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Posts posted by driver18

  1. 9 minutes ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

    People always say this and it's not true. Monica offered to walk her through it, and even offered to get her a second opinion, and Nelle wasn't interested.

    No, Monica brushed her off as if Nelle was bothering her. And the second opinion that Monica offered her, she (a) offered as if Nelle was (b) wasting her time, and (c) Nelle didn't want a second opinion from someone from Monica because of the bias that was already being shown against her. Nelle wanted to do her own research.

    If we hadn't had something to compare to, I would maybe agree with you, however... Michael had come in with Wiley all worried (just like Nelle) and had expressed concerns to Monica about doing a surgery on his toddler son (just like Nelle) and Monica gently assuaged his concerns (unlike done for Nelle). She took time and care and didn't make him feel like he didn't care about his son because he had these concerns (unlike Nelle).

    Then when Nelle showed up and expressed her concerns -- which were doubled because when she was much younger she had been operated on and still had lingering side effects to this day -- Michael brushed off her concerns as if they didn't really matter. Monica brushed off her concerns as if they didn't really matter. When Nelle pushed, that was when Monica offered the second opinion and did so as I stated above.  All while this was happening, Willow and Sasha were hovering, shooting Nelle dirty looks because HOW DARE SHE question the welfare of Wiley as if she had any right?!?!?

    Nelle also asked if delaying the surgery a day or two while she did research on her own would harm Wiley, and if he absolutely needed the surgery then. She was told no on both accounts. She also checked in on Wiley and was told by his doctor that he was doing fine.

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  2. I am thrilled that GH took best soap. I know it's (sadly) not a popular opinion, but I think that GH is a pretty darn good soap. There's a lot of great character development that stems from plots and storylines. A lot of different characters are interacting, some interesting love stories are developing, there's been some great course corrections on issues. And even the Sonny/Carly/Jason triumverate has been shaken up and isn't swallowing the show the way it has been for years. Sure, we still see them tons, and Nixon Falls isn't exactly bringing down the house. BUT, it's something different.

    Jason and Britt are great, Carly as the Mob Moll wanting to be in charge and liking the power is something new. The Willow/Michael story is tedious and Joss as a mini-shebeast is horrific, but really other than that, I'm enjoying everything else so very much. It's juicy, it's soapy, it's angsty, it's so much fun. I look forward to the show every day. I was so bummed when I found out it was pre-empted today!

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  3. I think Michael Easton is one of the best-looking men on GH, and has been one of the best looking on daytime ever since he showed up on Days all those years ago. He's in his 50's but still looks great. I also think he has charisma and charm in spades, and, best of all, he's a really great actor who gives his all in every scene, providing nuance and whatever the scene calls for. He never half-asses it.  I also can't think of one time that a co-star of his (male or female) hasn't sung his praises for what a joy and professional he is to work with and vice-versa.

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  4. 3 hours ago, mostlylurking said:

    It’s not Britt’s call as to how Elizabeth chooses to grieve, but as CoS it is her call to do whatever she sees as best for the hospital. On a financial level it sucks that Liz got her hours cut (I also love Liz) but it was within Britt’s rights to move employees around as she deemed fit. I’m kind of side eyeing the Epiphany thing but I missed all of that when I was in the middle of a move. 

    Except.... again, if Elizabeth had done nothing wrong, had made no mistakes (AS SHE HAD NOT), then Britt was punishing her without cause which gave Elizabeth grounds to sue Britt and GH for loss of livelihood.  She wasn't "moving [an] employee around as she deemed fit." She cut her hours, costing her wages based on Britt's personal belief that Elizabeth needed to grieve in a certain type of a way. For some people, throwing themselves into work--especially if it's a job that love--helps them grieve.

    So, yeah, we're just going to have to agree to disagree on this one. (And I'm not saying this just to come down on Britt. I love her too.)

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  5. 1 hour ago, mostlylurking said:

    Well Cyrus was right to fire them.  Britt was also right to cut Elizabeth’s hours after Franco’s death; she was grieving and that could lead to mistakes on the job.  When your job is keeping people alive, mistakes should probably be avoided.

