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Everything posted by smitty97

  1. Why didn't they show her getting cut like they showed Hannah, Tara, or Chelsea?
  2. I haven’t been on here in a while because I was trying to avoid spoilers. 😊. Just surprised there is still so much backlash against Victoria. Assuming most of y’all don’t know her personally, she is a beautiful dancer and seems much more mature and poised this year. I might be in the minority, but I think she deserves her spot on the team and on SG.
  3. I remembered it the same way! Danielle was sobbing!
  4. Thx, I didn’t realize she was injured.
  5. Can you post a pic of her pls? All I can think of is Kaitlin LaRue who got in trouble for being ditzy and tanning before cameos.
  6. What did the stickers mean? People who said no? Yes?
  7. Melissa was a TC candidate with Natalie in season 1 2006-2007, then she was on the Bachelor 2008 (which made her kinda famous?!?), then she was on DWTS 2009 and 2012. I don’t recall her filming anyone season 1 because she was also a shy struggling TC candidate. But I could be wrong. ??‍♀️
  8. I loved Nina! I was so bummed when she got cut! How do you know there was a rant?
  9. Anyone else livid at Kitty? I used to love her! Give VK the “respect” to have time to get weight off because she’s been in the program since she was 10?? Kitty has never suggested anyone get “respect” before due to weight! The season she called out 6-7 vets on the spot about weight? Shouldn’t they have received the same respect? Ugh! Her bias just lost all respect I had for her!
  10. Thank you, since MTT has started, the judges are always negative when a girl tries to come back after leaving the squad.
  11. Is there really any proof to this accusation? I have seen it all over the board and I feel like it is just speculation and gossip.
  12. I didn't click, I just looked at the picture and thought it was interesting that she didn't make consecutive years. If I am looking at that correctly.
  13. Curious on this, was TK not a cheerleader back to back seasons, she tried out in 1984 and again in 1989? Since MTT has been on, there haven't been any cheerleaders that left, tried out again and made it.
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