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I understand they didn’t actually show that, which is why I said in my original post that this version of events has not been disputed by anyone. 2 people who witnessed it, Deaven and Elicia repeated the same story and Jihoon, tearfully apologized for it. If Jihoon said anything like, “that’s not what happened” then I would say the facts are in question and agree we don’t know that Jihoon did anything wrong. However, from what we know, a reasonable person would go by the facts presented and his acceptance and remorse for those facts...that he was running for the child, Deaven yelled at him, and this stopped him in his tracks to respond to that instead of continuing after the child. In the above is true, then Jihoon most definitely is responsible for dangerous behavior, regardless of all the other noise and idiots who surround him. Those specific acts are what Elicia is screaming about, and I would do the same if he ceased to chase after my child and instead chose to argue in the street.
I said it already. He was chasing the little girl who was running in the street. He stopped when Deaven yelled at him and yelled back instead of getting the girl. The Gramma had to grab the girl... that’s why she was so mad.
How are people giving Jihoon a pass on this? They aren’t blaming him for the crazy little feral running off. The story is, and no one is disputing it, Jihoon was the one chasing Dracula as she ran down the street, Deaven was screaming at Jihoon as always, and then Jihoon LOST HIS MIND and stopped running after the kid in the street and chose to TURN AROUND and bark at Deaven about being yelled at. Now Deaven and her Mom are both shrews, but how anyone could blame anyone other than Jihoon for what Jihoon did (except maybe his Mom who raised him) is beyond me.
I’m pretty sure I’m not going to reiterate this point any more. I’m shocked at the level of misunderstanding of this point I made. I made a joke about after a season of 4 non US judges and a bunch of non US entrants, this year we had an entrant performing from another country. Ever since there’s been one post after another reminding me that there was a US judge for 1 day this season and that the last straw verbiage apparently was too strong an expression. Please disregard this post.
I think Gabby was from Saturn.
That’s right. I was talking about the usual 4 judges, including Simon. Its a pretty common observation that America’s Got Talent has no US judges.
Lol, that was me too. I thought the kid was far better and the judges reacted strongly to him, but then I still felt that the judges would just pick the kitschy chubby girls because the Taiwan issue was too much trouble. Last night was the last straw... all non-US judges, contestants full of non US people... and last night a contestant not even performing in the US. America’s Got Talent all right. Pretty awful season.
I think if you are talking about talent and quality, and actually being judged rather than the results of a suspicious voting system, it was a shocker. That kid was waaaaay better.
No real surprises. The one oddball was the chubby girls over the uke kid, who was far, far more talented and entertaining. The girls basically do a drag queen show every time, except they are actual heterosexual fat girls. Not seeing the point. However, I expected the choice to go to them over the kid from Taiwan because I can’t imagine the annoyance on dealing with the kid over there for AGT. There barely 5 acts that were worth sending through, yikes. Innocence Project guy’s story wins the day. Just put him in the Finals so we don’t have to hear the judges pretend he’s a great singer too. The little girl has a great voice but I hated her song choice. Same with Shaquira. Michael Yo must have a bunch of favors in his pocket in the business. He is absolutely horrible. He’s not remotely funny at all, and some of those stupid comments like “men can’t do that‘’ have been repeated since the 60s. Bad delivery, stage presence, horrible sob story. He was worse than the pigs and the contortionist doing the same move over and over. Even Mat Franco wasn’t very good. Very weak show. And the acts for next week look worse! Not a Kelly Clarkson fan, but she actually offered some insightful, useful analysis and observations in her comments. Very odd for an AGT Judge. Heidi looks like she had a bit of refresh job done. She looked great. Feel better Simon.
I think I could agree with you and still maintain my point. I wasn’t making a blanket statement about his ethnicity (although it sounded like it), but I’ve worked with that FBI list a bit and his face really does look a lot like someone that used to be there. I considered posting his and that guys picture side by side, but decided against it. I think it’s fair to say he is a very typical looking of a Jordanian Arab, although certainly very much on the attractive side.
Kind of a dull group this time. Jenny and Submit and Jihoonie and Deavan’s Thigh Tattoos are the same dull story they were last season. And if the editing was so fake that DeavanDog wasn’t really taking about Jihoonie’s peepee, then this show is too dishonest. The couple I don’t understand is Britt and Yaz. Yaz has some strong interesting features for sure, but looks way too much like a couple terror bombers from the FBIs Most Wanted List too long ago. Britt seems like someone just hit her in the head, like she just suffered a concussion. And the scary part is... she talks exactly like her Dad. Half smile, devoid of Uh, anything. Dull affect, nervous laughter because she knows how stupid she sounds. Clearly an alcoholic. And I cannot believe someone spends the amount it costs to surgically add 65 pounds of fat to her ass. O.M.G. Anyway, she’s having to decide when to tell Yaz about being married. But Yaz and his Dad know she was married, at least. She is an American girl with her own culture and she respects all the Muslims but is not interested. Yaz on the other hand feels she is planning to convert and is ready to marry within the first few days. He thinks he can please his off the charts Dad. Um... have either of these 2 people even spoken to each other? The US/Muslim culture clash is always a train wreck, but this one has 2 people who seem to have absolutely no idea that the other one has the exact opposite expectations of Britt in Jordan. It’s weird.
