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Everything posted by CaliCannoli

  1. I loved this episode! It was filled with family, love and support and I found myself smiling throughout. I even teared up watching Bill & Jen crying as they watched Zoey perform at the recital. I think Jen and Bill do an awesome job as parents and I loved seeing Zoey interacting with the saleswoman at the Indian boutique. They have allowed and encouraged her to question who she is and she obviously is finding pride in being an Indian-American. "Were you born in India? Me too!!" Lol...what a sweetie pie. But she always ends up running to her Mom and Dad and playing with her brother, just where she belongs. On a side note, I loved Jen's dress in the scenes with her and Bill on their anniversary date. And her tiffany blue tote was so pretty. She has lovely taste. It was kind of shocking when I heard Jen say she was 45! It feels like just yesterday when I saw her celebrating her 40th! Time sure does fly. I loved Judy's new haircut/style! Its really becoming on her. Her eyes are so blue and that cut framing her face is very pretty. Seeing Zoey injured was so sad. She's such a tiny thing. But I really respect that they didn't show what happened or anything intrusive in the ER. They obviously have their kids best interests at heart. By reading some of the previous comments I see that some people didn't care for the episode or aren't interested in seeing another season. I couldn't disagree more! I loved this episode, its one of the best in several seasons and I hope to see this family for years to come. Or at least until Bill and Jen decide to stop filming. Its lovely to see how far Will and Zoey have come. And Zoey is a very talented dancer! She was adorable. And did you see that huge smile on her face when everyone gave her flowers?! She was in heaven.
  2. They didn't play any holiday music this episode so it didn't have the Christmas feel that I expected. It seemed almost exclusively about Jen's surgery and recovery. I love Jen & Zoey's longer hair styles. Bows and braids suit Zoey and Jen's 'You've Got Mail' style is very complimentary. Now if they'd only let Will's bangs grow out. He looks so much cuter with longer bangs. Unimportant stuff but I always notice the little things. Its always wonderful to see the support and love surrounding this family when they most need it. And its obvious that Will and Zoey are thriving.
  3. I hope they found and treated whatever was ailing Trent. I feel bad for him with the ER visits and anxiety issues. I like Alex but seeing less of him in the last couple of episodes was rather nice. I know people get on Amber for being controlling but I think she truly loves all of her children and is doing her best to be a good mother to them. When I see her and Anna getting on each others nerves I think of that video of Amber holding Anna in the Russian orphanage when she was 4 yrs old. Anna was just clinging to her new Mama and Amber has never let her go. If Amber's biggest flaw is being too controlling about hairstyles and wearing the right shoes I still think she's a great parent overall. She and Trent truly want whats best for their kids. I wish they had more episodes though. It feels like this season just started and already its over.
  4. What did I miss? I only saw her cuddling with her date, him putting his head on her shoulder, and Liz kissing his head. I thought it was sweet. He seems like a nice, sweet boy.
  5. I'm so used to seeing Anna laughing and getting into mischief that I was surprised to see her so morose in this episode. And Trent sure seemed happy when he and Amber went treasure hunting at the outdoor markets. I respect that they've decided to break the business plan down into increments, selling furniture here and there, rather than going in head first and losing the security that Trent's job brings. I think this is the first episode I've watched that didn't show Alex for the majority of time and I was fine with that. I think Anna's bracelets and bath bombs are overpriced. $25 for a plastic beaded bracelet? Far too expensive. $6 for a single bath bomb? And while I admire Liz' devotion to her art I think her work sells because she's a tv celebrity. There was one woman in this episode who deliberately overpaid saying "You should charge more!" I think being filmed for tv went to that lady's head. On another note, it can't be easy for parents to have 5 teenagers in the house at one time.
  6. I completely agree. Amber seems really comfortable letting her kids be independent when they show the ability to be responsible and safe but I think she senses that Anna, as she puts it, "isn't quite there yet" regarding maturity. Anna seems closer to Emma's age emotionally and that has to be pretty scary for a mother who's watching her 18 yr old daughter go out into the world on her own. She can't make decisions for Anna, protect her like she did when Anna was little, and thats got to be scary considering Anna's history of poor decisions.
  7. Readheaded, you hit the nail on the head about Amber. And Jonah really has a smart mouth where his dad is concerned. He's just popped off at Trent the last couple of episodes. 5 teenagers in one house. I don't envy Trent & Amber on this one but I do think they are loving, caring parents overall.
