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Posts posted by Aquarius

  1. ElleryAnne, I completely agree with all you say re: Scully and Mulder. I hated that the show went there, after having celebrated so long that here was a man and a woman who could be friends, true friends, without the inevitable Twu Wuv forming. I thought if any series could avoid the stereotype, it would be the X-Files. But no. Unattached members of the opposite sex simply cannot remain good friends, unless one or more of them is gay.

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  2. The funny thing is, I find men in real life are far more accepting of diversity in women than women seem to be. On television, yes, you get the idea that any woman who isn't certifiable eye candy is completely disregarded by men. But in the real world I find men are far less critical of a woman's looks than women are.

    I don't understand why women are so apt to judge each other that way. Competition? Conditioning? Deflection? It is a mystery to me.

    • Love 6
  3. Ugh, the Chicken Fat song is bringing on some disturbing flashbacks to elementary school gym class.  <shudder>


    Luckily I missed this phenomenon.  But I can't hear the name Jane Fonda without flashing back to high school gym class.  <shudder>

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  4. I thought that was Excedrin.  In any case, my late mother loved him, but could never remember his name.  After that commercial, she referred to *him* as "Bangaroo."


    It could have been.  The commercial never swayed us to buy the product even if the phrase stayed in our household lexicon. 


    Also hilarious at the time, I caught Robert Ulrich on David Letterman when that spot was airing.  And Letterman just kept interjecting "full grown adult-sized bangaroo" into the conversation.  Ulrich was getting annoyed, and I'm sure it was annoying, but we thought it was hilarious.

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  5. With all the things that have happen to Billy, I have wondered where is his best friend Rafe Torres? What happen to Rafe? He was one of my favorites of the new characters. He was there one day and gone the next. 


    He became a gay lawyer and Adam seduced him to keep him quiet about - oh wait, wrong Rafe.


    Was Raf-AY-elllll called "Rafe"?  I honestly don't remember much about the character, other than the over-pronunciation of his full name.

  6. My worst:


    The X-Files




    My best:


    As The World Turns (I cried like a baby, having watched it for more than 30 years!)

    The Mary Tyler Moore Show



    A finale that probably isn't one that is at the top of many people's lists because the sitcom in general kind of got lost in NBC's plethora of celebrated Thursday night comedies but I'd nominate Wings for "Best finale."  I can't think of a comedy that introduced a theme/thesis in its pilot, went through 7/8 seasons and was able to come back to it and stick the landing quite in the way Wings did. 



    Ya know, I'd forgotten all about it, but you are right about Wings!  That would be on my best list too.  Very satisfying.

    • Love 3
  7. You know, I don't even want an Adam recast.  (And not just because I've developed a fondness for the understated acting stylings of the Hand).


    I don't miss the character.  I don't feel like he has a place in GC any more than Kyle or Heather or Daniel or Ronan or any of the other forgotten legacy offspring on this show.  I don't feel any hole in the cast for his absence.  And it's been a long time now.

    • Love 2
  8. I always hated Horshack.  So annoying.


    Phoebe on "Friends" was an awful character.  Mean-spirited and bitchy at the core.


    I hated Fox Mulder.  What a downer, and not in an amusing way, and I haaated the way they had to "go there" with him and Scully.  Ruined the whole show for me.

  9. I agree about "All In the Family."  I used to love it, now it just sounds like a bunch of unfunny people fighting all the time.


    "Happy Days" embarrasses me, how much I liked it in the day.  I cringe when my husband turns on a rerun.


    I like later "Bewtiched" episodes much better than the earlier ones.  I think it is because of the funky period clothing and storylines.  But then I have a fondness for that time period ala "The Brady Bunch" and "The Mary Tyler Moore Show."

    • Love 2
  10. And speaking of "Spenser", the late great Robert Urich did some ads back in the day. Good voice..manly, authoritative yet kind. Miss him.


    One for Anacin.  "This isn't any little headache.  This is a full grown, adult-sized bangaroo."  To this day in my household we use the term "full grown, adult sized bangaroo" to describe our headaches.

