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Everything posted by JavaBlue

  1. I thought this as well, but also didn't rewind it to see for sure.
  2. snarklady, it's my own feeling that Caleb was ahead by miles and miles by about Top 9/8. They knew he was going to win so they pimped Jena to get her in the finale with him. I think they chose her because she and he seem to get along and work well together and in their eyes, they made the best top 2. A finale with Caleb and any of the the other 5 or 6 would have been very boring and lopsided. Jena is a firecracker and the finale wasn't boring, to me at least.
  3. I'm one very happy old crying retard lady right now. I'm from a "neutral" state but I voted my fingers off for Caleb ever since Skyfall week. I will buy his album. I'm seriously bummed I cannot buy his coronation song yet because Google Play and Amazon do not have it. I'm assuming it's because the song will be on the album, which is an itunes exclusive. :/
  4. I just want to know why in the hell amazon doesn't have their songs yet. Ugh! I put in over 400 votes for Caleb, but I won't be upset if it goes the other way. I like them both.
  5. I thought the whole show was boring, save for the Juliette/Rayna parts. I'm seeing on recaps about 2 big shockers. I wasn't shocked by one single scene. Maybe I'm just over this show.
  6. So do we think Liz is actually Berlin's grand daughter then? I saw the photo in his watch as being the same woman as the photo "Red" was holding that he stole out of The Stewmaker's book.
  7. YES! I kept repeating it in my head just like the guy said it in the movie. Bear-Lynn? Haha!
  8. I'm guessing Bellamy came back as an infant, since he died as an infant. As someone pointed out above, if that happened the authorities would just think he was abandoned.
  9. Caleb has been my favorite since the Skyfall performance. I've voted like crazy for him and bought most of his songs. I was a bit taken aback by the old ladies cry comment, but I got over it. I follow him on Instagram and prior to this shit hitting the fan, it was crickets on there since he posted a pic of he and Sam from Thursday night. I took notice of this and wasn't entirely shocked when I first read about this interview and what he said. It then clicked for me that he knew this shit storm was coming and had been mostly MIA from social media. His initial comments, terminology and attitude in that interview were offensive enough. But, his non apology made it far worse for me. So dismissive of the fans that have voted to keep him on the show! I am not totally decided on what I will do now, but I'm leaning towards joining team Jess. I have also voted for her, but not to the level I had him. The bottom line for me in this whole thing is that I think he's actually annoyed by his "Idol fans" because we are at least in part, a whole bunch of old ladies (to use his own words). I think he's downright pissed that he doesn't have the throngs of young girls that AI was pushing on Sam. I'm just in disbelief that he tried out THREE times to get on Idol and now has basically thrown it away like a petulant child.
  10. To speculate further, perhaps it was her real dad/family that took Red's family from him?
  11. I think Red killed her real family. She was collateral damage and he took her to her adopted dad to raise.
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