  8. I admire how calm Trent stayed while Jonah was being so disrespectful, he just kept calmly repeating "Hush" until Jonah finally listened.
  9. Lol...I felt bad for laughing but the producers replayed Alex running scared over & over with the roadrunner sound effects and the 'beep beep' and I couldn't help but laugh. Felt guilty because he looked genuinely scared but still laughed.
  10. I need to learn how to do this 'reveal spoiler' thing.:/
  11. I thought that clown actor with the chainsaw was way out of line chasing Alex. I would have told him off if I was Amber. No one looked like they enjoyed the haunted house. And Amber mimicking them - "Do you wanna plaaay with meeee??"- while they were getting in the Oz costumes was too creepy.
  12. (Spoiler Alert!) Please don't read any further if you haven't seen the premiere! 🙂 I'm really happy the Johnston family is back with new episodes. I enjoyed the premiere and am posting about some things that stood out to me. Firstly, I had no idea why Amber's mother passed away so young (early 50's) and was surprised when the medium/psychic lady went into detail about it. So sad. She speaks at length about her father's but is quiet about her mother. And surprise, Trent has three siblings? Had no idea. Just heartbreaking that he lost his brother due to sleep apnea and now he has to watch his son deal with it too. His brother doesn't look anything like the other siblings, was a bit surprised. I wonder if he was adopted. That haunted house trip was just abysmal. They all looked miserable. And I've never seen poor Alex look so sweaty and scared after being chased by the buzz saw clown but I had to laugh when Liz said he ran like the Roadrunner and included sound effects; "Beep Beep!" ...lol. And look at Alex as a little baby lion! So adorable! It seems so fitting that they filled all the Wizard of Oz parts and were waiting for little Emma to come join them as the Good Witch. The sisters looked so pretty! Emma in her sweet spring dress, Liz in her denim and lace and look at Anna! A rose pink dress and pearls! Just lovely. Seeing Trent alone in the hospital parking lot after being treated in the ER was really, really sad. They are such an awesome family, such good people, that you just want life to be a easier for them. I hope his ailment is emotional, not physical, and I hope it passes soon. I'm really looking forward to next weeks episode.
  13. Just saw the preview of the new season as well as the interview they did on Strahan & Sara. It's the first time I've seen Jonah be so relaxed and funny. I'm really looking forward to seeing the season premiere tomorrow night. I have my popcorn & hot cocoa all ready.
  14. Anybody else see the upcoming Season 7 preview on their Instagram page? Looks like Trent & Amber head to counseling and they show Jonah screaming at Trent which was really surprising. Amber does not look happy but she's lost weight and certainly looks happier now in her new posts. Wish them well. Can't wait for the new episodes.
  15. Me too! She seems fun and down to earth. And the kids adore her.
  16. I binge watched a bunch of their episodes on my day off and I'm really looking forward to their next season. Their instagram post shows Anna looking at colleges which I think is awesome. I didn't quite get her at first but now I love her humor. I wish they'd do an episode on just old video's of their family, I love seeing all the ones of a 6 months old Alex crying with his dad but settling right down when his mother holds him and little Anna, fresh from Russia, crying "Nyet! Nyet!" and tiny Jonah rumbling around the house in his diaper. So cute.
  17. @Bridget Yes, Trent said that people were already saying that Cara (Kara?) looked like she could be Amber's daughter. I think he was just excited to have Jonah's new girlfriend in their home. I thought it was sort of sweet how silly Trent & Amber got.:)
  18. I tuned out when the bride said "Mom, they will ignore you!" and the mother yells "Nobody ignores me!!!" as she goes running for Randy. All of those gorgeous dresses, thousands of brides wanting to try them on and this is what they give us? No thanks.
  19. Once again, exactly! On a side note - 'douchelord' ... hahaha.
  20. Exactly. Every time they start messing with the format they end up losing viewers. The best episodes are all about the bride and her dress choices. The manufactured drama just shuts everything down, I think. To me, anyway.
  21. True, she didn't speak about her ideal dress. And her husband looks like Pee Wee Herman in those high waters and slippers with puppies on them.
  22. Actually, in the beginning of her segment she said she likes the mermaid look with a flared full bottom and her budget was $10,000.
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