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Everything posted by SmpIsimon

  1. Exactly. The girls are probably depressed as all hell at the thought of another summer of Victoria and Tina constantly stirring things up.
  2. It doesn't matter where VK sits, what she wears, etc. She's already got a spot on the team, and she knows it. Tina would not have let her try out again without some assurances.
  3. This girl's look really bothers me. She has no upper lip!
  4. VK already has a guaranteed spot on the team. She wouldn't "audition" without assurances that she'd make it. I too like Brennan. If any of the current DCCs don't have the DCC "look," it would be Maddie. Truth.
  5. I'm sure Kelli is thrilled -- will make it easier to justify putting VK on show group.
  6. "Growth" doesn't automatically wipe away past wrongs -- especially when those wrongs were as egregious as VK's.
  7. I like Gina. And I know this is controversial, but I do think she's the best dancer on the current squad. I'd select her for point.
  8. Yeah, I talked to someone who was there and she said several of the dancers found it odd that Victoria was wearing her shorts so high. Of course, it helps make the tummy look flatter (i.e., spanx).
  9. Not showing Victoria = a reason to celebrate! Last season they tried the tactic of trying to convince us she was amazing (aka: peeing on our leg and telling us it was raining). This year--for both the good of the organization and for the good of my gag reflex--I'm hoping they'll just keep the shameful nepotism hush-hush.
  10. That's kind of you. Personally, I'm not willing to give her a chance after how she lied about having a medical condition last year to cover up her weight gain, lied about attending a doctor's session, and then when caught, tried to throw Jinelle under the bus. Plus, she caused so much drama for the other girls last year (running to her mom with some BS about the other training camp candidates, who then reported it to Kelli). Hard pass.
  11. I hope you're right, but 1) Dedication isn't enough -- you also need talent (and I think Victoria lacks this); 2) She couldn't even keep the weight off during training camp last year, so I doubt she's gonna get any better at that once she's on the team; 3) She's a mean girl who causes massive drama for the other girls -- that's terrible for the team.
  12. Seriously, she could have pulled down her pants mid-dance and taken a dump on the floor -- she'd still have made it to semis. She's going to make the team. I just hope they don't show much of her this season. If Kelli wants to abuse her position for the sake of a friend, that's one thing, but please don't rub our noses in it.
  13. Given that VK showed up, she WILL make the team. Tina wouldn't let her audition again without assurances that it would pay off as she didn't want her to be embarrassed again. She was already promised a slot last year, but getting caught in a huge lie in addition to the 11 pound weight gain made that impossible.
  14. She's sucking in like crazy. In person she still looks heavy.
  15. This makes Kitty sound like a moron. Yes, there's absolutely nothing else for young women to do in Dallas (our country's 9th largest city) but join a dance squad for a professional sports team. SMH
  16. With VK in training camp, Kelli really shouldn't say anything to anybody regarding weight. That's a big girl.
  17. Not that I'm aware, but that would have been an appropriate retort. Especially Cassie's behavior on the infamous USO tour.
  18. Judy meekly expressed reservations about VK during auditions last year and was basically told (not very nicely, by the way) to STFU. That's why she was super quiet when it came to VK the rest of the season. She'd been chastised and learned her lesson.
  19. Rachel W. is also very homophobic. Let's be honest, she only made the team so Kelli could brag about having a runner-up to Miss America. Her dancing isn't anywhere strong enough.
  20. I suspect they'll handle VK one of two ways on the show: 1) We just won't see much of her. There's always some girls we know are in training camp, but we just don't hear much about or see. Given how heavy she still is and how out of control her dancing is, they should do that for VK if they insist on putting her on the team; 2) We'll hear a lot about her (i.e., we'll have to listen to her insipid talking head videos throughout), but we just won't see much of her dancing other than some carefully selected shots where she doesn't look too bad. That'll be challenging though because she's still a bit too heavy for the traditional DCC standards.
  21. The test for whether Victoria makes the team is if she shows up at auditions. Tina won't let her audition without assurances. She was not happy last year at how her daughter was "humiliated." And she'll make the calendar and, hell, it wouldn't surprise me if she makes show group. The delusion/nepotism over VK is ridiculous.
  22. Yep. As the story was relayed to me, Brennan made some off-hand comment one night to a small group of girls about the stress and how she sometimes wondered if she was up to it. Certain folks then ran to Kelli, saying that Brennan said she wasn't really committed to the DCC.
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