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  1. This has been bugging me since the beginning… Bill and Haley‘s tiny little room that they are always shown in… the one with the purple velvet couches…. they show the outside of an enormous home yet they have only shown us this little tiny claustrophobic room…. not even a beautiful kitchen…. just this one room…. and it’s not even beautiful with those frat boy touches. honestly, I do love this show, but this just bugs
  2. While watching this tripe yesterday, I realized that Alan/ Martin has longer hair than Traci ! Traci is a lovely character and I enjoy her so much but I just can’t stand her hair and I don’t know why they cut it that short. It was so much nicer when it was a shoulder length type of bob… The style does nothing for her and ages her…sadly it seems her new fiancé is going to break her heart….all that heartbreak and bad hair too.
  3. Agree with everything… One question about the third woman at breakfast with the blonde curly hair (whose name I have forgotten as well)……is she Laura‘s mom?
  4. I hope he is not headed to BTG because I am enjoying that show so much and he would bring the whole thing to a halt…. I thought he was the worst actor on Guiding Light back in the day and he is even worse on Bold and I can’t imagine him on Gates…
  5. I long for the days when Hope used to have some taste….. that dress she has been wearing for the last two days is so unflattering…. perhaps if it were longer and had a straight bottom rather than the flounce…. but it’s awful. And in my opinion, nobody looks good in short sleeves on a dress.. …couple that with the putrid dress that Daphne has been wearing and anything the dishrag wears, and you have a wardrobe department that needs to be fired yesterday. 😱😱😱
  6. To be honest, I was hoping not to like this show because the last thing I need is another soap in my repertoire lol… but I’m really enjoying this show and it’s very interesting to be in on the ground floor so I like that… favorite characters so far are Mr. and Mrs. Dupree, Nicole, Dani’s two daughters.. not a huge Karla Moseley fan ….I never was… going all the way back to Guiding Light… so she may have to grow on me but all in all I think we may have something here ..I’m in !!
  7. I couldn’t figure out if the top of Audra’s shirt was a mesh material or if it was chest tattoos coming through. ….at first glance, it just looked like the top part of the shirt was a mesh fabric, but re-winding it a few times it looked like there were chest tattoos under that mesh. 😬
  8. And why didn’t Chase think to ask who the father of this long ago baby was?
  9. SweePea59…😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😂😂😂😂😄😄😄😄
  10. Boes, yay !!! ..,,now I get to read your posts on Young AND here !!! ….let the games begin !!!
  11. This “babe in the woods” routine is so insulting to the viewers.. …in her past, Tessa would have chewed up Ian and spit him out for breakfast… I truly can’t stand to watch her in this incarnation. These dreadful writers think we have short memories and don’t remember how characters were introduced and what kind of lives they came from… Tessa was some tough cookie back in the day and now she is reduced to crumbs (see what I did there… lol)
  12. I think the word of the week is stupid because that’s how every single character on this show is acting.. ..leading the brigade is Tessa in her wide eyed innocence over Ian…he’s such a sweet man and he helped me. He really helped me. 😬😳 Nate for probably being played by his half brother…this is the story I am hoping for. That they are all in on it, including Audra and her Columbo trenchcoat Mariah for continuing to engage with Ian Esther for calling Sharon’s cell phone to see where she is (as though Sharon wouldn’t call her family if she were able to) and Nikki for wearing that “rhythm nation” coat (which looked better on Janet Jackson) 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
  13. Agreed ! that is my absolute favorite length of hair, but oh my God it looked like a giant box of straw !! Get thee to a salon pronto ! and take your mother with you because that hairdo on her is wrong on so many levels !
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