at home I have a feeling that university was not the best choice their son . It always seemed weird to me that their other children went to NYU and seemed to come home a lot , but their son who has special needs wae going to a different state to a huge university. I’m thinking it was for the wrestling, but maybe not the best fit for him otherwise. He probably would have benefited from a private smaller college . It’s good thing that the job Kelly hates affords her the ability to just buy another home in another state to follow her child to school .
  18. Sassy is not necessarily disrespectful and rude. Scars from disappointment? Well, I think if handled right kids will realize that disappointment or “failure “ is just a chance to try again or try something different . I worry more about kids whose parents and others never let them fall or fail , or act like they must always win . Those kids end up unable to cope and sadly many are popping meds and drugs at every bad feeling .
  19. I doubt Ben’s parents talked to him about his attitude , he would not be such a little obnoxious, disrespectful brat to adults who are nice to him if his parents ever talked to him about his attitude . In fact, he may just be a version of how his parents speak to each other or to anyone who dares advise them . I work with older students and I see older versions of Ben, and when I meet the parents they usually are nice but major pushovers , or they are just as disrespectful and nasty as their children . I also doubt a producer could turn a nice kid into a brat ! He is a brat and they liked it until it became too much and he was berating the host who was nice to him . I think they just encouraged his behavior and hired him because he had “personality”, because it’s obvious he’s a crappy baker . And yes he is 8, but the fact he is such a crappy baker is not just about age , if he was a kid without an attitude the producers thought was “ cute” at first , he would have never been cast . I also think that it looked like they edited out some of his rudeness and snarky comebacks to Duff and Valerie when he was judged so that it didn’t look like it was personaL. It looked like he was going to say something and then the judging moved along . There is no way he would have not given a nasty response to Duff who told him his jam looked like juice . I feel sorry for any teacher who has to have Ben the brat in their classroom . How can you deal with a kid who doesn’t even respond to you trying to be nice to him when he needs guidance without being rude and defiant ? It’s sad that his parents have allowed this or created this attitude . They are making life more difficult for this child in the long run .
  20. I think Duff had two work hard to control himself with that little brat Ben . I wonder if Valerie is more tolerant and wanted to keep him. She seems like weird mom is who raised a big baby obnoxious son from what I’ve seen in her cooking show. And she still teams up with him to attack idiots on Twitter who insult him in his band ! If she thinks that normal to do with a 30 year old she may be thinking Ben’s bratty behavior is ok .
  21. How many show on FN will have gross Guy Fieri? . He isn’t even an ok chef , he dresses like a wanna be frat boy, and his restaurants suck . I guess people relate to mediocre, and don’t feel threatened by a man who stuffs his face and hosts stupid food game shows ! Maybe Guy should use some of his 85 million on healthy foods and exercise equipment, since he looks more and more gross and unhealthy every day .
  22. Wow! Ryan was animated , talking and actually mentioning more than working out and his food intake , or talking about running into friends of Kelly that no one cares about ! Ali definitely is a breath of fresh air ! She and Ryan actually converse , she’s natural , no hogging the camera , no stammering to get a boring story out, and no interrupting Ryan every other word to the point where he just sits there and looks like he has to get her approval to finish a thought ! And no cringeworthy “dancing “ while she mugs the camera and looks like someone put bugs in her underwear! I was actually disliking Ryan a lot lately , but when he’s with Ali it reminds me of why I used to like host chat . What is sad is that Kelly used to be pretty good with host chat , but now her whole persona is so cringeworthy! Even her Instagram account is embarrassing with constant wanna be sexy photos of her and Mark, or sexual innuendos !
  23. Hoda does seem very self absorbed and rude . I didn’t get all the Hoda adoration . She steps out of parties and doesn’t tell friends shes with that she is gone ? She leaves the room after a friend comes to visit her and her new baby and just never returns ? WTF is that ? It’s totally rude and shows a lack of decency and consideration ! I remember Jenna said she went to a party in NYC with Hoda and Hoda left the party snd never told her she was going ! Sorry, but Hoda is not a considerate person and she’s teaching her kids to be just as rude and she is. Speaking of her kids , there are trick or treating pictures online and Haley has the same creepy , overdone smile as Hoda! Also, does Hoda ever comb her girls’ hair or wash their faces ? I guess when the nannies aren’t around the kids don’t seem to get cleaned or groomed by lazy Hoda who can’t even shut her kitchen cabinets !
  24. Well… she was very obvious ! Most rich parents just “donate” a lot of money to a college’s annual giving campaign , and they donate a lot of money to ensure that their little darlings will never face consequences if they screw up in any way ! And if a student is a good athlete that ensures admission even if they are not really qualified , and a lot of special treatment . Joaquin has both things going for him , along with hovering celebrity parents !
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