66 -
114 Excellent-
I was surprised that Brent lost to Rhiannon because we all know it will be an all male finale, the women just aren't good enough. I was also surprised that Andy, describing Kath's memorable dishes, said "they will live on with us". It triggered another flood of tears. I can't help it, Jock has always been my favorite MasterChef judge, across all versions I watch every season.
Actually, they did show it in the edit because I remember her talking about it when she was putting it in and I thought to myself, 'wow, that looks like a LOT!'. I know recipes usually call for about a teaspoon, it looked to me like she put in a quarter cup. I'm thankful the editors allowed us to laugh tonight with all of the fly-swatting and it didn't wind up on the cutting room floor.
The preview for the next episode clearly showed Declan and Kath walking in wearing white aprons being followed by Brent and Theo without. The judges shout 'surprise' and Declan's jaw drops as he looks down beside him (at Kath, I assume) and then we see all four of them cooking in white. Either production messed up royally or Rhiannon could no longer participate and they've moved the immunity challenge up to include all four. I don't know about anyone else, but I'm not in a hurry to see this season end. It crushes me that we won't get to see Jock and his enthusiasm, compassion and great sense of humor.
I'm also in the US and I've been watching AU TV shows on SHVideos dot net. There's no need for a VPN there, even though I have one for other stuff. Enjoy the show(s)!
Celebrity Masterchef (2021): Lies Detected
ReallyRealReality replied to SnideAsides's topic in Masterchef (AU)
Technically, it was Collette fretting over the fact that she didn't understand Thorpy's chicken dish and Rebecca was the one who came up with the idea of changing it to her version. So... I'll change my statement to "Next on my 'hit list' would be Rebecca and Collette after they decided to change up the team challenge dish." -
Celebrity Masterchef (2021): Lies Detected
ReallyRealReality replied to SnideAsides's topic in Masterchef (AU)
I froze the group shots, too, and came to the same conclusions you did. The pink shirt you mention is definitely Tilly, you can see her long straight blonde hair in a ponytail in the mirror. After Thorpey's poor performance at the whiskey distillery challenge (come ON, who takes two hours to chop potatoes for two dozen people? Especially when he didn't even peel them!!) and his irritating begging to try to get immunity from the judges, I'll be happy when he's gone. Next on my 'hit list' would be Rebecca after she decided to change up the team challenge dish. Karma does come around, it just takes a little time sometimes. I don't know about anyone else, but I think this season is too hard to get engrossed in because it's only two shows a week. Being from the US and not knowing any of these people (aside from Tilly) or their careers, it takes me half an episode just to remember everyone's names and what they've done previously. They can't do a 'Lockdown Baking™-inspired bread challenge' for this group, half of them use plain white bread from the pantry! 🤣 -
Celebrity Masterchef (2021): Lies Detected
ReallyRealReality replied to SnideAsides's topic in Masterchef (AU)
Of all the beautiful dishes served up, why am I not surprised the judges picked the one that looked like dog vomit to win the pin? They never disappoint in choosing the most unappetizing looking dishes. They do know the viewing audience can only judge on sight, right? -
I just struggled to sit through and watch the last two episodes, knowing via Twitter who won, I was in no hurry to witness it for myself. I call BS that Mel got raw quail and the guys didn't when they were all cooked in the oven together and served on one dish. Also, why did she score it a 6(!!!) when the very next day she scored Justin's raw cake a 9... that all of the judges said was a problem?!??!! I just want to say what I've said for years... if Masterchef AU is going to insist on having a pressure test for the winner, the judging MUST be done blind so that the audience KNOWS the winner isn't predetermined.
The challenge you are referring to was an Indian curry dish that they had to recreate by taste, there was no recipe. What got people so up in arms was that Poh made a Malaysian curry, not an Indian curry, but because it tasted better than Sarah's Indian curry, she was saved. I know it infuriated me so much I haven't forgotten.
