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Everything posted by PeterBrady

  1. None of them listen to each other. They all just spew their sides talking points while constantly interrupting and talking over each other. It doesn’t help their cause since they are proving the people right who refer to The View panelists as a bunch of cackling hens.
  2. People think that leaking is bad when it’s done to their side and call it whistle blowing when it’s the other side. Partisanship is out of control in America! Very sad indeed.
  3. I don’t want to get political and this topic was discussed on the show, but I have to ask this. Is telling someone to be disrespectful okay as long as you don’t do it to their face? Does that make any sense? I don’t see the situations as being all that different. This is what I meant when I said both sides cannot recognize or acknowledge hypocrisy from their own side.
  4. I’m sorry if I wasn’t clear. On today’s show, Abby mentioned the incident where Maxine Waters said that “if you see anybody from that Trump cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them....” Waters said this last June. On The View episode following Maxine Waters saying this, Sunny did vigorously defend her. That is what I was talking about. Sunny had no problem with Maxine being disrespectful to Republicans at that time, but now she is appalled when a Republican disrespects Maxine. That’s the hypocrisy that I was referring to.
  5. Abby was just saying that Sunny et al were vigorously defending Maxine Waters when she is being disrespectful towards Republican politicians yet are outraged when the reverse happens. The hypocrisy is glaring. That’s why politics suck! Both sides are brutally hypocritical, yet neither side recognizes or acknowledges it.
  6. Joy literally thinks that the Obama administration was scandal free. Meghan doesn’t know how to respond in a respectful manner and comes across very bitchy. It would be nice to have a conservative panelist who could articulate her thoughts well so that there could be productive back and forth discourse. Too bad. While Obama was a much nicer man Trump, his administration was far from having no scandals. Benghazi, IRS targeting conservatives, Operation Fast and Furious, FISA and the Iran nuclear deal are a few. Those are the ones on the top of my head.
  7. It’s called being objective. You don’t have to like someone or support someone to defend them.
  8. Nancy Pelosi said those exact words publicly. Mind blowing. I know.
  9. Doesn’t that prove her point to be true?
  10. Whoopi has no idea about the concept of insurance and nobody on the panel has the balls to explain it to her because they’re afraid of hurting her feelings. I think they should anyway because whoopi going on about year after year just makes her look stupid.
  11. The term right wing used to mean conservative. It has now been bastardized to mean radical, racist nutjob. I'm pretty sure that's what Meghan was talking about.
  12. I totally agree. Abby is right. People just want to see what they want to see. Sunny and Joy has no problem with the Parkland students being political. Now it’s bad because it’s not their side. Meghan was on the opposite side when it concerned the Parkland students. Confirmation bias is a real thing. Doctor Phil talked about it on the show the last time he was a guest. Joy proved it today. She actually admitted.
  13. They were not mocking the indigenous man, they were doing their school’s spirit chants to drown out the hateful slurs that were being directed at them by the Black Israelites.
  14. I agree, it is annoying and extremely unprofessional in my opinion. The View is part of ABC News so the “experts” on the panel should behave accordingly. Whoopi is a just being immature. She can’t get over the fact that Trump won the election and won’t let anyone forget it. Instead of getting angry, she should proactively work towards promoting a candidate who could replace Trump in 2020.
  15. She’s 50 years old! Sunny has lived on her own for at least twenty. It’s mind blowing how sheltered she appears to be.
  16. It is very ethnocentric of Sunny to never have heard of Sweet Caroline. You would have had to only associate with people of color to have never heard that song before. And even then it would be really hard to not know that song. Was she that sheltered growing up and never ventured out to explore the mos populous culture of the country in which she lives. Also, isn’t Sunny’s mom white?
  17. Yes, but some facts may go unreported while other facts may be highlighted and emphasized. This is what many news outlets do to forward their narrative. I know it sounded ridiculous when Kellyanne Conway said it, but there often are "alternative facts". "Reporters" and news outlets often choose the facts that they would like to report on. That's why many people do not trust the media. Sadly, the days of Walter Concrite are long gone.
  18. Abby gave her opinion about not trusting almost all news sources. She said watching Fox and CNN are like watching two different worlds, which is true. Cable news is so biased on both sides that it is almost impossible to decipher the actual truth. They often only tell one side of a story and only report on the facts that fit their agenda. The media is not trusted for good reason and it is their own fault. I find it annoying when panel members try to defend "reporters" who are really just dispensers of opinions. Sunny smugly announces that she trusts ABC news. Gee I wonder why. They're all bad. Whatever happened to the days of Walker Cronkite? News outlets should only report on facts from both sides of an issue and let the viewer or reader form their own opinion.
  19. I googled it. It is actually TRUE as of this moment. They were scheduled to be paid tomorrow so they haven’t missed any pay yet. If I had written this tomorrow, then it would have been false. Either way, I agree with Meghan in hopes that they make some sort of agreement so that things could get back to normal.
  20. I didn’t say that Sunny, Joy and Whoopi wouldn’t give to the workers, but I highly doubt it. I’m sure that they know that their donated money would be much better spent on truly needy charities as opposed to government workers who have yet to miss a paycheck.
  21. It would be nice to see Joy, Sunny and Whoopi put there money where their mouth is, but I wouldn’t hold my breath. I’m sure that I heard somewhere that the affected government workers have yet to miss a paycheck? Is that true? Also, I heard that even if they do eventually miss a paycheck that they would be reimbursed as soon as the partial government shutdown ends. If this is true, I don’t understand all the hysteria about starving government workers.
  22. People hear what they want to hear. Nobody on the panel corrected her because there was nothing to correct.
  23. Yeah. Sunny rarely makes sense to me and usually bases her opinions on emotion rather than on facts. At least she was honest by saying that she is easily offended. I give her props for that.
  24. A very large percentage of people get the week off between Christmas and New Years and many are also off all of this week and don’t go back until the 7th. So I do get what they are complaining about. However, it’s hard to feel sorry for them as they brag about flying in late from vacations in Mexico or Las Vegas. Poor Sunny and Meghan. I would sure like to have that as one of my problems.
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