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Everything posted by SmpIsimon

  1. Christina and Miranda are generally considered the weakest vets. If VK had not flamed out so spectacularly, I suspect one of them would have been cut.
  2. That wasn't my point. My point was the amount of weight that needed to be lost and how much training camp remained for them to lose it.
  3. First off, Victoria chose to ignore the resources she was given and then not only lied about it, but did so in a way where Jinelle was thrown under the bus. Second, those two were informed early on of the need to lose weight AND weren't even that heavy in the grand scheme of things. We've seen other girls cut because they didn't have enough time to safely lose the amount of weight that was needed to be shed. VK is 11 pounds over where she was at auditions (and she was told then that she needed to lose weight) and we're now WELL into training camp. So, yeah, she's not in the same category as Liz and Grace.
  4. I totally agree. The worst part is that we all know (and Kelli and Judy do as well) that there's no way to SAFELY lose 11 pounds in the time that was left in training camp. They simply didn't care. Of course, even if she did, she'd have only been back to the same weight she was at at auditions, and she was already overweight then.
  5. She’s been told her whole life how gorgeous and talented she is, so I doubt she even sees it. I’ve wondered if, watching the episodes, she can see how bad she looks. There was a moment around the beginning of last night’s episode. Kelli is doing a voice over and Victoria is stretching. At one point, she bends over and her gut is just disgustingly huge. As to Kitty, the Kalina family has some juice in the Dallas area, and she knows where her bread is buttered and who it would be in her best interest to support. I thought she was above all that but we now know that’s not true. Btw, did you notice how some of Kelli’s harsher words for VK during the office visit were dubbed in. I’m guessing that, in reality, she was MUCH more gentle but is now trying to make herself look like she was harsher to combat all these claims of favoritism.
  6. As I have said several times, It's not just legacy -- it's legacy PLUS having a mother who is either part of the DCC organization or is known by viewers to be best friends with the powers that be. Yes, but those girls didn't gain 11 pounds in training camp. The point being, even when her weight was out of control AND she'd been warned, she was eating whatever she wanted.
  7. Again, she was seen on two occasions stopping for a milkshake after practice. It was quite the scandal among the girls.
  8. Yes, but the viewers didn't know that. This season the viewers knew that Dayton's mom worked for the DCC, and they also knew that Victoria was the daughter of Kelli's best friend given that Tina had been featured on the show in past seasons. The average viewer wouldn't have had any clue who Meredith's mother was. Kelli's concern was having the viewers suspect nepotism, which they'd be more likely to suspect if there were two girls trying out whose mothers were people the viewers already knew to have a close connection with Kelli.
  9. I literally spit out my soda last night when Kelli and Judy were talking about how hard it is to make cuts this year because everyone is so good. Please. I thought, "here, I'll do it for you!"
  10. Just relaying what I've been told by people who are in the know and have been spot on with everything else they've told me. I was told that Kelli mentioned to Dayton that perhaps next year would be a better year to audition.
  11. These aren't just legacies. One is the daughter of someone who works for DCC and the other is the daughter of her best friend.
  12. Not contradictory at all. Dayton was given some signals not to audition. She did so anyway. Part of the reason she was discouraged is that Kelli didn’t think she could have two legacies (of best friends/co-workers) in one year without rampant accusations of nepotism. Kelli continued to think that so Dayton was the one who got the ax. Victoria would not have been cut had it not been for the huge lie. How that is in any way contradictory is beyond me.
  13. Oh, they were and are ecstatic about that. But it made for a very stressful summer as Victoria, who constantly ran to Kelli and Judy to "report" on the girls, had them believing that she was already on the team. So this team didn't get lots of opportunities to just let loose, enjoy themselves and bond with one another as Victoria was hanging over them until the very end. Also, behind the scenes, some of the girls were disciplined for complaining about the favoritism (it got reported back to Kelli and Judy) and so people now feel like they're walking on eggshells most of the time with most of the girls just keeping to themselves. Plus, Kelli is super defensive about it now in light of the negative reaction many of the fans have had. Finally, one of them told me that the whole Victoria debacle called into question just how fair the whole process is and also undermined the squad's respect for Kelli.
  14. There's a difference. The only thing keeping Victoria from being cut was a claimed medical condition (i.e., "I'm not a fat pig, I just have a thyroid condition"). In light of that, her employer was kind enough to not cut her and instead let her seek medical advice. Her employer even brought in another employee, Jinelle, to assist. Despite this grace on the part of the employer, Victoria lied about consulting with this doctor -- again, the only thing that could help excuse her noncompliance with the employer's standards (i.e., weight). And in so doing, she also threw Jinelle under the bus. On, and this employer is also the best friend of Victoria's mother, meaning that the employer risked charges of nepotism in even giving Victoria a chance to begin with. Despite all those chances and the awkward position Kelli was in, Victoria just did what she wanted to to and lied about the whole thing. That says to me, selfish entitled human being.
  15. VK was twice seen stopping for a milkshake after rehearsal. Just sayin . . .
  16. You all are forgetting the worst part. Victoria would likely have made the team even with the weight had it not been for her horrible lie.
  17. I’m afraid not. That was news to me!
  18. I can tell you that, when both Dayton and Victoria were called in for the third time and Dayton was cut but Victoria wasn't, the other girls were PISSED. Many of them are or have been on weight warning for being just a few pounds over and the fact that Kelli would keep Victoria, who had gained ELEVEN pounds DURING training camp (and she was already considered a little heavy at auditions), really made them feel that Victoria was being rammed down their throats. And the fact that Victoria is so two-faced, running to K and J to gossip about the girls' private lives, really made her public enemy #1. I am told that the morale among this year's squad is some of the worst ever and many blame Victoria for that. I really hope she doesn't audition again. I honestly believe many of the veterans would retire.
  19. Kelli says after cutting Dayton: "I really want this audition process to maintain its integrity." How she can say that with that big old cow Victoria still a part of training camp is beyond me. Oh the irony -- Charlotte, you need to replace Kelli now!
  20. Kelli needs to be fired and replaced with someone whose professional judgment isn't so easily clouded.
  21. Kelli: VK has gained 11 pounds since training camp. Kitty: Give her a chance to get the weight off! Yeah, because we all know there's dozens of healthy ways to lose 11 pounds in just a few weeks. Jesus. This organization has jumped the shark.
  22. Dayton was cut because Kelli assumed she could only have one "legacy" training camp candidate make it that year (or else the nepotism thing would look REALLY bad) and VK had already been promised a slot. If she'd had known how VK's candidacy was going to implode in just a few weeks, I think she'd have kept Dayton.
  23. You and VK have something in common then! :-)
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