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Everything posted by neona

  1. sooo is David Ignatius coming back, or? did he come back? it kinda seemed important...! I like Claire McCaskill, tbh. and her glasses, and her kitchen...mostly because i think her ranting comes from being genuinely shocked and outraged at the fuckery of her former Senate colleagues. It's straight from the gut, not pretentious ranting like Joe does...but YMMV. The sad thing is I think Joe is actually a good conversationalist, when he pulls his act together.. he's been doing great with the Tom Ricks segments. and he can be genuinely funny and affable. it's like this shitty format just brings out his worst self-indulgent bombastic side.
  2. All the bizarro shenanigans they were discussing on Morning Joe today sorta reminded me of the German movie "Goodbye, Lenin"... where this German mom in 1990 wakes up from a coma and her kids have to pretend the Berlin Wall/communist collapse of 1989 never happened, to prevent her from having a heart attack....lmao...it's...on point. Check it out. Cult movies aside...i’m a little disappointed, i kinda thought that after DJT they would bring the normal Morning Joe back?....why are they still acting boring and depressed? How long is it gonna last? I’m so tired tbh i just want normal life back and my fun quirky morning show back so my family can start the day feeling energized and hopeful again…. siiiiiigh.....
  3. hope you feel better, Kemper....at least your rage was properly directed, at the corporation, not the employees working risking their lives during the pandemic! from the visuals you described, you wouldn't be a Karen, you'd be "woke grandma", just saying... This is so dumb... the best way is always, first, be honest about this shit, and two, have a sense of humor about it. Sam "my wife works at Facebook" Stein is the best example. or Joe and mika's marriage. Or the trolling about Rattner working for Bloomberg. Commenting on speeches he wrote is just nuts. Disappointing.
  4. in this case I don't actually think it was a Southern accent...? but he did make fun of the fact that the woman who raised this had..."beads in her hair", which, um, does he understand what that sounds like?...honestly there are days where I like and even enjoy Joe, but wtf was up with him today? i don't agree with you all about Mika... but obviously YMMV, and that's fair. But she was genuinely trying to raise a point of concern today, about how damaging this "election fraud" rhetoric is going to be in the long-term, and how it's going to grow and fester unless the GOP explicitly condemn it, and he blew her off with a "nobody believes him!". This from the dude who said DJT would pivot once in office, Jared and Ivanka would be give invaluable counsel (and famously called Mika a "snob" when she tried to contradict him), and wrote Washington Post op-eds where he predicted DJT would not run for re-election because he was tired and not at all a narcisisst who thrives on attention, noooo (Mika said of course he would, and of course he would dispute the results..)... she may not be as eloquent, but at least Mika has been consistent, and right. i'd rather be right than a blowhard. Yeah it was weird they barely covered this?? thank god for Steph...
  5. i don't begrudge him a hobby, especially now, and I'm not a great connoisseur of Joe's musical masterpieces...buuuut it seems to me he keeps re-releasing the same song over and over again? i feel like whenever they play one of his songs on air it's always the same song but with montages of different protest movements
  6. i'm loving this Tom Ricks segment. Finally a fresh topic, and an interesting human gets to speak without being interrupted by Joe.
  7. i can't believe Joe just criticized Mika for asking a rhetorical question everybody knows the answer to...that's literally been the entire structure and content of *all* his rants for the past 4 years... at least she's kinda sorta fighting back today... but man, he needs a timeout.. i wish when he does that cop-out thing where he tosses to Lemire or whoever to stop Mika from making her point one of them would say, no, I actually want to hear what she has to say...but they won't...
  8. she was definitely right to point this out as an explanation for why this shitshow has dragged on several days...but Joe is right to say that there is no explanation for why the decision desks aren't calling it NOW, or like, 24 hours ago, gaaaah Happy they pointed out those vote counters are heroes though
  9. For once I actually agreed and even freakin enjoyed one of Joe's rants. Caaaaall iiiiiiiiit wtf Mika just made a great point pushing back on Joe re: McConnell and Joe just cut her out and insteda of letting her talk went to Lemire! this whole set up where he controls everything so unfair. YEAH it's pretty valid for Mika to say McConnell should be condemning this shit... ETA: and someone should be pointing out the possibly subliminal messaging of the "illegally submitted" part of that tweet, just sayin
  10. i don't blame her, scrolling through twitter is literally what *I* do while he's ranting. this format where it's all about him is so self-indulgent this. well done, Joe. it was actually very moving, and the right note... the man deserves a moment of acknolwedgment for his achievement and hope before it all devolves into how impooooooossible it will all be and how terrible everything still is (mayb not untrue, but, still...)
