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185 Excellent-
This season seems determined to make me absolutely cheer when we see Lucious die. If he don't shut his hypocritical, Dracula vest wearing, arrogant a** up. The flash back to all Lucious' abusive behavior actually brought tears to my eyes. Terraji really is a phenominal actress. If this show really decides to kill Cookie off by the end of the series, I'm gonna be really mad. I've got fingers crossed that there'll be some stupid cop out or something. Watching her daytime talk show clips are such a drag. Her cohosts are so obviously hate-able that they're just a bore. I love that Treasure whined about being thrown a track that was made for Tiana when she's literally a knock off Tiana. Actually, that would give her character too much credit. The writers want her character to mean something but can't seem to put enough effort into showing it. "I want to make music that tells my story." Well, what is it? Besides vague struggles? The song she sings at the event is actually worse/more boring and intelligible than the "cruise" song. Did anybody else even understand what the chorus was saying? I'm really hating this whole "underdog" story the writers are trying to pull with her, too. Literally every opportunity possible was served to her on a silver platter since the day Cookie discovered her. White Tracy might as well be a ghost/hallucination herself, because she just floats around...doing things. Her purpose is to be determined. I would watch a spin off featuring just Cookie and her sisters. I like that the one constant thing this season is Becky's dialogue. She's still funny as always. Listening to Lucious' little rant about Cookie's "myth" really pissed me off. I mean really, are we supposed to think that it's Cookie's fault that Lucious didn't start off as a good business man? Fuh outta here, man.
I. Can't. With. This. Family. Let's discuss them in bite-sized chunks, shall we? First: Kerissa, Kerissa, Kerissa. How freaking entitled can she be? How can she prop her lips to ask anything of Mae after bringing up Faith. Clearly, that slap didn't knock some sense into her. Also, she doth protest too much. It's a good thing that Jacob is a moron, because he should definitely recognize the same behavior he showed with Kerissa being reflected back to him. Sucking up to Grace after constantly berating and judging her makes me want to rip my hair out. I just can't with this woman. And saying all this really sucks because I really used to like her character. You know, back when she was sympathetic and smart. Now, she's a manipulative, vindictive, foolish, two-timing tramp who needs to go. Second: Charity should do the whole family and herself some good and just leave. Leave the city, leave the state, heck, even leave the country. Just get away and find herself. How can she call herself Christian after telling a bald-faced lie to her now only sister's face? She's a cliche wrapped within a cliche and the show has done nothing to add onto that. Any character on any show is bound to be a cliche, but it's a show writer's job to add to that and make them a fleshed out character. This has not been done for Charity. Third: The actress who plays Sophia needs to change her speaking voice or something because her constant cracking, whiney tone needs to just stop. Now. Her crying leaves a lot to be desired, too. The whole back and forth with Hampton was stupid from the get go. I mean, it's so obvious that she wasn't going to just leave the show till then, but the show's way of adding something to her character was severely lacking. Her current storyline with Dante could prove to be interesting, you know, the good girl's descent into "badness". But she's just so...boring. I get it, her character's slowly becoming corrupted over the course of the series, but they screwed up by made her too perfect to begin with. The straight-A, God-fearing, beautiful, kind-hearted, optimistic, mini-preacher in training ...blah, blah, blah. I'm sick of it. I'm sick of her. I thought that something interesting would've happened after the whole I'm-atheist-because-God-cursed-my-ovaries plot point. I waited and waited and guess what? Nothing happened. And now, with her little situationship with Dante, I find her annoying in an all new way. Really, Sophia? You can't find literally any other boy to fool around with? I get that he was convenient, but arguing with his ex is just stupid. Especially when said ex looks like she can hold her own in a fight. Little Miss Private School