    It would be different if they had been fired on false pretenses, but they actually did commit a crime and they are lucky all that happened was getting fired.

    Uhm, no. No, no. Someone else does not decide how another person grieves and just takes away their literal livelihood in the process. IF Elizabeth started making mistakes, IF her grief was causing her to make mistakes then her position/hours/time off needed to be evaluated. But just arbitrarily deciding that Elizabeth needing to grieve in a way that Britt decided would work best wasn't her call.

    As for Monica/Bobbie.... hell to the yeah! I will forever be pissed about that. They broke HIPAA. Nelle was treated horrendously as a parent. Nelle was also LITERALLY almost killed by Carly, and Elizabeth was literally the only medical personnel there who treated her like a human being. (I love Elizabeth so much.) And it was also the only time I haven't liked Chase. Carly locked Nelle on the roof in the middle of Winter and Chase just poo-poo'ed it away like Carly didn't commit attempted manslaughter. (I checked the definition -- Attempt to commit murder is the incomplete, unsuccessful act of killing, where the act is intended to kill a person. ... Attempt to commit manslaughter is similar, but does not include an intent to kill.) -- That's what Carly did!

    Ooh, they did my girl, Nelle wrong!!!

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  6. 4 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

    Finn didn't really kill Peter, though—Peter fell down the stairs. Any decent lawyer could frame it as self-defense and win. I know, Finn has to have some angst because he's a doctor and first, do no harm and all of that, but come on. It's Peter August/Heinrich Faison, the evulest evul who ever evuled in Port Charles. (Until Cyrus came along.) I wish Finn leaned a tiny bit more in that direction than "OMG I'm a murderer!"

    He is a murderer though. He should be 'OMG! I'm a murderer.' He DID kill him. Peter didn't fall down the stairs. Finn literally grabbed him by his shirt and shoved him down the stairs. I rewatched it a few times to verify they were really going with that. And, yuppers. In Finn's flashback, I watched it a few times again to see if there was maybe a different take and they were going back on that, but nope, Finn done killed him. 

    I'm sure he's not upset that the evil Peter is gone but a doctor -- do no harm -- killing another human -- still is going to feel that guilt and it SHOULD weigh heavily on him. He killed a man. He threw him down the stairs in his anger and took his life.

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  7. So, aside from the adorable "Hi." "Hi." "Hi" and cute smiles between Elizabeth and Finn that had me rewinding that scene about twenty times, I also found Finn's flashback to killing Peter interesting. I like that we're seeing someone having guilt and starting to show signs of PTSD -- now that the stress and constant attention to trying to save Chase has passed -- over, you know, OMG! MURDERING SOMEONE!! Finn is a doctor. He has devoted his life to saving, healing people, and as awful and terrible as Peter is, it's about Finn's actions, not Peter's.

    I'm curious to see where this goes from here.

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  8. I can't wait until we get a whole episode with Finn and Elizabeth just flirting like the Jason/Britt scenes. Those were adorable, but WebbMD (or FinnLizzie... or ElFinn... or Fizzy... or whatever it's decided peeps are calling Elizabeth and Finn--not Fiz, please not Fiz!) are my numero uno couple right now.

    Speaking of Elizabeth, while I was peeved that she apologized to Carly, I did overall like their scenes (even if I found her blouse hideous). And I loved her final scene at Franco's graveside. Great work by RH. I agree with everything you wrote about that scene, @Bringonthedrama.

    I gotta say RE: the whole Chase/Willow/Michael situation, I'm beginning to have a sneaking suspicion that GH has cottoned onto the fact that despite having some fans, overall, Michael/Willow are really not working. Certainly not as well as Chase and Willow. Furthermore, they are tainting the "beloved" Michael and the bright, new popular character that was Willow. I'm thinking that Willow will wind up falling back in love with Chase while helping him rehab and oh, so coincidentally some new woman will show up that Michael will develop the feels for but won't act on until Willow admits that she has moved on....

    And that's when Nelle comes back because Willow and Michael are no longer tied by a romantic relationship of any kind. This time, however, Willow is not only firmly, fully in love with Chase, they're married, and hey, maybe she's pregnant. Dun, dun, dun.

