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Everything posted by SmpIsimon

  1. What we are saying is that Kelli was too nice in the way they edited that scene. Victoria was a bitch on wheels throughout that meeting (until the very end), so much so that she made Jinelle cry. And we know from Kelli saying she had concerns with "honesty," that Victoria had got caught in a lie (which folks on here have confirmed). Yet, NONE of that was shown. That's what we're talking about -- not what Kelli said in the clip.
  2. The part I found most telling was the way VK kept cutting her eyes at Jinelle in a super bitchy way as she talked to Kelli.
  3. One more absurdity (sorry, I'm just so annoyed with this show), when they had the previews for next week, we could see the photos with stickers. For Victoria's photo, of the 6 or 7 people who were placing stickers (indicating who they thought should be on the team), ONLY ONE (Kitty) gave Victoria a sticker. Okay, in light of that, why the hell is she still in training camp?
  4. Btw, you can see the tears in Jinelle's eyes when she turns back after telling Victoria "it's okay" toward the end of the segment. Then after a quick cut, Jinelle's eyes are dry again. Heavily, heavily edited.
  5. Exactly! Why they didn't show her entitled ass to the door at that very moment is beyond me. Sickening.
  6. You didn’t see it because they didn’t show it. That was my whole point. It was heavily edited to make VK look better than how she really behaved.
  7. Well, I'm not surprised, but I'm very disappointed that Victoria's lies were swept under the rug. The closest we got was Kelli saying "i’m not accusing anyone of dishonesty but there is something that isn’t adding up." It was confirmed that Victoria told a huge lie, and they just ignored that. Also, I was told that Jinelle was very upset after that office meeting, claiming that Victoria just laid into her and tried to blame her lie on Jinelle. Victoria is a disgusting human being, and I'm disgusted at the lengths this show is going to hide all that.
  8. Please God, let's hope so. Just think, with VK gone, the last few episodes might actually show us some of the other girls! Crazy thought, I know!
  9. Yeah, I heard the drama of training camp was a bit much for her this year.
  10. Isn't Kelli on one of the swimsuit covers this year? If so, how did her looks keep her out of training camp???
  11. Yep, and makes show group as a rookie. When you think of some of the disasters who have been brought into training camp, it just shows how flawed the audition process really is. Kelli needs to rethink the "yes/no/maybe" system that she thinks is so brilliant.
  12. I don't hate Victoria, but she is currently a very ugly person, and I'm talking about on the inside. You see a flash of the real Victoria in the previews for next week, and I'm so glad they showed that. I heard that Jinelle was both upset and shocked at how disrespectful and nasty Victoria was to her in front of Kelli and Judy. I don't know if they'll show it (I so hope they do), but Jinelle was crying afterwards. She also backstabbed multiple girls and gossiped in an attempt to make vets hate certain rookies. Now, I'm sure training camp is stressful enough as it is without the added stress of blowing up like a balloon while going through it, but she really needs to learn that the world doesn't revolve around her and that you should treat people the way you expect to be treated. Clearly, Tina did a terrible job of raising her daughter, and I hope this experience has held a mirror up to Victoria's face so she can become a better person.
  13. Well have to agree to disagree on that one. The videos of her dancing are okay, but I'd hardly call her great. And I don't consider her beautiful by any stretch of the imagination. Horse teeth and bleached blonde hair just don't do it for me -- plus there's something weird about her chest (doesn't match the rest of her). Oh, during the summer, she constantly bragged to the girls that she was "a paid model" (she would apparently bring it up at the most random times), which was hilarious to the girls for a couple reasons. One, most of the girls there have done paid modeling and, two, what few modeling jobs VK has booked have come through her parents' connections.
  14. Kelli is trying to stop the leaks. The girls are nervous about being blamed for something they might have told someone. I agree. I really don't see how she can try out again. I suspect that she'll be privately discouraged and, even if she does try out, it won't be shown. Her inclusion this season has caused a LOT of drama for a lot of people and caused damage to quite a few friendships.
  15. Yes, but she’d make life hell for the other girls. She sure did this summer.
  16. Precisely. Everyone has their breaking point, and life is too short . . .
  17. It goes well beyond “not getting along with” - she made their lives hell, her and Tina both. I understand their decision.
  18. Two vets have told me that they will retire if VK comes back. To quote one of them, “It’s just not worth the drama.”
  19. There was also a woman in an early season named Nina and she blocked portions of her cut, specifically her very negative reaction. Look, I post what I hear. Do with it what you will. Let me just say though, with all these women who eat, breathe, and sleep DCC (and that includes current DCC, alums, wanna-bes, and the friends of all those folks (which includes daughters of TPTB)), stuff spreads VERY quickly. Funniest thing I’ve ever read on this Board!!!
  20. It reminds me of that hilarious movie "Drop Dead Gorgeous" -- Kirstie Alley plays this awful pageant mom to an untalented daughter. At the end, the daughter gets killed in this ridiculous parade accident, and Kirstie's character is screaming at her dead body "Get up, baby -- we have to go to State!!!!"
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