needs to stay in her lane and take her teenage rebellion elsewhere. Her acting as a bad girl is somehow even worse than her acting as a good girl. It literally consists crossed arms and her nose in the air. Not only is her character annoying, but the actress playing just can't seem to breath life into the role. Fourth: Grace is nothing like she started in the first season. She was ballsy, determined and had a freaking spine. She used to be a freaking spitfire. And now, she might as well be a jellyfish now. I can see being kind to a fault, but after being tricked by Charity on multiple occasions, she should have learned better She should've chucked Kerissa out of her room and told her to kick rocks. She's is way too trusting to someone who's done nothing but act shady, self-serving and entitled. I just want her to leave and go back to Phoenix because Calvary is a lost cause at this point. Cut your losses and bounce. Fifth: Mae. I've actually come to really like Mae. Sure, she has a lot of issues, but she's definitely developed for the good these past seasons. She's had the best speeches and I love the care and word choice that the writers put into her dialogue. She has her moments of annoyingness, but I feel like the writers are actually putting effort into her character. Unlike some of the others on this list. Sixth: Zora is another character who's shown character growth in this show. I admit, I've had a soft spot for her since her first appearance and I've hated the way the show went out of its way to paint her with all sorts of negative traits. It's clear that in the show, she's meant to be a foil to Sophia's good girl cliche, but in my opinion, she's more than that. She was never really a bad girl, she was just a teenager. A teenager who does a lot of stupid things only to mature into a better person because of it. I think that's why I like her character, she's been fleshed out in a realistic enough way that the transitions in her character doesn't give you whiplash. Seventh/Eighth: Jacob and Bishop have kind of taken a back seat this season and as such have basic characterization. I appreciate their initiative to better themselves, though. It's a lot better than some of the other characters.
I'm definitely here for Tyler Perry's attempt at a Scandal-esque show. I say Scandal because this show is centered around melanin in the white house, which is a pretty niche theme in television but one I find interesting. I've kinda been on the fence when it comes to him and his career. On one hand he's accomplished and has created many job opportunities for a talented actors. And on the other hand, I think he's written crappy movie after crappy movie after crappy play after crappy tv show. This is no different, but it sure is entertaining. Starting off with a Mr. and Mrs. Smith-like fight seen was so out of left field that if I hadn't been spoiled to it in previous trailers, I would've dissolved into a laugh-cry. I get that the actors were trying to portray a weary, bitter marriage, but the writing and choreography was so badly done that it was like watching a story on fast-forward. It was so cartoonish that I kept expecting the wife to stab the husband with her angular face. The first family so far is insufferable. Snobbish and annoying daughter, bland and slightly creepy son, bland and douchey dad, and nightmare-fuel mom. Also, a cheating president? How shocking. The butler's family was the most interesting segment of the episode. Especially the out of nowhere cult-takeover. I was rolling for literally 10 minutes. I swear, I had to pause just to laugh. The cheating fashion designer storyline feels like snippets of some forgotten Temptation-rip off that got shoved into the show for the sake of runtime. It seems so out of place, yet it truly exemplifies whats wrong with the show. It's rushed and feels sloppy, like the rough draft of script just got rushed for filming. I'm aware that a show will feel clunky in its pilot episode but this is ridiculous. The daughter's attempt at acting drunk would be cute if her acting wasn't so laughable. The cliffhanger ending of the sloppy, drunken daughter claiming that the butler's son raped her is so freaking dumb. The minute he walked into the room with her, I thought, Hmm, wonder if she's going to pounce him once the door's closed? All I have to say so far is; do better, Tyler.
I just laughed at that. If the writers wanted to discuss colorism on this show they should've hired a darker skinned man to play AJ. He looks more biracial than Sophia, who actually is!