    • Love 1
  11.  . . . if your date is into the "retro rad" thing. I must confess, I wouldn't walk away from a date that offered me a turkey burger, but I'd run screaming from any retro rad get up. I have yet to see a retro rad contestant (on any food gameshow) who I haven't disliked to the point of wanting to take some "mother's little helpers" myself when they're onscreen.


    Agree with you on the turkey burgers.  I didn't understand why that was such an awful date night meal.  Sometimes romance is about comfort.


    And you reminded me of why I just cannot warm up to Loreal, although she's a lady butcher and I should be all over that.  She reminds me too much of Emily Ellyn or whatever "Retro Rad!"'s real name was.  Hated. Her.  Mother's little helpers indeed.

    • Love 1
  12. I wish they would hurry up and find a recast because this spy cam crap is only making Adam look like even more of an asshole than he did before.


    I know.  I didn't think that was possible but it is.


    I thought CE's version of the character worked in the kind of gothic-y framework in which he was introduced, but then I think MM's overplayed rendering [kind of like fat in a heated room] of the character blew out its potential backstory and made Adam a Freudian one-note, intermittently conflicted, James Franco mess of it all. [uO]


    Bellying up the bar right there next to you.

    • Love 3
  13. What ladies adjust themselves after they ring a doorbell for a date?


    Ones that date Rhinestone Cowboys, I reckon.


    And yes, you are correct, they did have a "live tv" challenge where each contestant was thrown a curveball like a stove not working, to see if they could handle it.  But that was clearly a live tv challenge, so it was sort of relevant, and it happened to every contestant, even if the differences in the challenges were sort of unfair.



    Omg I was looking at the table from the front and I didn't understand. From the top camera view however.... yikes... vagina table. Now I cannot unsee it heh


    Yeah, you'll never unsee it!


    The best part is that in my house, if one of us is out of the room when the judging starts, the other will yell, "Hon!  The Glowing Vulva of Culinary Knowledge!"  Hee.  This show is so much fun to snark on.

  14. I realize you don't get do-overs in real shows and you have to wing it, but it seems unfair in a competition unless everyone had to deal with a stove not working right.


    See, this has always annoyed me about this show.  Because the kind of show that the winners get, you DO get do-overs.  They're called takes.  So why all the insistence that the world can fall down around you and you just have to keep going? 



    I'm guessing you two have stumbled onto the story arc for the season.  Have you been in the writer's room?


    Busted!  LOL. 

  15. For you folks smarter than me...why is Sharon Osbourne talking to rabbits and birds in those Atkins commercials? Is she delirious from hunger?


    Not if she's doing it right!  :-)



    Maybe the Atkins products taste so bad that rabbits and birds are the only ones who'll eat them.


    Although this is entirely possible!  Some of those products are dreadful.  Although there are a few that are pretty good.


    As a committed life-long Atkins-er, it amuses me no end that RABBITS and BIRDS are the ones they picked for these commercials.  I get the whole "you don't have to eat like a bird or eat rabbit food on this diet" message . . . but the bulk of the food you eat on Atkins is not likely to appeal to birds, and especially not rabbits. 

    • Love 2
  16. For my personal Jersey girl reasons I am loving Nicole.  Normal sized hair, normal manicure, normal makeup, utter lack of a "Joisey" accent, tacky jewelry and animal prints - she's like the NJ people I actually live with!  Go Nicole!


    (Although, sweetheart, chicken fried steak is not a complete unknown here.  Still love ya though.  :-))


    We were shocked that Luca was the one sent packing.  My husband was convinced it would be Kenny because he copped such an attitude with the judges.  I knew it wouldn't be when he came back with his lame, "Oh, I thought about it and I should have heated up the pan first, sorry."  So I picked Chris.  I think this is the first time in the history of the show that both of us were wrong.  Although to be fair, even now I can't remember what Luca made during the Alex challenge.  So I guess his food wasn't all that memorable. 


    I like Emma too.  But I am also wondering if she can amp it up, and she needs to.


    "You brought up a grandmother!  GOOD!" - this Alton quote pretty much sums up the competition though, doesn't it??

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  17. Oooh, Dan and Steve also have a recipe for mashed sweet potatoes that I use to this day.  It includes a roasted banana.  You have to like banana because it is a prevalent flavor in the dish, but it is so unusual and so good.  When I make it for the holidays everyone loves it.

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