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Posts posted by Aquarius

  1. For example, Alton said this before the season started when asked why it seemed like contestants get nervous in front of him:


    "I've been real honest sometimes. In past seasons, if I get frustrated I show it. But it's only because I actually care. I've been on Food Network for 15 years. I love it. I want to protect it. And I don't want anybody who doesn't deserve to be on it on it. So I take it very seriously."


    Yeah, I guess that's what "Cutthroat Kitchen" is all about.  STFU, Alton.  You just like being a dick.  Own it.

    • Love 6
  2. Yeah, that story about the piglets is total BS.  Because explain to me WHY the barn would have been filled with suckling pigs, if people were not yet eating pork?  Were they keeping them as pets?  Oh, I know, they were milking - no, gathering their eggs - no, using them to hunt vermin - hmmm.  I know.  They must have been keeping pigs to find truffles.  The ancient world must have been covered in truffles to the point that it would make sense to expend food and room to keep pigs to find truffles.  Yeah, that's it.


    I'm still sort of pissed that Loreal didn't go instead, but as I said last episode, Emma had been wearing thin for me, so I'm not unhappy she was sent home.  Just unhappy it wasn't Sarah.

    • Love 1
  3. Lenny is like a bad actor with a bad script.  Just painful to watch.  This little lady wouldn't watch a show of his.  No siree!  But I do have a feeling he's going to win.


    I've liked Nicole since the beginning, but I just don't see her having a chance at this point.  I used to like Emma, but now she's just peppering everything with her grandma and travel stories.  As mentioned upthread, it is like she's turned the key to this competition, but it's coming off as a little ridiculous.  And insulting.  I'm too stooopid to understand "viscous" but somehow Emma relating a taste to her travels in Thailand with her family makes me understand and want to eat the dish?  The hell??  I know that's FN and not Emma but still.  I envy how nice her curls are but that's all I got left for her at this point, because I don't care what her grandma said about cumin during their travels in Nepal.


    And Sarah has moved into complete and utter idiot territory.  The Republic of Texas was bad enough but then to go all diva about the freaking tenderloin?  And keep bringing it up, ad nauseum.  Did I miss the part where they announced that they could pick any protein, but the tenderloin was Sarah's?  Because she kept insisting it was "hers" somehow.  Maybe it's a law from the nonexistent Republic of Texas, that's the only thing that makes sense.  Ugh.  During the judging when they started Sarah's "we see potential in you" speech, we thought it was the goodbye speech, and we started cheering so loud that we actually missed the whole ending.  So, so disappointed when we realized they were really sending Chris home. 

    • Love 2
  4. The Cinnamon Toast Crunch commercial where one piece of 'toast' eats all the other pieces at the end is both gross and aggressively cannibalistic.  Neither are things I want to greet me in the morning.  Hate!!!


    Not to mention, in one version, I swear the announcer starts with, "Hey ladies!"  Which has always made me wonder, what is so gender-specific about Cinnamon Toast Crunch?

    • Love 1
  5. Parade Magazine for Sunday, July 13th has a feature on Giada and her new restaurant in Las Vegas, Giada.  "While grand in scale and ambition, Giada feels intimate, thanks to its soothing earth tones and personal touches, like the chandeliers inscribed with the chef's stay-slim food philosophy ('I eat a little bit of everything and not a lot of anything')..."


    Oh.  This makes me stabby. 

    • Love 6
  6. The Yoplait woman may or may not have tone when she asks the question. What seals the deal for me (and this may be another commercial), is when he says ,"I gotta go," and she just smirks and nods smugly. Like, really? What the hell has transpired that he needs to end his conversation and deal with consequences?

    Put me in "the wife can FOAD" club.

    • Love 4
  7. On Rhoda, I liked Joe, and I wish they had worked harder to make that relationship work (the writers, not the characters). Their breakup and the reasons given were so lame.

    Party of two, please! I loved Rhoda but this broke my heart. I don't think she was any more funny/ interesting alone.

    From the same era, I HATED Jennifer on WKRP in Cincinnati. I know she was supposed to be all stereotype-breaking awesome but she was just insufferable. So smart and well-paid and yet still existing on the backs of her older sugardaddies. Yech.