Ok this episode has made me really just hate Lucious. Before, I used to love to hate him because he could be entertaining and sometimes downright hilarious but this episode has done nothing but highlight the issues with "Coocious" and the fact that Lucious truly doesn't care about Cookie. This season he's even acknowledged that he knew Cookie didn't actually sleep with Damon and still considered leaving her. To. Die. The mother of his children. His supposed best friend. In the hands of a madman who claimed he was going to freaking to kill her. I just can't with this guy. What has annoyed me about this show is that nearly every guy who has had a romantic interest in Cookie has either ended up crooked/evil or screwed up in some other way. I feel this that was done to make Lucious look better in comparison which, honestly, can't be done considering the fact he literally killed her cousin–with his own hands! His affair with Damon's daughter is barely enjoyable because I swear she sounds like some freaking generic fortune cookie/inspirational quote generator. Snore. The B and C plots so far have ranged from meh to annoying. I like the idea of watching Becky grow her empire and fleshing her out more as a but her making uncalculated risks with what little money her and Giselle's company has in OOC. However, because I know this show will take a page of the book of cliches I just know that the singer will pull through and become a success. Also Tiana making the comment of all lives mattering after hearing that another woman was having trouble with her pregnancy really sparked controversy? In this day and age? Girl, bye. I also see that this show is still trying to make Treasure a thing. The sad thing is that the writers haven't made her into some formidable rival, secretly likable or anything interesting, she just comes off as desperate and unoriginal while still maintaining those same subpar acting skills. I feel like this pro choice/life thing is gonna become of some importance to her but I just can't bring myself to care. Ghost Kingsley is just....weird. He has no purpose other than being the monkey wrench is Andre's life and for lack of a better word it's just...weird. Then again, that could be because I hate the old "ghost talking to a main character" thing, but I guess it's justified since it's happened before. I think that the hallucinations are a crappy ploy to either set Andre up as a red herring or foreshadow a path towards killing Lucious, which I'm all for. Lastly, I just want more for Cookie. She deserves it after being crapped on this whole series which seems hellbent on making her go insane. Seeing her being reduced to damsel in distress looks crazy when juxtaposed against the character she was back in season one.
So I spent the past couple of days binge-watching Black Mirror so I missed the original airing of the finale. I even avoided reading other people's comments because I wanted to watch this with fresh eyes. Now that I have watched it, I really, really wish that I just read you guys' earlier comments because so freaking pissed. Ruby, Ruby, Ruby. Why did this show think that killing an elderly rape victim would be a good idea!? This whole season, I've been wondering where the hell she's been and now they kill her off? And violently too. They actually show the bullets impacting into her body. JESUS. I would be so upset if I were the actress or even the actress' family. No one should see their loved one die like that after being assaulted. Why couldn't she die peacefully in her sleep? Rashad being Carlotta's son is so stupid to me. I can't even take it seriously when he looks like a weathered 48-year-old and Queen Latifah's only 49! I get that the show wanted to have an experienced singer on the show or whatever but he's just way too old to be acting out with drugs and tantruming like a teenager. I see Star is wearing a 1/3 of an outfit again. I wondered how long that would take. Her ASA outfit was trash. Alex's stalker storyline could've been interesting (I am a sucker for Lifetime movies), but this show just doesn't seem to know how to handle interesting storylines. Why couldn't Derek tell that it wasn't actually Alex. Olivia even spoke to him! I'm guessing that she's gonna come back pregnant in the next season. The adoption storyline is really moronic. Adoption isn't always the answer. Some adoptive parents abuse their adoptive kids so Star saying that Davis is better off just comes off as naive and stupid. Star has so many people who happy and willing to help her with the baby. She has so many more options than the average single mom, so I can't exactly feel sorry for her. I know that in the end, this is all just a ploy to get rid of having to deal with a baby actor, but it's so sloppily done. I haven't noticed it till now but Simone has basically become a pair of walking eyebrows. The only thing that moves on her face is her eyebrows and even then, they only go up and down, occasionally. Also, her relationship with Angel is soo bland. I never felt the chemistry between and they've been together for a season and a half. They're even freaking married! Wait, three years have passed!? I thought only a year or maybe even a year and a half has gone by. So are we just gonna ignore the fact that Simone didn't graduate or even attempt to go to school despite being under the government's care at one point? This show is getting so sloppy, man. What's up with the ugly $2 nighties that are trying to be passed off as bridesmaids dresses? I know the show's budget is dwindling but damn. Great, yet another cancer storyline in a Lee Daniels' show. The cliff hanger ending is in such poor taste. We have enough mass shootings in American as is. Simone pressing her body into Angel's face while crying was hilarious because he was still moving and she was very obviously smothering him in her badly acted attempt at worry. EDIT: Just found out that Star's canceled. Lol, it was nice knowing you all.
Wait, Cotton was in this episode? Holy crap, I don't even remember.