I'm with you on being pis$ed Wynona was eliminated when the judges clearly stated that Jess' dish was so gingery they couldn't taste the cucumber in hers. How did she fill the brief then?!? As for Conor's dish (I haven't seen anyone mention this)... what the HELL did he do for 90 minutes?!?!? He made an olive ice cream and put it in the churner, made a cucumber granita (TOO) and put it in the blast chiller... what did he do with the last hour, practice his model walk????? Seriously! He didn't even take the time to go out and pick something from the garden to decorate the dish with. How could he get away with doing TWO frozen elements in all that time and not be dragged on the carpet for it?!?!
I'm thankful to find out that the 'bumper' announcement saying "Sunday night on Masterchef Australia, superstar week continues..." was wrong and that there was no (nearly) week long thing happening there that we (the rest of the world) were unaware of. 🙃 Nearly gave me a panic attack that I'd have to start all over trying to figure out names and faces. It's bad enough I couldn't remember who Katrina is, so I decided to re-watch a little of the previous episode and I just have to comment on the outstanding chipotle peanuts 'flubs' from the editing room. The teams have run to their stations and are compiling their menus and tasting the flavor bombs while Melissa is shown happily tucking into a 2/3's full jar of chipotle peanuts saying "these are addictive", followed by the teams rushing thru the pantry and the judges talking to Yotum about his dishes and displaying the full jars of flavor bombs as they do their initial tastings along with his menu descriptions... 1 (numbing oil), 3 (fenugreek marinade) then 2 (chipotle peanuts) but they left in Andy's statement and hand gesture signaling from 1 to 2, "and let's go down one to those chipotle peanuts". I'm not quite sure why editing decided to switch the order up, maybe to follow along with Yotum's meal order, but it was very distracting because it was obvious when the peanut jar was always at different levels throughout their tasting. I'm not sure if they were being used as palette cleansers or what, but the jar was never as full as it should have been. 🤣
Wasn't just you that saw how excessive the edit was for her farewell episode. It was obviously someone's idea to say 'we love you, Poh' since she was their cash-cow with the sound-bites. Those of us tired of her laughing at her own attempts at humor merely sat here waiting to see if the death knell was truly dire this time or whether she'd have another judge's unjustified save. To be honest, they transmitted her farewell so blatantly throughout the whole show that I was only surprised the judges couldn't find some excuse... like, "oh, didn't we tell you? There's no elimination this week because today ends in a 'y'."
Hahahahaaa, you said 'bowel', not 'bowl'... but it still works!!!
Sorry it's taken me a full week to calm down before I could come and post without swearing up a storm. I warned you I'd hit the ceiling if they pulled some BS and sent Tessa out. Sure enough, that's exactly what they did. I'm still not over it. HOW can they say her dish didn't fit the brief? In my opinion, hers was the only one that did. "Make something creative we've never seen before"... cue Poh making another curry and serving it in! a! piece! of! lettuce!!!... cue Reynold making his typical dessert elements and calling it 'space'. Oooo, aaaaah... BS!!!! Tessa served up Indian food as tacos... a blending of two cuisines... CLEARLY not seen before. Mel said all of the elements tasted wonderful, but they then complained about the flavors being too strong and the heat lingering, etc... but it was a BUILD YOUR OWN style... if they put too much hot sauce on then that's on THEM!!!! I'm sick of it. Obviously with these judges the briefs only matter to determine who follows it most closely so they can eliminate them. Who cares if the remaining cooks can only cook dishes they're comfortable with, a BS story is all it takes to sail through. It also helps if you've got a fat paycheck from production, you really don't even have to present a dish... I'm SURE they'll find some other crock of BS to eliminate ANYone else. Maybe so, but I don't recall that because he probably wasn't specifically talking about 'bottom' when they did it to him. It was overly obvious with Laura.
Okay, I haven't seen anyone mention this and it just seemed too odd for me to let it slide by completely unnoticed. During Laura's immunity dish tasting at the judge's table, the editor's had a little cheeky fun (no pun intended) when Laura was talking about being 'the bottom' last time. They didn't give us a view of her talking. Instead, it was a full on butt shot of her and the judges beyond sitting at the table. WTH!?! Was I the only one who caught this?