    • Love 3
  8. Hee. This is so much fun.

    Some other ones from SNL that my husband and I use all the time.

    One of us comments, "That was a long time ago." The other says, "Yes, it was eighteen months ago."

    "You know what?" - "Chicken butt."

    "You know why?" - "Chicken thigh."

    We own a parrot, so often substitute "parrot" for "chicken."

    "Stick with me and you'll be wearing gold-plated diapers."

    From South Park, we also use "Respect my authoritah!" alot.

    • Love 2
  9. Not from a show, but from an old commercial - a bad headache in our house is referred to as "a full-grown, adult-sized bangaroo."


    From SNL


    "I am not mean spirited and ill-tempered!  How would you like this pen in your neck?"  - a paraphrase from the old Bob Dole debate parody, my husband and I routinely use this on each other when one is cranky


    "Never mind."  In Emily Litella's voice.


    "Set a course . . . for love!" - with the salute and the Jean-Luc Picard voice, from Patrick Stewart's appearance


    From South Park:


    "Drugs are bad, mmmmkay."  We use this whenever someone gets a prescription.


    "Oh! Jesus Christ!" - in Mr. Slave's voice


    "I love you guys.  Except you, Kyle."  Sometimes we'll substitute an actual name of the party; sometimes not.


    "I. Am. So. Pissed. Off." - Cartman

    • Love 3
  10. Maybe men are smarter than we think they are when it comes to housework.  You know, for example, intentionally putting a red shirt into a load of whites thereby ruining them so he'll never be asked to do the laundry again.  Or "accidentally" breaking a piece of the good china while washing dishes so he'll never be asked to wash the dishes again. lol  You get the idea.      


    Oh, I called my husband on this a long time ago.  After first denying it, and a few heart-to-hearts about how I was feeling about having to bear the entire burden of housework in addition to my full-time job, he admitted that he had been making it difficult for me to ask for help.  Not to get out of it, per se, but just to make me hesitate to ask him under the old "it's just easier to do it myself!" idea.


    Of course, to get this behavior to stop, I had to agree to accept his solid best try at things, even if he did them differently than I would.  Being a fully adult person who had never even been taught how to wash a dish or fold a towel, he was frustrated that he was trying and I was just getting mad because he was doing it so poorly.  Whereas I'd been taught how to do these things, he'd literally had so little training; he is of the age when boys didn't take home ec in school and his mom did everything for him.  So the lessons commenced, and he learned how to wash dishes and vacuum and mop floors.  Now he's better at these things than I am.  :-)


    As for the whole housework = women, there is a corollary to that which is mechanical/tools = men. My husband and I joke about how when a commercial is showing a woman working a drill, they are demonstrating how EASY it is to use.  "So easy even a WOMAN can do it!"  The same goes for cleaning products or implements  . . . if they show a man successfully working one of these, it's EASY.  Of course, because men are just so very clueless about housework, they've yet to make a paper towel that's easy enough for them to use, so you very rarely see that version.  There are a few - Swiffer for example.

    • Love 1
  11.  I said upthread that those damned Yoplait ads would aggravate me less if another commercial the husband would turn it around on his nag of a wife and ask her why she was hanging out in front of the open fridge mentally fondling his imported beer, and I was kind of being facetious, but at the same time that's something that would never happen.


    The damn Yoplait ads would bother me less if they flipped the script entirely, and had the wife standing in front of the fridge looking for all the delicious goodies the husband is eating while still losing weight.

    • Love 1
  12. I remember reading somewhere that the producers or the writers didn't find the ending believable but they did it because the fanbase wanted Big and Carrie together. That's why I thought my opinion was unpopular. But I agree with you! I really hope it isn't unpopular.


    I have the same opinion as you both . . . but I do believe, unfortunately, that it is unpopular.  At least based on other fans I have discussed it with.

  13. I watched As The World Turns from circa 1980 until the final episode.  There were times it was so bad near the end that I wanted to poke out my own eyes so I would stop watching; it apparently would take that drastic a step.  I am having the same problem currently with The Young and The Restless.  I find my soaps to be a matter of nostalgia and I guess once I am hooked by nostalgia, I'm dead meat.