    Yeah, OK, so I went a bit farther there in my scenario than planned, but my point is that I think this paralysis story is not really about angst for Michael and Willow although it seems like that on the surface. Rather, it's about putting Willow and Chase back together.

    We'll see.

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  9. 1 hour ago, nilyank said:

    I think the letter was sent to Spencer and returned back to sender. Now Spencer could have contacted Ryan later, but I would hope that Spencer would know better than to trust his father's life at the hands of a crazy obsessive serial killer.

    Was it? I didn't realize it was returned to sender. Ah, OK.

  10. It's gotta be Spencer and Ryan working together. Remember that we saw Ryan receive a letter from Spencer when Ryan was at GH so we know they are most likely in cahoots. I just don't see how this doesn't give us Spencer as a dark Cassadine. It could be because it's their way of moving Nikolas out of that role.

    I'm very curious to see Spencer coming back because I just don't see this Spencer as not a recast. I can't imagine Nicolas Bechtel playing the role still with this turn. And if it is Spencer taking this dark turn -- and not Frank's fave playing him -- then maybe the mayoral "hijinks" will finally come to light.

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  11. I get that we all want these characters to talk and such because it would make things so much easier, but I feel that here and other places that discuss GH (and probably other soaps) are forgetting a key thing:

    These characters are going through a lot of shit right now. (Which makes sense.... they are characters in a soap opera. They should be.)

    Let's take Elizabeth and her timeline and relationships. Someone on another board has been ranting about how awful she is because she hasn't dared apologized to him yet for believing he killed Franco. (Obviously prior to this week.) This poster didn't take into account that until a day or so in the show's timeline, Jason had not even been in town since Elizabeth had found out the truth.  And in the time since she had found out, she had been working with Finn to save a man's life, while continuing to sublimate her grief over her husband's murder and while covering up the murder of the man who *did* murder her husband.

    And, again, Jason wasn't even in Port Charles until a day or so ago.

    Now let's take Elizabeth and Maxie. Sure, Elizabeth feels bad for Maxie having lost her daughter, but Elizabeth and Maxie are not friends. Far from it. Faaaaaaar from it. Twice over. Maxie was a big part of one of the times that her relationship with Lucky ended. Maxie enabled Lucky's drug addiction, while having an affair with him and faking a pregnancy with Pillowena.  Also, Elizabeth was very, very good friends with Matt Hunter (*sigh* shoulda been more), and had a front-row seat to all of the hell that Maxie put him through with her wishy-washy relationship feelings or not, including being inadvertently responsible for sending him to prison for Lisa Niles' homicide. Elizabeth is not now, or likely ever, going to just buddy-buddy and confide in Maxie about anything.

    So again, timelines, character histories and relationships, etc. matter.  I know that for us we know these secrets and info and it makes sense to us that A character tells B character etc. etc., but time moves differently on the show, and these characters do have histories, relationships that the writers might actually remember sometimes. And, again, soap opera, angst, drama, keep the ooh! Cliffhangers, shocks, going. :shrugs:

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  12. 11 hours ago, Daisy said:


    oh that was Dante! I was like who the heck was that guy Austin knocked out?

    Ooh! I wonder if Austin  actually woke up and followed the voices of Maxie and Fake!Chloe and heard the tail-end of what happened there but was still too weak to interfere. Picking up on what Maxie said earlier about Peter and psycho nurse and then that conversation, he saw what happened with them. And then he was about to go to her, but then she called Brooklyn and since we all know now he's CLEARLY a Q (pretty pretty please be Jimmy Lee Holt's son -- I've wanted that since he left as Todd and was coming back as another character), he would have recognized that name.

    So he went back and faked being still knocked out. And then.... he overheard that conversation. So he knows EVERYTHING that is going on with Maxie/BQL. And he'll keep the secret for Maxie's sake to protect the baby, *and* because he wants the Q power.

    The reason he knocks Dante out is because Dante is about to discover Fake!Chloe at the bottom of the well and so he is keeping him from doing that to protect the secret!!!!

