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Everything posted by SmpIsimon

  1. I want to know why she's getting collagen in her lips as this young age????
  2. Dear Lord, she's fat . . . Melissa's lips look BAD . . .
  3. I agree -- I think she's striking. I also think she's currently the best dancer on the team. Christina is the worst/weakest.
  4. VK looks 6 months pregnant in that photo.
  5. You can tell that Jessika is not one of the most respected dancers given her placement in the pyramid. Connections might have kept her on the team (she should have been cut) but can't seem to move her up in the triangle.
  6. Yeah, her eyes look weird to me this season, clearly she did something. Judy, you're gorgeous -- you don't need to have work done!
  7. I agree! To me, that shows just how flawed the audition process is. I remember one of those early seasons they showed Kelli dancing at one point during prelims and I thought "wow, she's great!" But she didn't make it, nor was she one of the featured girls so we weren't told anything about her. The season she didn't finally make it (and made show group as a rookie!!), there was a training camp rehearsal where Kelli said "that's the first time I've ever noticed how good you are" or something to that effect. I thought -- are you blind??? Yeah, I see why Lacey isn't point. She's too wispy of a dancer. Lovely to be sure, but power is not her strong suit. Point needs to be a powerhouse dancer.
  8. Maddie is cute but just not pretty to look at in terms of DCC. I hate to say that, but it’s true. She draws the eye in a bad way.
  9. I've always found Cassie to be incredibly unattractive, but it's probably because I can't divorce her appearance from what I know of her personality. I talked to someone who cheered with Cassie and she said that if you wanted to have any chance of getting the goodies (i.e., show group, group leader, a decent place in the squad photo, etc.), you had to play the "Cassie game," which was basically kissing Cassie's ass at every turn. Get on her bad side and things would get quite uncomfortable for you real fast (assuming you weren't dismissed for some bullshit reason, i.e., Olivia).
  10. You miss my point -- the "toxic" was Kelli's description for Tara having the nerve to question Victoria getting special treatment. The girls love Tara.
  11. Let’s just say she has connections. She knows she’s untouchable.
  12. I'm told that Victoria acted as though she were a fifth year veteran throughout training camp, very entitled and wanting to be center of attention at all times. She also ratted out several of the girls (some veterans) to Kelli and Judy, getting them in trouble. I don't know why Kelli and Judy don't know that using one girl in that way only hurts that girl with the squad -- you'd think they'd learned their lesson after Cassie.
  13. Yes, I never heard that Dayton was promised anything, only Victoria. In fact, I heard that Dayton was subtly discouraged from re-auditioning, but ignored it (which is why Kelli is not the most pleasant to her). Two things: 1) go back and watch the edit she got in the first two episodes -- she was getting a hardcore "superstar" edit there, and those were edited before she got caught in all her lies; 2) "her dancing is not that bad" is not a glowing recommendation -- I certainly expect the DCC to be better than "not that bad."
  14. Sadly, I think you're right and that she was cut for being "toxic" (although I haven't gotten any confirmation of that).
  15. I know that nobody has delivered the smoking gun that absolutely proves this, so I understand folks being skeptical. But it is very much true. Victoria was promised a spot, was told what her story arc was going to be (so the "gee, I'm so nervous -- hope I make it!" that you see on the show was her playing the part), but then her massive weight gain and, worse, her lies to the powers that be meant they had no choice but to cut her. The first two episodes were edited before Victoria's fall from grace and you can see for yourself how those episodes were setting her up as this superstar. And if folks on here appear to have an axe to grind with VK, it's only because of how she treated the other girls during training camp. Watch their faces when she's talking in a group or when she comes back from Kelli's office and they're sitting around waiting. There's no love lost there at all, and when she was cut, there were (very discrete) celebrations that night among the girls.
  16. I have to agree. I hate this season. I finally started watching the episodes once I learned that Victoria was cut after sabotaging her pre-arranged spot on the squad, but I still find myself fast-forwarding through most of it. Hope next season is something other than the "oh look, some unqualified daughters of people associated with DCC are trying out!"
  17. If you ever meet Cassie, you can instantly tell there's no way she graduated college (you'll even question whether she graduated high school). Not the sharpest tool in the toolbox is my point . . . I agree with #3 and #4; otherwise, I cannot disagree enough with your other points. Especially #2 -- VK is absolutely disgusting. You can often see her looking for the camera, seems like a total attention whore.
  18. Not me. I hit "mute" and look away until she's off my screen. After the way she bragged to the other candidates about having a guaranteed spot on the team, I just think she's disgusting. I pray she never auditions again.
  19. My God, VK is getting fatter week after week. I was told she gained a lot of weight during camp, but I had no idea just how bad she was looking. Gross.
  20. Really? I just never saw a polished dancer when I looked at Dayton, just an average looking girl who looked totally unprepared. Even if she were deaf and blind, that's no excuse for the things she's done to some of the other girls.
  21. Two things I noticed last night: 1) Rachel's awful spray tan -- she looks like she's been rolling in dirt, plus it's all splotchy (check out her shoulders during her talking head moments). I thought for sure it would be one of the three things Kelli wanted to talk to her about. 2) When Victoria announced that she hadn't been cut, the girls who were waiting didn't seem particularly happy with that news. Their faces seemed to be saying "damn!" (in contrast, they seemed happy for the others).
  22. No, I'm disgusted by the whole "daughter of colleague/best friend" story line (honestly, I hit "mute" pretty much any time I see Dayton or Victoria do a talking head moment), but I doubt I'm the target audience. The people who just watch the show for mindless entertainment probably think it's awesome.
  23. Yeah, I disagree. I just see Dayton as a sloppy mess, and I don't think editing had much to do with that. Also, the "he pulled me over but I was only going 6 miles over" made me want to barf. Basically, "I was doing something illegal, but it wasn't that illegal." I cannot imagine saying that to my boss. In other words, I feel like she's falling victim to her own immaturity and lack of preparation. And they're trying to give Victoria a good edit, but she's not making it easy for them. So, yeah, I don't feel bad for either. Also, both of them knew (more than anyone!) what being in training camp would mean (i.e., they'd be on a reality show) and yet both willingly auditioned.
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