  11. i know you're joking but Steph out-rated them Wednesday....anyhoo, i just want anyone, like even the MSNBC janitor to call iiiit because, SLEEP
  12. where is Steph? i need her energy rn... Maybe they want Joe to call it, which tbf, would make Trump's head explode, heh ETA: way to ruin a happy moment with that depressing Atlantic article... yes, we need to go there but can it not wait one hour??
  13. why is he yelling at millions of people WHO. HAVE. NOT. SLEPT. can't we just have one day where it's like, a conversation, not an endless one-way rant... and why does he always look so angry. I mean some of his points are interesting but c'mon man
  14. Aw poor Kornacki! I love him. I mean, at least he's wearing pants, unlike Joe, who waist-down off-camera pairs his sweater with leopard-print speedos I caught Ali Velshi in the a.m. with Katy Tur and Ayman, because, again, no sleeeep, and he was pretty good, at least a whole lot better at the board than Willie lmao. actually the three of them were a great team - they got into a really interesting discussion about voting in Canada, and healthcare
  15. OH FUCK, WHEN ARE WE GONNA SLEEEEEEP? yeah i know...they'll say disappointingly close blah blah...but i almost had a nervous breakdown, so yeh, imma have 24 hours of some kind of happiness and energy and i'm actually looking forward to this, and even to MJ tomorrow...
  16. Joe actually calmed me down considerably this morning...by which I mean, he transformed my heart-rendering scream of existential anguish into a terrified whimper He certainly was right about not trusting the polls
  17. Gaaaah I wish they'd compare these results with the most recent polls, so we could assess just how fucked we are.... or not...idk I'm worried..
  18. Tuning out, tbh. i feel sad, because I was looking forward to it, I had high expectations....gah I miss this show but i think i need to accept it's just a different thing now.... but yeah, it was too hard to watch two things at once, so to avoid a schizophrenic breakdown, sticking with Rachel, Joy and Nicolle, because they are fucking awesome.... Btw, they seem to be sharing people like Claire, the Rev, etc - so WHY ON EARTH aren't they sharing Kornacki, this is nuts
  19. this is actually fucking stressful. I feel like I'm dividing my attention between divorced parents!!! why, MSNBC, whyyyyy? Also it's nuts, I kinda thought the whole point of the MJ online alternative was that there would be a more fun informal option for younger people etc and this is like...the opposite? no fun, no banter, stupid split screens, more weirdo photoshop backdrops than usual. c'mon guys, it's once in a lifetime.... ETA: I don't even think Mika is there?
  20. ok I have a system now! keeping both on simultaneously, watching my girls & Kornacki, then switching to the MJ stream when Brian Williams comes on i still don't get why they have to make this so fucking complicated though. i miss Old Times morning Joe sooooooo much right now, like if they were gonna do this why wouldn't they do it fun trademark morning joe...not this...zoom convention for accountants, idk ETA: OMG WILLIE is at the board...i thought they were joking about this! I love you Willie, but no, just no. wtf. Thank god I still have kornacki on my ipad LMAO
  21. I'm trying Peacock now, for a bit... Joe is wearing a tie, which is a fucking miracle. But it's still a bit depressing? There are some weird cartoonish backdrops, even worse than the usual one? And it still makes no sense to me that they're still separating Joe and Mika. Happy to see Claire McCaskill tho!! ETA oh an Rachel Bitecofer!
  22. Brian Williams still feels like some sort of prom-dad chaperone to me. Why is he there, and why is he in a totally different location? I like him but I kinda don't get it...anyhooo....Joy, Nicolle, Rachel...THANK YOU, and have mercy on our fragile selves...!! godspeed
  23. Nicolle just gave away her 5 p.m. hour to Chris hayes (why??) , so in the meantime I'm listening to her podcast she did with Heilemann, and it's pretty epic...highly recommended... ETA: and to his credit, he asks some pretty relevant questions about the Palin debacle
  24. ok i'm there!! but only if kemper makes me a gin-infused wine cocktail! i can't believe it's only 2 p.m. gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. Hurry up, universe, speed up this karma shit so we can all breathe again
  25. He is...? idk they did this election special thing on Sunday, and I DVR'd it and skipped ahead through the Williams parts (he was at a weird desk, far away??) to get to my girls Nicole, Joy and Rachel, the three Fucking Badass Musketeers of 2020. I love that that it's now basically an all-women primetime panel and nobody bats an eye, and it's... the BEST it's ever been. I still love Joe and Mika, idk, they're a comforting part of my morning, but I'd wish they'd step it up a little on special occasions, when everyone else is. Still find it nuts they won't even reunite them on election night, when rumor has it, they live in the same house (?). But maybe its a complicated thing to do idk. yup, thanks Oakville...gonna be a looong night
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