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Posts posted by kj4ever

  1. 22 hours ago, trudysmom said:

    I don't hate her, the person, but her VOICE.  Oh sweet lord nails on a chalkboard every time she opens her mouth. I had to stop watching The Kitchen because I can't stand the screeching.

    Oh good GOD preach.  I can't barely make it through this show now that she's on it.  I miss Lorraine, but she was one of my favorites besides Ben.

    Damn, I really liked Julie and wished that other woman went.

    • Love 5
  2. 21 hours ago, Chaos Theory said:

    The same way my mother can be 27.

    i never meant literally 40.  But the previous post assumed anyone who liked the show was a millennial.  I am way past that and have even begun yelling at clouds.  Anyway my post stands as is.

    ANd so does my love for this season.  I am hoping it ends well because this may end in my top 4.

    70's baby here.  I'm really digging this season also, and I wasn't a fangirl when I was fangirl age.  I'm enjoying the camp and the twists.  Some I admit I saw from a mile away, but still fun.  They've hit the 80's feel on the head unless my old, mid 40ish brain is remembering wrong.

    • Love 5
  3. On 10/3/2019 at 1:47 PM, Spunkygal said:

    The best judge any baking show has ever had in the history of baking was Ron Ben-Israel. What kills me is that he’d love to return to FN (according to his social media) but there’s nothing but cricket noises from FN. 

    Oh man, my dvr picked up some "best of" Halloween Baking Champion show and some of the scenes had Ron.  I agree he was the best judge out there, and I loved his show too.  I wonder why they pulled the plug on him?  He was entertaining and educational.

    I like Henson for Halloween, but I have to admit I like The Bachelor dude for Christmas.

    • Love 4
  4. 11 hours ago, AngieEllen said:

    This would of been perfect role For "Kat" Hannah's friend that moved away in season 1. 

    Or Sherry, who I loved, who returned last season a bit more street wise and with a bit of an edge from rehab.  It would have made sense that she'd be in on everything, and that she also might be able to figure out a way to get them out of the whole Bryce situation.

    • Love 10
  5. I'm really confused on if they were trying to show that Bryce was trying to change, or if he was playing everyone the whole time like the sociopath he is, knowing what people want him to do.  I think that's more than likely it.  He was a pariah at his new school and wanted out, so he had to be a good boy to his Mom to get back to Liberty.

    While I binged watched this I spent the majority of the time scratching my head as to why Ani was even there.  We are supposed to believe these kids are smart enough to set up a dead kid for murder, but stupid enough to tell a new person all their deepest, darkest secrets.  I guess being Clay's latest crush is enough to get you into their bullshit?

    Speaking of Clay, I had to LOL at how offended he got when people thought he might actually have killed Bryce when he had been accusing every single one of them of it the whole time.

    The only part of this story that redeemed this season was Tyler's arc.  I think it was done really well and stories like that need to be told also.  The actor knocked it out of the park.

    • Love 11
  6. On 3/13/2019 at 10:22 PM, Samwise979 said:

    Did Michael remember drawing that symbol all over the walls when he was a boy?  Maybe "the boy" is a fourth alien? 

    In an earlier episode Isobel said something to Max about him trying to make up for Michael not getting adopted all his life.  I thought this was a piece of that puzzle, that maybe Max was the one who did all those drawings and Michael got blamed for it.

    So super Liz can not only make a serum in under a week, she can magically melt silver in record time and figure out how to get Isobel in the pod.  God I hate her character.

    Michael and Kyle are quickly becoming the only characters I actually like and care about what happens to them.  This is a true re-imagining because they were probably my least favorites in the OG.

    Like shapeshifter said above I think me being such a fan of the original is what is tainting my experience with this show.  They really do seem to be going for a new story, and if there wasn't the Max/Liz undertones I think I'd like it much better.  Just the pilot of the OG made me invested in Max/Liz, and IF this show is going to go with that pairing I don't see it.  At. All.

    I'm really starting to think that maybe in this version there isn't a Max/Liz relationship because it would make both characters look like complete idiots if they got together.  Max set up Liz's sister, and Liz totally used Max's feelings for her for her half-assed investigation.  God I wanted to hug Michael when he called her sorry ass out on that one!

    • Love 3
  7. These people are always given what I consider a very easy amount of weight to lose to get qualified for surgery.  While I realize that everybody is different, I have experienced someone losing weight starting at 525.

    We went to Weight Watchers together back in the day, and she got something like 50 some odd points because of her weight.  Exercise points were off the charts because of her weight.  I mean I got something like 22 points I think?  and calculated out it always hit around 1200 calories a day.  My friend was getting double that and while I would get 1 extra point for walking briskly for a half hour she'd get something like 11 or 12 points for a slow crawl.

