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Everything posted by SmpIsimon

  1. I think she meant that, just as the girls don't like TK, they also aren't fond of Jenn K.
  2. The fact that both Kelli and Hannah had to audition multiple times before making the squad and, yet, both made show group AS ROOKIES tells you that this audition process is not very effective at finding talent.
  3. Tina Kalina is one of the girls' biggest nightmares. She shares her opinions on everything and, if she doesn't like you, Kelli will soon not like you. If they want to succeed there, they have to kiss her (not insubstantial) ass. It's one of the reasons VK was able to run roughshod over the rest of the girls in TC -- she knew they couldn't do anything about it without fear of coming under fire from TK.
  4. Yes, you can thank VK for that. I believe she was trying to get those two eliminated given that they were previously cut and she saw them as easy targets. Totally my opinion.
  5. I just hope Kelli and Charlotte realize that another season like this will devastate the brand.
  6. Also, VK was known to exaggerate/make up shit that she'd run back and tell Kelli and Judy.
  7. Everybody in the organization saw the train wreck that was the TK/VK shitshow. Trust me, nobody wanted to take on any involvement with VK — Jinelle included.
  8. Jinelle could be Satan himself, but she had nothing to do with VK’s cut. That rests on VK’s shoulders.
  9. That’s why she lied about going to the doctor. She knew if she went to the doctor, he’d confirm that it was really just VK’s lack of control around food that lead her massive weight gain. Judy voiced concerns at prelims about VK and had her head bitten off. She’d learned her lesson.
  10. Meanwhile VK is eating like a pig and bragging about it and, worst of all, talking shit to Kelli and Judy about how Brennan does not "really want it" and Madeline is a bitch (just learned about this last one). I'm sorry, I do not see this girl as a victim at all -- she was doing all she could to knock out the competition instead of working on making herself be the best she could be.
  11. It doesn't matter whether you think Jinelle is qualified at all. That is entirely irrelevant. If your boss says "oh, we see you have a problem. We'd like you to do X," then you have two options: 1) do X and try your hardest to make it work; or 2) respond with "gee, I appreciate that, but I don't think X will work for me for these reasons." What's definitely NOT okay is to say, "okay, thanks!" and then (for whatever reason) refuse to do X.
  12. Big difference. It's one thing to lie to cover up something you did that was wrong (i.e., being late), it's an entirely different thing to lie to cover up your failure to do something that would have been good (more specifically, something that was necessary to stay in training camp -- like "go see these folks to help you"). The first is bad, but kinda understandable; the second shows a level of immaturity and entitlement that is hard to fathom (to me at least). You're right, and I apologize. I have lived in the South and I saw a number of intelligent young women give up on good colleges or other good opportunities to pursue things like dance, modeling, pageants, etc. But I'm sure you're right that things have changed and, in any event, it's none of my business. I apologize again.
  13. It just seemed relevant to your point that I’d mistakenly assumed she gave up a great opportunity at Arizona (which is a great school) for something inferior near home. Regardless, I apologize if I offended you
  14. Where did Dayton choose to go over Arizona?
  15. I acknowledged in my post that VK went to college, just a local community college.
  16. Because in Texas, being a DCC is considered the best thing a woman can do with her life, including going to college. You’ll recall that VK opted to attend the local community college so as not to interfere with her path to becoming a DCC. It’s a shame parents there don’t push education harder when it comes to their daughters.
  17. Apparently the fact that VK is featured so heavily and is used in almost all the CMT social media promos has gone to TK’s head, making her think her little girl might be worthy of more than just being a DCC. SMH
  18. She's pathetic. I've heard a variety of things, ranging from VK is trying to redeem herself in Kelli's eyes and thus wants to be as visible as possible to the rumor that TK is trying to get VK her own show/special with CMT. The Kalina family is in total tailspin after the cut -- it's quite the cluster.
  19. Wonder how many milkshakes she’ll have tonight . . .
  20. Not weak per se, but weak relative to the other girls. She’s “pastel” to use Kelli’s overused word. I’ve heard she’s lovely though and the girls really like her.
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