S01.E21: Tell-All Part 1/S01.E22: Tell-All Part 2
SG11 replied to Drogo's topic in 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way
We binged The whole 20 episodes and tell all’s in a short time frame to get caught up with this season. Sorry to be behind the curve. Im about a third of the way through this combined tell-all thread, but I need to say stuff before my addled brain forgets them. I may have to adjust when I’m done reading. Anyway: Trying not to repeat stuff people have said, but: Tiff and Ronald: Totally agree this was a plan all along. Completely broke in a foreign country with no employment prospects for either. Yes, let’s get knocked up. All the excuses to leave SA were painfully obvious setups for “reasons” they have to live in US. Tiff is such a haughty 16 year old know it all. She talks down to everyone. I do not understand how this morbidly obese, bare shouldered makeup machine gets the gravitas to talk to everyone the way she does. And while Ronald is his own bag of shit, I wonder if he really thought that Tiff agreeing to stay with him and support him included the fact he was required to hang on the cross and bleed during her daily repetition of everything she has to deal with because of him. She’s friggin horrible. Corey and Ev. From the beginning I thought they were a set up. I still think much of their deal is something they were in on from the beginning. Did anyone ever comment oh the huge sign next to the cocktail bar during the renovation with Corey and Evs pictures on it? Obvious reason to be on TV. Her cold snake act just seems like a put on. Half the time she’s laughing when she says those things. And is it physically possible to be as dim and helpless as Corey? I was emotional at his Dads death, though. And it’s funny to me that so many people Rag on Evs looks because they hate her so much. Her figure is incredible, just impossible, and most men anywhere would get dizzy if she talked to them, and her face continues to be close to model -level even with absolutely zero makeup. I can’t imagine if she was prepped for a real movie role or something. Jihoon and Goth Girl- this couple simply doesn’t bother me at all. Jihoon is a hoot and after the girl got over her pregnancy emotional outbursts, I liked her too. They are cute together, and she’s another one that’s very attractive, except for the awful thigh tattoos. She has a lot of different looks, but the dark hair, dramatic makeup look can be stunning. Seriously needs a teeth whitening. Laura and Bad Sex Muslim- this was a simple financial transaction. Great looking Muslim man looking for Sugar Mommy with deep purse. Another fat old white lady searching for young stud. She punches 3 levels above her weight class while Muslim gets paid. Muslim puts up with horrific repeated public examples of disrespect, included the embarrassing sex insults that no man would put up with, let alone a Muslim man. Fat old lady runs out of money. Muslim guy runs. No shit, Sherlock. One more thing. I’ve been shocked at the complete pass this creep Liam has received the entire season. I’ve read people fawning about how wonderful he is. I thought from his opening scene with that half-crazed 24 hour grin that he was at a minimum a jerk, maybe psychologically broken and at worst dangerous. Turns out he’s a pathologically developmentally disabled child who could not get past not being Mommys full time only baby. His maniacal leering smile and laugh while dancing on his Mother’s tears at the tell-all made him the most revolting character on this series in years for me. He look like a psychopath torturing pets in the basement. Pole. Not sure what else can be said, but I still don’t understand how she can talk to other American men on the phone constantly and when he asks her about it she tells him to f-ck off and he is made out as some sort of abuser. She is not blameless. Jenny From the Block and Submit. I’ll go against the grain and say her helpless, delusional dope act doesn’t bother me. She accepted his catfishing and lies from day one, and while most normal people would run upon hearing he was married, I think the fact it’s arranged and he has stayed with her this many years tells me there’s actually something between those two. Him going on TV to force the issue makes sense, too. What does she have to lose staying with him now... other prospects? Lol. And I think her 6 months there were not a total disaster. She probably had the best 5 months of her life. And call me weird, but the lesbian daughter has a lot of different looks, most not great, but she’s got some scenes that make her positively crazy hot looking, particularly with the red Tell All makeup treatment. Maybe once or twice, I think. And not telling your friends about it. -
Catching up on these episodes, I’m surprised so many people don’t like Ev’s looks. I think she’s super attractive as well. I think people are put off by her meanness, but she’s crazy hot.
OK, I just started watching this season and the comments on Tim’s car are getting weirder and weirder, so I have to comment. The “small penis” one is the worst. News Flash, some people like nice cars. Im heavily into cars and I’m not apologetic about it. Tim is driving an early 2000’s Ferrari 360 Spyder. These cars did not change much at all over their run and the later versions (it might even be one) isn’t much different looking. I was shopping for a used Ferrari early in 2019 which is about right for the timeline here. It’s absolutely not a kit car. It’s not Lamborghini unattainable level either. I saw a car just like Tim’s, same color at the Barrett Jackson auction in Jan 2019 and it sold for mid $80s. TheY can cost a bit more, usually in better colors. I think the silver hurts the car; that’s why I didn’t buy it. I bought an even older Ferrari, a red 308. These cars are fun to own until you have to fix them. But Tim looks like he was going for as much bang for his buck in driving around in a car people think is much more expensive than it is. The car isn’t much more expensive than some loaded trucks you see in the road every day.
If you unexpectedly enjoyed them, check out S1 of the Netflix series “Cheer.” It’s only 6 episodes, I think. It’s the last thing I thought I’d like, but started watching it as background for working out. You really see how these kids are not cheerleaders, they are college athletes with the same drive, competition and training as any other college athletes. I loved it.