    The weeks I was incredibly strict I would lose a pound or two.  The weeks she was incredibly strict she'd lose around 20 pounds.  In. A. Week.  She was eating double my food plus all the "extras".  Your body takes a lot more calories to run when you are big, and it takes a deficit of 3,500 calories to lose a pound.

    When I see these people like Destiny drop around 20 pounds I always figure they have gotten desperate towards the end of their two months time and start being good.

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  8. I think it's a bad sign that I was rooting for Cam to turn over Max.

    Liz has been portrayed as a Grade A asshole, but if she ever forgives Max, Isobel, and Michael for what they did to her sister she is a freakin' moron on top of it.  Are we also to believe that a 28 year old scientist could come up with a magic shot in like a week?

    I'm to the point now that I really don't care what happened to Rosa.  I think this might be a series that you binge watch when you are bored so that you just take away the good things.  I know the OG Roswell was like that after season one, and if I had watched it in real time I never would have made it through the whole series.

    The one huge plot hole that I can't hand wave or get over:  All these people hate Liz and her Father because Rosa allegedly killed these girls while she was messed up.  Why don't they report her Dad to ICE?  It bugged me the first part of this season, but when Isobel's husband pointed out the fact that Max could be called on special treatment for not reporting him I could ignore it no longer.

    • Love 1
  9. 49 minutes ago, luvapickle said:

    I found the judging of the cookies to be funny. Why? Because of the cookie challenge show, & quite frankly my own experience with customers varying tastes.. Brown, not brown, crisp, chewy, etc. etc. etc.. Even the judges should know, people like their cookies all different ways. I have customers who like the sugar cookies, somewhat soft(just like Davis had), some like it crisp & brown, some like it in between. The sugar cookies being soft, did not necessarily mean they were underbaked. I would have liked them to do a close up showing the center of the cookie. Soft does NOT mean underbaked. That being said Davis has skill. I think the biggest problem with the show is whomever is selecting the contestants(& this goes for the adults as well) is not necessarily choosing those who have the same kind of skill. They don't have to have the same experience-because we know home bakers can be just as skilled as pros. But I think the scenes(from at home) showing some of them being able to do certain things does not match their skill in the show. I give them a few eps to get their bearings on being in a comp. But by now, some still don't seem to know as much(Jaxson not knowing what a raspberry tastes like? or using powdered sugar, & not reverting to flour), still be kind of messy with the decorating or using all that buttercream on a cookie.  However a blunder would be Valerie chastising Jaxson for outlining his puzzle, but then telling Paige she could see where the puzzle pieces were......

    I was thinking the same thing.  I'll take a soft sugar cookie over a crunchy one all day and on Sunday.  That sounded more like preference than a baking issue.

    Paige is starting to remind me of that Matthew kid from a few seasons back, and that is not a good thing.

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  10. On 2/27/2019 at 7:31 PM, Cristofle said:

    I more or less am in the same place with Max. I see how it happened. I wouldn't blame Liz if she never spoke to him again, because his problems are not her problems. But she will forgive him, lol, because this is Roswell and it's Max/Liz, so eh. I guess we'll see how it happens.

    I am so confused about Max and Michael! What happened? It can't be this. They were super, super close. By the time of senior year they actually seemed closer to each other than Isobel. 

    The Max Michael stuff was just plain stupid.

    Maybe they aren't going to have Max and Liz together in this version.  I mean it isn't based on the OG and is based on the books, so maybe they decided that Max and Liz won't get together?  It is the only thing that makes any sense.

    The Tess reference pissed me off because it just reminded me of a show that was leaps and bounds above this one.

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  11. 8 minutes ago, NJKBCFan said:

    So far, Davis does seem like he's head and shoulders ahead of the other kids in terms of his creativity and thinking, but it also seems like he hasn't had a week where everything really came together (other than maybe the tart challenge). So I don't think it's quite the slam-dunk for him to win. Like we've seen in previous seasons, semi-finals have had some front-runners stumble and get eliminated. That said, it sounds like with the nature of next week's challenge being so focused on decorating, it does seem likely he gets through to the finals.

    The only reason I think it's a slam dunk for him is the winner is always the one that can decorate the best.  They always do a cake for the finale and which ever one looks the best always wins.

    • Love 2
  12. 4 hours ago, Katsullivan said:

    Tilt it a bit sideways - they cast the character they had deemed useless with a black actor because in Plec et al's minds, it makes sense for irrelevant characters to be black.

    Or turn it around - they cast a black actor to play the part ---- and suddenly realized that the character was redundant. 