The skin tone discrepancies between baby Simone and adult Simone in the beginning scene are laughable. How hard is it to cast someone who looks like the actress? It's pretty obvious that Star's damaged from her tumultuous childhood but giving up her baby when he has a father trying to be in his life is just cruel. Also, her freaking privilege knows no bounds. Tossing her boob milk tissue at the nurse and then waltzing over to try and give herself the shot made my head hurt from rolling to the back of my head. Everything always works out for her no matter how bitchy she acts. Having Alex secretly relying on her family's money seems dumb when she's a famous up and coming singer with several popular songs and modeling gigs. I might be stupid but I honestly didn't see Rashad being Carlotta's son coming. He looks way too old to be her son, though. They look the same freaking age. To put it lightly....he looks like he's had a hard, hard life. All I have to say is: DNA test! I loved the duet with Carlotta and Cassie even though it's a little depressing. It's funny how quickly Simone's "acting career" ended, but being a political icon and calling out the very people who tried to kill her and her fiance is so freaking dumb. She doesn't act like someone who's had a hard life of struggling. Star interrupting Alex for the 120,85,045th time is just as annoying as it's always been. If she's going to be the "spotlight stealer", she needs to be better at dancing because she's struggling just as much as the first season. You shouldn't look like your in pain or counting out moves in your head this far into the show. I'm just waiting for things with Carlotta's new boo to get screwed up somehow because the writers can't stand. to. see. her. happy. It seems weird that Noah's mom is trying to be a mother so late into his life. It's even weirder to see Kimberly Elise acting psycho, but I loved seeing her put Star in her place. It needs to happen more often. It's starting to feel like Star is circling the drain towards cancellation. Oh no, a wedding where something bad happens in a tv show! Who could've ever seen that coming?
Maya's starting to really piss me off with her bitchiness. Her character brings nothing to the show besides petty drama which would be unrealistic in the real world. What breed of moron tries to act like a diva to the mother of her boss' grandchild? Especially when her fling with Hakeem is temporary. I just can't wait for her to disappear into irrelevancy like countless other characters. Out of all of the brothers, Andre's character feels the most fleshed out. It's kinda sad that his storylines are always handled horribly. I just want him to be happy, dammit! Hakeem has become somewhat more responsible and calmed down since the first season and Jamal's well...
I think it's a bad case of too many characters. It kinda reminds of TVD when they would give some semblance of a storyline to certain characters for a little while and then banish them back to irrelevancy.
Um... where did the savage Ice Queen Alex go? This season's Alex is a little too soft for my liking. Alex could've gone a little harder on Star considering all the effed up stuff she's done to her. She's being far more understanding than I would have. I hoped that having a kid and being in a coma would've knocked some sense into Star, but I guess I was hoping for too much from this show. Star's selfishness knows no bounds! I can't even feel sorry for her because she's only trying to save her own neck. I don't even wanna imagine how she'd act if the shoe was on the other foot. Giving up baby Davis is probably for the best...even though it'd be a total cop-out. Considering adoption without talking to Noah first is trifling as hell. I would've never guessed political activism as a storyline for Simone. So yeah...that's a thing. Also, Angel's "death" sequence was laughable, which I know wasn't the intention. Who gets into a car that fast, though? I just love how the writers completely glossed over the building tension over Cassie and Marcus' relationship. Welp, Cotton's a killer now. That came waaaay too easy for her.
Thanks, thought I was going blind or something because I clearly see my name being quoted. I think it's cute that they couldn't come up with a better reply other than "I wasn't talking to you.", when they literally had to click under my name to quote in the first place.
Sure. For future reference though, if you're addressing someone else's comment, you should quote that specific person.
You say that as if "trained professionals" don't ever screw up. All I'm saying is that Cookie's concern for her son isn't a bad thing especially when the person involved in his treatment is a complete stranger. I don't know why Cookie's actions bother you so much but it's done and over with. They've moved on from that. You should too.
Sorry for the confusion, I was referring to a scene in episode 14 where Jughead and his mom were talking on their coach. I noticed that his eyebags were missing and his forehead was suspiciously immobile. Makeup can conceal dark circles but they can't plump the skin underneath. The transition between his eyes and cheeks was smooth and the concavity was gone entirely. Since that couch scene, his face has looked like his normal self, so it might have been filmed more recently.