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  13. 38 minutes ago, Kiki777 said:

    That Liz/Finn scene was somehow ❤️ And 🔥 at the same time, I was literally squealing.  Very well done, and I can’t wait to see what happens next.

    Also impressive were the Maxie/Bobbie scenes.  I have trouble remembering how they’re related- it is solely because Bobbie was married to Tony, who I keep forgetting was Frisco’s brother?

    Hate Nina but loved her brown leather crossbody bag.  Off to search for it!

    YES! YES! YES! To the Elizabeth/Finn scene... whoo! boy!

    Bobbie and Maxie have that connection because (sobs!) Maxie has BJ's heart.

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  14. Finn and Elizabeth were the very definition of smoldering today. Woohoo! Now that's what I call chemistry. I haven't seen Michael Easton burn up the screen like that since he played opposite Kelly Monaco as McBain. (And I might be overselling that. It might have been those two as Caleb and Livvie on PC.) 

    I really liked Elizabeth and Franco. I also liked Finn and Hayden (until she treated him horribly), and I really, really liked Finn and Anna. However when ME came back as Finn at first--and this was before Elizabeth and Franco were really on--I was hoping that they would maybe throw Finn and Elizabeth together just to see if anything was there because Rebecca Herbst and ME are my two favorite actors on the show.

    But, nah, it was pretty clear they were going hard with Elizabeth/Franco. So imagine my surprise when Elizabeth turned to Finn for support a few times while Franco was undergoing his treatment towards the end. I was all, hmmmm..... Those two had a few scenes that just had me wondering. And then, of course, after Finn and Anna broke up and Franco died, Finn going to Elizabeth's place not once, but twice... I was like, oh yeah, it's on. It's on like Donkey Kong!

    I love this slow build they're doing. I love how well ME and RHe work together. I love how they look together (gosh, she just looks so tiny next to him). I love having a potential doctor/nurse power couple again finally on GH! And, yeah, I just love how it's being written... that moment in this episode, the hand-holding, the embracing, her reaching out to him, constantly establishing that physical connection until that touch between them crossed the line and, ooh, that look. Soooo good. 

    How he was tentative, but still reaching for her. How she let him, looking at him like 'What even is happening?' But she never took her eyes off of his. And she didn't pull his hand right away, but when she did, she did it slowly and her hand lingered on his wrist as she did.

    Then his look after she left like 'WTF did I just do?!'  So, so good. And so, so, so hot. Ooh, ooh, ooh, that chemistry. I am just LOVING these two so hard.

    • Love 3
  15. Sara dying before, the Lazarus Pit  happened on a different show so I'm not sure why that's being put on these writers. Sara hasn't died before on LOT. And she isn't tortured, put through pain, agony, etc , more than other legends. She was blinded, but it gave her special powers, she could still kick ass and she got her sight back.

    John has lost his magic. Zari 1.0 died. Etc. The others get their asses kicked all the time. And they go through pain, and loss, and heartbreak. That is this show. Sara isn't the only one. This plot she's experiencing now isn't ALL about Ava. It's ALL about Sara. Sara was specifically chosen because she is Sara Lance and totally and completely awesome. 

    And Sara being a clone now--if it stays that way--will now make the clone story not just about Ava. Instead it becomes about Sara too. No more Ava complaining, oh, poor me, I'm just a clone. She's not special anymore in that way. 

    I just don't see Sara and her story being all about Ava. Last season it did lean into that territory and was frustrating, but I feel like there's been a course correction. Sara's story is about Sara.

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  16. That was a jaw-dropping moment for me. Literally. 

    I think it was great and I love Sara. There was a very clear reference point earlier made about Bishop as a clone that your brain, your memories who you are is transferred so Sara is still Sara.

    I think this going to give Caity Lotz some great material to work with the rest of the season and she will knock it out the park.

    And being the legends, they might undo it... but if they do, the journey before then will be great in terms of the character stuff/acting for Sara/Caity.

    I'm really enjoying this season so far a lot!


