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  1. I'm not the only one that was bothered by Luke calling Taylor Teller, am I? Am I? Teller!
  2. You say we'll have to agree to disagree and proceed to tell me all the ways I'm wrong. I realize it's not a documentary but it has to make sense in its own world. Don't tell me a character is poor then have them live in a nice house and fall bassackwards into success. The show is saying one thing but showing another. The writing strikes me as someone watched a couple of episodes of Dawson's Creek and said hey, I can do that. Again, I enjoy the show but it's a bit silly.
  3. Ik this is gonna sound like a cop out but a lot of the blame lies with writers. Yeah that takes us out of Stars Hollow and into the real world but there are some things that writers do thst take me out of the story and out of the world. Lorelai and Rory live in what's supposed to be a cheap house but is actually super cute and appears to have lots of room. Rory's lifelong dream is to go to Harvard but ends up settling for Yale. Because in tv world there are only two colleges that exist. That's not just a fault of GG but of most tv shows and movies. Lorelai goes from teen mom in desperate need of a job. Any job. To being the owner of an inn. A successful inn. It's like how Rachel on Friends can't brew a pot of coffee at Central Perk (because she had maids do everything for her) to being a successful executive at Ralph Lauren. That's not how it works. For those of us out here in the real world all of that kind of stuff rings so false that it takes us out of the story. Don't get me wrong. I still enjoy GG but it's not a particularly great or clever show.
  4. I'm not sure when Netflix is gonna have a new season available in the states. Otherwise I'd love to discuss with you guys.
  5. Agree. I think they should've actually wrapped it up with a finalé before Graham left.
  6. Agree Although the irony of that storyline was that she abandoned her kids for months at a time. Wasn't that her reasoning for divorcing Peter? It's a whole do as I say not as I do thing. I think the character must have ADHD or something. She can't focus on one thing and see it through. Before she's completed her newest obsession a different shiny thing grabs her attention. Going through life half assing everything you do.
  7. Lotsa funny lines. I loved Linda grabbing the phone saying it would take Bob 15 minutes just to figure out the timer. Then Bob sadly accepting it with "I'm old."
  8. Avoided
  9. I'd have to go back and look. I don't think it's new but not sure.
  10. I've never been into MLP so idk. It kinda reminded of Barbie Life in the Dreamhouse. It had the same sorta vibe. So many puns.
  11. What season are you currently on? I'm on Netflix in the states so I have to wait an excruciatingly long time for a new season.
  12. Normally I'd agree but it's Teddy. He's such a wet blanket about absolutely everything that you have to force the guy to have fun. He's so timid about everything.
  13. I once saw a salon type place named On Fleek. Idk if you could come up with a more 2014 sounding name if you tried. I'm sure it probably sounded cool in 2014. About a decade later it just sounds dated.
  14. Not being a kid anymore, I'm not sure if it is. My take on it was that it's like the game assassin but they didn't wanna have kids shooting each other even if it was just paintballs or waterguns. So they chose cheese. Kinda cheesey. Tina's blowout looked so cute.
  15. I believe it was supposed to be an homage to Anatomy of a Murder.
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