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Everything posted by Kate2006

  1. I didn't think the diet advice was very specific for each woman. Eating more veggies is great but to really satisfy hunger and not gain weight you need to add more lean protein, especially to avoid muscle wasting with the demands all this dancing places on their bodies. It doesn't take an expert to come up with, "eat more veggies". Keeping track of your macros and seeing where you stand is spot on.
  2. I'm new here. DCC is my guilty pleasure and my friends all make fun of me. LOL I still don't understand Jasmine's cut. There are other girls they call on frequently that didn't get cut. Kristine. How do these girls that don't work get by financially? Do they have rich parents? Dallas is definitely not as expensive as some cities but at the end of the day they still have stuff to pay for. I'm sure they need nice clothes for appearances and stuff. Maybe that is paid for like their hair maintenance. I don't see how the girls that work full time are able to keep up with training camp. I would be a mess. They should pay the cheerleaders a decent wage if they expect them to treat DCC like a real job. My parents would kill me if I didn't go through the graduation ceremony for a prestigious school like UCLA,especially if they paid for it! I thought kick line looked good. I too, don't understand the girls who say it's their first jump split. Of course they all practiced it at home! Maybe they say that to psych the other girls out. When I was in medical school my classmates would often say they don't study when in truth all they did was study. It took a little while for me to realize they weren't being truthful. I felt like I was stupid because I had to study 12+ hours a day to keep up! I felt like I was trying to drink out of a fire hydrant. I guess that's how these girls must feel in TC.
  3. I was surprised over the cut tonight. maybe they edited out the parts that showed her dancing subpar? I cannot believe that the dancer who has a lingistics degree is still there. I really like her on the show but every time the camera pans to her she looks completely lost and is doing the wrong steps and her counts are off. She was way more subpar than any of the other dancers (that I could tell). And how come they aren't showing Erin or Brennan? I would like to hear K and J comment about Brennan's facial expressions and if she has improved from last year. They made such a huge deal about it that I think it warrants a comment this year. Or maybe it's edited out. I really want her to make this team. She would have if the two dancers that didn't finish the season had been cut. Last year Kalyssa was my favorite rookie but I don't really understand what's going on with her instagram pics. Some are pretty racy, especially in the beginning. So how funny would it be to have a drinking game? Every time the word "iconic", "showmanship", "power", or "world class" is used you take a drink. And you can take a drink whenever Melissa Rycroft is in an episode. I can't put my finger on it but she irritates me. I wish she wasn't on the show.
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