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Everything posted by SmpIsimon

  1. I don't know if it has anything to do with the delay (probably not), but apparently the Kalina's were NOT happy with the previews for next week that were shown last night. They expected certain things to not be shown . . .
  2. Bingo! She wants what she’s always had — things she doesn’t deserve just being handed to her.
  3. From what I was told, Brennan was exhausted one night and made some comment about being worn out and wondering “whether it was all worth it,” and VK turned around and reported to either Kelli or Tina (who then reported to Kelli) that Brennan had lost interest in really being a DCC.
  4. It wasn’t until VK made it a big deal . . .
  5. VK reminds me of Jethrene from the Beverly Hillbillies. I’ve been listening to reports of it all summer.
  6. THAT was the real Victoria. That attitude and that level of bitchiness made life hell for the girls all summer. She usually just saved it for when the cameras weren’t rolling.
  7. The girls are in three camps regarding this board. Some of them read it with glee and (privately) talk with one another about it. Comments from this thread are frequently shared privately between the girls for amusement. The second group reads this board but fears it as much as many of them fear weigh-in, constantly dreading the day their name comes up (as they know the other girls plus the powers that be will read it as well). The third group (which I have been lead to believe is very small) avoid it like the plague -- they just don't want to know. It's hard for them because, with most reality shows, there are various places on the Internet for fans to talk/vent. For them, all the snark is pretty much concentrated here in one place, making it harder for anyone to really ignore.
  8. Sorry to disagree with you, but I know for a fact it is. Two separate people confirmed it to me.
  9. Yes, the viewers finally get to see the REAL Victoria Kalina, and it ain't pretty. So glad they're going to show that.
  10. Yep. VK went after Madeline and Brennan hard. In some instances she went directly to Kelli and, other times, she got Tina involved, who then reported "her" concerns to Kelli that some of the rookies weren't taking it seriously and were full of themselves. I find that highly ironic given that her own daughter didn't even follow instructions about meeting with the doctor/nutrionist AND allowed herself to gain 15 pounds during training camp.
  11. VK is 100% responsible for that. One of the reasons the other girls hated her so much.
  12. I have to wait until it's over, so I can fast forward through all the VK screen time. That means I only watch about 2 minutes out of the episode. God, she's disgusting.
  13. Where I live, she'd look like she was their mother.
  14. OMG! Poor Tina — what did she do to age herself so much?? She looks terrible for early 50s.
  15. From that photo, I'd guess that Shelly is 40. Tina looks 65. And Tina has a major weight problem (she yo-yo diets like crazy).
  16. There's a movie from the 80s with Lucille Ball playing a homeless person -- that's who Kitty reminds me of.
  17. Oh, I'm sorry, I thought this was "auto Amy" you were talking about. Yes, I agree that's awful!
  18. Interesting, what was it about that in particular that bothered you about that one? DM if you're more comfortable.
  19. Yes, I remember watching that episode and thinking "why the hell is she asking this old fat lady's opinion for?" And what she said about Chandler was just super mean.
  20. Oh Lord, me too! Hell, I'd take a Jinelle turd over VK.
  21. This is going to sound harsh, and I apologize, but if looks are keeping folks out, Jinelle and Madeline should have never made it -- yet both made TC the very first time they auditioned.
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