  17. Eh, I actually do think that MB is doing a decent job differentiating Mike from Sonny. Mike comes across as a good guy. A genuinely good guy. He's sweet, he's caring. He's always smiling, and, no, I don't think it's in a creepy way. He wants to help those around him. He doesn't have random angry fits, doesn't rage and snarl. He doesn't insult people, throw barware. He isn't nasty for the sake of being nasty. He doesn't have a hard edge with an underlying menace.

    Sonny does. Sonny is mean, he is hard and while many of us here may not buy when he pulls the menacing card, that is still what we're supposed to be seeing. Sonny isn't calming and gentle. Mike is.

    So, yeah... I do think that Mike is different from Sonny. I don't think that Carly would be attracted to him one bit.

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  18. 29 minutes ago, Auntie Velvet said:

    Do you mean on GH, or soaps in general? I remember CarJack on ATWT being the first one I ever heard.

    I actually already responded to this earlier. I'm fairly certain this is the history of couple portmanteaus. It was Fletcher and Holly on Guiding Light. Their fans created a round robin fanfic message board and treated that as their soap and called it Folly World, not happy when Holly went back to Roger. Folly based on their names. Other GL fans started combining their couple names after that. Manny for Michelle/Danny being the next big one to take off. It then spread to other soaps. 

    Then someone in the media world called Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez Bennifer (clearly a soap fan), and the rest is history.

  19. 4 hours ago, lala2 said:

    So, either Finn was wrong about the cure or he's not Chase's dad. I'm assuming the latter, which makes me wonder why we bothered w/that arc in the first place. Chase's anger didn't even last that long, so none of it mattered.

    It happened because of *this* story right here that we are currently watching! 

    (A) The only reason Chase got the toxin is because of the table twirl they did from the game of when Chase was younger. The only reason that happened is because they were trying to end an awkward night on a happy note, and using a memory that could connect the whole family. And the only reason they were all together is because Finn agreed to have dinner finally with the whole family because of all that had been revealed to make things right with Chase.

    None of that would have happened without the 'Chase is Finn's son' storyline. 

    (B) Yes, Finn would have fought to find the cure, but there generally is extra impetus to save your child over your sibling... especially when it's a child you essentially abandoned and never fought to learn about even before it was born. And then years later upended his life because you just had to know the truth. Finn had a shit-ton to make up for.

    If Chase were just his brother none of that heightened emotion would have been in place. It's very unlikely that Finn would have gotten to the point where he yelled at Anna the way he did and then pushed Peter down the stairs, killing him. That's not Finn.

    The entire 'Chase as his son' was all about laying the groundwork for how THIS story is playing out. And if, as many of us are suspecting, the antidote isn't working because Finn isn't his father, then this is one of the final beats. It has all been planned and, frankly, really well.

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  20. 1 hour ago, Kim0820 said:

    I remember hearing "Billary" and thought that might be a very early one - early 90s when Bill said we'd be getting two for one in the Oval Office. 

    I don't believe that was used until after the portmanteus became a thing.

  21. Sit back folks while I tell you the history of portmanteaus*. It began on Guiding Light. Fletcher and Holly fans were not happy when the writers put Holly back with Roger so they created not just fanfic, but a round-robin fanfic world on a message board that discussed this round-robin fanfic as if THAT was the soap that they called.... dun dun dun... FOLLY WORLD! They combined Fletcher and Holly's name to come up with that title. Well, that took off and other fans of GL couples started to combine their fave couples names too. The next big one was "Manny" for Michelle and Danny. Eventually it spread to the other soaps.

    THEN.... dun dun dun dun... it tripped on over to OUTSIDE the realm of soap operas with Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez (the first go-round!) Some media outlet--clearly a soap watcher!--christened them Bennifer! And the world of couple portmanteaus being everywhere as we know it was born.

    * I'm fairly positive this is is how it all went down. (I'm going by my memory of it.)

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  22. 33 minutes ago, Sake614 said:

    Question: what was with the photo of Nik and Ava? Judging from the ominous music and the preview, I guess it’s supposed to be bad. But I can’t figure out what it signifies?


    I thought there was a knife stuck through the picture.

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