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Everything posted by SmpIsimon

  1. Both Kelli and Judy need to retire. Let’s bring the DCC into the 21st century.
  2. I still don't understand how Christina made the team in the first place, much less got invited back two subsequent years. She's generally considered by far the weakest dancer on the team.
  3. Personally, I’d prefer that point not be given to a homophobe.
  4. There is ZERO percent chance of Victoria being cut. She doesn't deserve a spot, but she will definitely have one.
  5. Yes, she has been cut, but there was no practice last night so it was prior to that.
  6. Plus, Jinelle set up a doctor's appointment for VK based on a condition that VK claimed to have. VK then told Jinelle that she'd gone to the appointment, when she didn't. It was only when this lie was uncovered that she then decided to throw out the whole "well, you've never had a weight problem!" excuse. Given how spoiled VK has been her whole life, I'm willing to cut her some slack, but that really takes the cake in my book.
  7. Bingo. And that vicious side comes out a lot.
  8. I posted that VK made SG and Jalyn did not long before Shelley confirmed it. I also stand by the other things I have shared. But it is everyone’s prerogative to be skeptical of my motives, just as I am skeptical of the motives of those who 1) actively try so hard to discredit any and all inside information, and 2) tell us how amazing VK is doing this year.
  9. I wonder which deserving girl will get cut so that VK can have a spot?
  10. I'm dying to see where VK lands in the squad photo. Typically (but not always), the rookies fill in the back two rows. Some years, however, a rookie is brought up front -- I have a feeling this will be one of those years.
  11. I'm the one who posted that VK made SG and that Jalyn was the only returning member who did not. What's vague about that?
  12. It was really bad. They were actually kind to her in how they edited it.
  13. Get used to it -- there'll be at least five years of that.
  14. I heard someone made a stink about them not taking rookies and also about rookies not getting to be part of the new intro they filmed for the show.
  15. Kitty is a pretty nasty person who many consider crazy. In my opinion, she is only on the show because she makes for good TV given how outrageous she is.
  16. VK will marry someone who is smart/connected enough to make a lot of money, but dumb enough to see her as "trophy wife." Somehow I don't think she'll be a stay-at-home-mom so much as someone who supervises the nanny and domestic staff. Like her mom, she'll probably balloon up and, with no other real accomplishments to point to, she'll will ride the "I'm a former DCC!" train as far as it'll take her. She'll likely have a little girl who, despite whatever level of talent she might possess, will be told that she's the most amazing thing to ever draw breath and is thus 100% entitled to whatever she (and her mother) THINKS she deserves, even if technically she lacks the basic qualifications. And with mommy and daddy's connections, she'll get lots of goodies that she's in no way deserving of. And the cycle repeats . . .
  17. VK would never admit to making a mistake. She'd just blame others.
  18. Victoria has a reputation for changing dance studios whenever they did not sufficiently fawn all over her (which means they had to give her all the best solos, tons of praise and not too much critique). Sounds like she's finally found her perfect studio with the DCC.
  19. That's pretty much true. Remember the year the "judges" didn't pick Danielle, but Kelli and Charlotte added her in last minute (without even consulting Judy).
  20. We all know she’s been guaranteed a spot. But she doesn’t deserve it. To, she’ll always be #illegitimatedcc
  21. I want to see how good of an actress Victoria is when they tell her she's made the team. She already knows that, but of course she'll have to act like it's a big surprise.
  22. I think they excuse her bigotry because she was first runner-up in Miss America. She’s extremely homophobic.
  23. The level of photoshop this year will be nothing compared to next year when they have VK in a swimsuit.
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