  14. I guess I have a UO regarding Buffy, given all the discussion about it here.


    I never liked the show and thus never watched it.



    Someone mentioned The Golden Girls and it reminded me... I can not stand that show. And apparently I'm from a generation who is supposed to love it (Gen X). I truly do not know anyone my age who dislikes this show. It's like it's rainbows and puppys and unicorns and I am un-American and evil by not liking it.


    I don't know if I'm your age, but I'm Gen X and I can't stand that show either.  Never could.

    • Love 1
  15. That's why I hate they no longer show us the contestants living in the house they keep them sequestered in. It was a way to really get to know the contestants when they were being themselves. Top Chef does it still, you get to watch them hanging out, talking about their families, etc. Even Hell's Kitchen does it to some degree. Now, they just want us to see the "manufactured" version of each contestant.


    For the life of me, I cannot remember another house other than the infamous Penny/Jylll/Mary Beth house.  I thought at the time they only started showing the house scenes because they had such DRAH-MAH going on there . . . I remember being annoyed because of that, and all it did for me was prove what a hateful person Penny was, which was already obvious through the competition and talking heads anyway . . . I got nothing more out of it than that. 


    What other seasons did they show the house?

  16. Yeah, I'm thinking it's only a matter of time before Sarah is sent back to her time machine so she can return home to the Republic of Texas.  They're keeping her around because they think we'll find her mean girl talking heads amusing.  I'm guessing she makes fourth.


    I like Emma but I don't think she'll win.  She's way too sedate and unassuming for this network.  I agree that her POV is too similar to Farmhouse Rules, and I don't think that show is going anywhere soon.

  17.  Granted, dogs like to eat shit more than most animals and if given a choice, it would probably be at the top of their treat list, but I'm guessing that's not what they really said.


    Thanks so, so much for this.  I needed a laugh like that this morning.


    I believe they are saying "twists and turns."

    • Love 1
  18. I don’t get why Lenny had to taste all those peppers. Did he not know how they tasted beforehand? Are hot peppers not used in Cowboy cuisine? If he didn’t know what they tasted like, how was he making his hot sauce before Bobby got to him? It just made me think he was using a recipe that someone gave him, although come to think of it, that’s probably how it would work if he got his own show so I can’t ding him too much on that. But it didn’t help his credibility when he’s all like “wtf is this Habenero? Ohhh it’s hot!”


    This is why I will never like Lenny.  Either he a) knew exactly what each of those peppers was like and was just playing to the camera or b) has zero culinary credibility.  I'm thinking a) which makes him a reality show whore.  Who the hell doesn't know a habanero is hot?  I guess a person who can't manage to drink milk.  I really don't need to see a disgusting man pouring milk down the front of his beard, thankyouverymuch.

    • Love 6
  19. Besides, when in h*ll would a cowboy have ever met a black mamba? They live in Africa. Sidewinder or diamondback? OK, but Black Mamba Branding Iron is just a mess.


    Maybe they have black mambas in the Republic of Texas.

    • Love 2
  20. Republic of Texas? REPUBLIC OF TEXAS??? There hasn't been a fucking Republic of Texas since 1845 so unless Sarah intends to cook pre-Fanny Farmer Cookbook, I fail to see how that's a viable POV for baby food or anything else.

    • Love 3
  21. I have lived in New Jersey all my life, having been born here 46 years ago to parents who were also born and raised here. I have never known a person born and raised in New Jersey like Snooki. I have known many like Nicole, though. I am rooting for her. I loved the "bitchface" confessional. I know a waitress exactly like that - her relaxed face is a total scowl but she is the nicest, best-natured person.

    I did not know anything about Knott's Berry Farm. I've done a very unscientific poll in my corner of New Jersey, and no one else has either. So it's not hard for me to believe that Emma (from Ithica, NY) or Nicole (from Atlantic City, NJ) would not know about it either. I can't remember who the other person in the car was, but it's not exactly the equivalent to saying "We're going to Disney!" to people from the East Coast.

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