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Everything posted by Booklady1017

  1. They don’t like Christie and think he’ll put her up as a nom. That’s what I was thinking. I wasn’t sure if they were putting up Christie or not. I wasn’t sure if Jackson and Holly would keep her around a little longer or not.
  2. I don’t get why they did it that way letting them know in advance
  3. I didn’t get to vote but it would have been easier if we knew Holly’s vote. Wasn’t her new game plan to keep the two targets Christie and Nick abs use them later? I’m not sure then who she’d put up.
  4. What if the prank is two people get evicted that week?
  5. I want Christie and Jackson out in that order, but I’d take the reverse, basically I want them to go soon, thinking they had a good chance to win after these few weeks just for their hopes to be dashed. But who would put up Jackson? Christie? Cliff?
  6. I didn’t realize voting was closed sorry, but that would have been my vote.
  7. I like your idea about Nick and Jess but that would never happen. She definitely looks older than 31, probably due to alterations she made on her face through surgery and the like.
  8. Was there footage of their fight on BBLF? I’m still not sure what happened because I don’t watch LF. Someone please elaborate?
  9. I been thinking of Cliff likes to make deals, does that make him like Rumpelstilskin? She looks so much more pretty in her before.
  10. Some poll put up Christie and Tommy in F2. I wasn’t sure about it because I wasn’t convinced anyone would be able to get the Jacks out. But once Jack was evicted, I realized that poll about Tommy at least could be right. He’s playing the best game imo.
  11. I’m hoping Jackson just said that to throw the other side of the house off and blindside Sis and put her up.
  12. I thought about it. Christie and Sis would be the best option. I think Tommy may be able to be convinced to work with the others over Nick and Sis maybe if Christie is done. He didn’t try to save Jack and he might ultimately think his game is more important than his weird friendship with Nick and Sis because they are also weak links.
  13. Oh, I thought they knew America was annoyed the way it went and wouldn’t do a reset now, but maybe they don’t care.
  14. Thanks for explaining, but do you think they’d do that after they know America’s Field trip was screwed up?
  15. I was wondering because no one commented. Thanks!
  16. How long do you think it will take for the HOH to be over?
  17. I want Jackson to take out Christie first and then he can be evicted.
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