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  1. @Yeah No So glad you are finally getting the treatment you need! And close to home too! Interesting point on exercise actually increasing swelling. Something to ponder. Thanks for the update! Also, I have been missing @altopower's posts too. I hope she is doing well. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6,684 steps yesterday. My errands helped the count and a little very light housework. My goal right now is to be as careful as possible that I don't do anything that will be too straining and bring on a nose bleed. So easy does it for a few more days is the plan.
  2. 6,312 steps yesterday. Still taking it easy, but doing the things that have to be done do actually add up to a fair amount of steps. Today may be a bit better with the errands and if the crystal lady does show up. I'll take what I get at this point. I use Ayr gel in and around my nose when it gets dry, which also helps stop nose bleeds. I hadn't used it yet this Winter as I wasn't feeling that dry and I am inside and outside frequently during the day to deal with/visit with the kitties. 😸 And I also have a big pot of water sitting on top of my fireplace/stove. But recently, I've had a lingering slight sore throat so maybe it is something to do with it. This isn't necessarily a dry Winter thing, the last time I had a week long bout with multiple daily bloody noses was in the month of June a few years ago. Then they stopped. So I think something else is going on and will talk to my pcp next appointment. I misread my calendar the other day, my Oral Surgeon appt is Tuesday the 8th of April, not tomorrow. I just had Tuesday on my mind I guess.... Works out better anyway what with the nose issue.
  3. 5,871 steps yesterday. Took it really easy, but daily chores do result in steps. Did some minor chores outside, the cold actually felt good breathing. Maybe help slow the flow some. The morning bleed took a long time to completely stop. I still feel tired this morning so I'm just going to take it really easy again today. Tomorrow the crystal lady is coming and Tuesday I have a consultation with the Oral Surgeon. I want to be really rested for that appt. so taking it easy until then will be the plan.
  4. Did anyone else get the weird someone was attacking the site so Chrome wouldn't open the site? Something about a certificate error?? I just now finally was able to get online here..... 6,949 steps yesterday. Yesterday was a busy day and I ticked a couple big things off my To Do list so all in all it was a good day. Started off today with a bloody nose. Haven't had one in a long time. It took me a good (bad) 20 minutes to get it stopped enough to go out to feed the cats. An hour later, it was still not completely stopped. Sure hope this is not going to start up again on a regular basis. First one completely stopped by mid morning and then a couple hours ago (about 4:30PM) I got another one! It stopped quickly, thank goodness. Today is a quiet day and that is OK. It was snowing and blowing outside at 9AM, so I had a good reason to just stay in and do what ever the day brought with no set plans. Just trying not to have yet another bloody nose!!
  5. 7,080 steps yesterday. With the nice weather yesterday, I worked in the yard. Hauled branches and old wet Chewy box shelters to a burn pile. I'm not going to burn, but my friend will pick it up in her truck and they will burn it in their burn pit. They have a lot more land than I do and have a dedicated burn pit that is pretty big. I'm not comfortable burning on my own. Or paying the fire department $200+ to come and burn for me. Today's weather is more conducive to working inside, laundry being the first thing on the list.
  6. Whelp! I forgot to hit submit I guess.... here is this morning's post: 6,841 steps yesterday. Despite the time spent driving, I managed to rack up a fair number of steps shopping!! With good weather in forecast today, I am going to do some yard work and enjoy the sun while it is out!
  7. 6,880 steps yesterday. Still feeling OK at this level. We ran the gamut of weather yesterday, from foggy then sunny, then light snow, then rain, later hail and sun again. Springtime in MT!! Today's forecast is 40°/24° partly cloudy, with periods of light snow. The week is going to be mixed weather with a nice day, then an unsettled day. Crystal lady was a no show again. I messaged her and she said she had a family emergency. We'll try Thursday... Ran a few local errands and then just more cleaning/clearing out inside house. Today a dentist appt. up in town and some shopping there. But the driving takes away walking time....
  8. Yeah, saw that coming when the side fell off...
  9. I was wondering about her hair! On a quick, side eyed first glance I thought Anne Burrell was there! It does not favor Nancy at all. I hadn't thought about it being part of the "Minecraft" theme. I know nothing about Minecraft.
  10. 6,220 steps yesterday. It was a dark, damp, drizzly day so I just stayed inside. Today looks to be better for some outside activity, though things are pretty wet still for much clean up outside. Today the crystal lady comes in the morning. Then garbage up to the road and a quick run to the PO too pay my box fee for the year. Once I am done with that, I think I will go back to shredding for a while, so much stuff I kept way too long as tax records... but I still need to check for identifying info before I just trash it.
  11. 6,422 steps yesterday. Still in comfortable range. I haven't changed goal in my step counter, maybe I'll get back to the 7,000 range eventually. But for now the steps are what they are! I would if I could.....but you might not want it! I think some of my drive comes from the stresses related to my brother's death and the inheritance/Trustee issues related to it. It is a big mess! That got me thinking, I want things as neat and clean and simple for my kids when my time comes. So I've been to a lawyer and got all financial things in order so no probate will be necessary, and now I am getting my house in order too. I don't want them to have to go through all this "stuff" when I can do it now!
  12. 6,750 steps yesterday. Most of the day was spent on small chores inside and outside. Lately I've been on a clean it/clear it out binge. It seems everywhere I look, I see something to go through and let go of. At least it keeps me busy...
  13. 6,264 steps yesterday. Still doing OK with no bad aches from the steps. Each morning as I get up I wonder if I'm going to find some new aches from the previous day's activities and so far so good! Doing laundry helped yesterday's steps, not much on agenda for today to add too many so I'll just see what the day brings.
  14. 6,679 steps yesterday. Ran my errands yesterday and when I picked up my mail I found more of the new category of junk mail I have been entered in due to the inheritance. "We can get you your money faster! Don't wait months or years for your inheritance! We can get it for you NOW!!" or "We see you have an inherited property at XXXX XXXX Ave, we can help you liquidate it fast and get your money right away!" Sheesh, I have gotten at least 5 of each type in the past few weeks. These leeches go through public records/filings and pick their suckers! Pretty easy to see through them and basically just annoying trash. But my son says my niece has had some of the "Realtors?" actually come out to give her quotes. Whoaaa way out of line! All I have on my agenda today is laundry and go through some paperwork and make copies for my kids. Looks to be a good day to stay inside.
  15. Any breed adoptions as a result are a win-win for the dogs! Great subliminal advertising!
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