    Whatever the reason, and with Plec's reputation my mind goes to your sideways theory, it is even more unfortunate because the actress playing Maria is in my opinion the best actor on the show.

    How much older are Maria and Rosa supposed to be?  I think Maria was Rosa's friend and friends with Liz because they were sisters?

    • Love 2
  13. Emo Alex was just ridiculous, but I will say the episode wasn't as cringe-worthy as I thought it would be.

    The Alex/Michael scene was actually decent until Du du du du the big bad came in and smashed Michael's hand with the hammer.  Way to over the top and totally not realistic unless that man is just the devil incarnate.

    So the big love story was Max and Liz hung out at the desert for a day and talked about a road trip?  Seriously?  This makes Max look even more pathetic, which I didn't think was possible.  Liz still comes off as a self absorbed ass, but considering Max set her sister up to be a murderer she shall surpass Max in the pathetic department if they ever do get together.

    • Love 4
  14. 20 minutes ago, CousinOliver said:

    If that feast is not exaggerated, it sounds like Prader-Willi syndrome.  

    Not exaggerated at all, but she was tested for that along with another million things.  Her parents were convinced it had to be a medical issue.  

    • Useful 1
  15. 18 hours ago, Hannah94 said:

    Yes, this....and how the hell can these families afford the amount of food it takes for a small child to reach 100-200 pounds? Do they not notice that in their budget? I come from a family of 8 kids and our budget was tight; we were definitely considered poor now that I look back on it. But it didn't dawn on me because we were given strict portions of food three times a day, no more, and it never would have occurred to any of us to go into the fridge and just eat mass amounts of food. We ate when we were served meals, period. How any parent can be so clueless to how their young child weighed a hundred pounds+ over a healthy weight eludes me. 

    My Aunt and Uncle were junk food fanatics.  They were also both thin, but they didn't overindulge.  Their child on the other hand was a complete addict by the time she was 4 and was one of these kids that had to be 200 by 4th grade.  They would go on kicks where they would try to put her on a diet, but it never lasted long.  It was like taking heroine from a drug addict and sitting them in a room full of heroine and telling them "but you can't have any."

    I'll never forget one of the last times I babysat for her.  She was like 11 or 12 and it was New Year's Eve.  Of course when I was watching her they'd put these strict guidelines on her food.  I was just sick of arguing and fighting and let's face it,, by the time she was 12 she was twice my size.  I told her have at it and that kid ate a whole cake, every ounce of ice cream in their freezer, and there were several gallons, I don't know how many bags of chips, and a whole pan of mac-n-cheese that was supposed to be for the next day.

    I am still amazed to this day.  My Aunt and Uncle were lazy and they didn't want to deal with her fits so they just let her do what she wanted most of the time.  They didn't want to take the advice of the doctors and start eating healthy, so they go into the whole "fat acceptance" movement.  Last I heard she could probably be a subject of this show, and she still lives with her parents and has a small child.  Our family bailed on them years ago after the drama got to much, but that is exactly how a child becomes so huge.

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  16. 21 minutes ago, Jeeves said:

    ETA: I came in a little late. Does anyone know why Maja's mom was working two jobs? Was mom helping support Maja? I thought Mom was irritating AF in the "goodbye" scene but so was Maja. Mom had a few good points: she had to get to her job, and she'd rather say goodbye quickly and not break down. Maja was just "I can't deal with this, I'm busy packing." Busy, my *ss. What a beast.

    Maja in one breath said her Mom was helping her financially so she could afford to move to Texas, then the next breath crying because her Mom was leaving to you know, go to that extra job that was paying for her to move to Texas.

    There have been a lot of things that have shocked me on this show over the years, but her screaming at Christian that it was all his fault in the doctors office and calling her Mom to tell on him was for sure in the top ten.

    I don't think he was perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but I also think that he might be on the spectrum a bit.  His mannerisms and the way he shut down reminded me of someone that might have Aspergers.

    I've personally known people just like Maja.  They are sweet and kind until they get you wrapped up in their world and then the real person comes out.  

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  17. 11 hours ago, ellieart said:

    Based on the pictures and the promo...it's not convincing even with the CGI-ing and hair.  Why does Max have "Dawson Leery" hair in 2008?  They're 10 years too late for that.

    I love the theory on Grant Green.  I'm not so much convinced about Noah, but Grant absolutely.  I feel like there was too much information given about him in the last episode for him to already be dead.  I think he's important and from day one I thought he could end up this show's version of Elsevan DuPris.

    The real question is why does Max have Dawson hair in 2019?  His hair is almost as distracting as Isobel's mole.

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  18. 22 minutes ago, Cristofle said:

    I finally got to watch the episode last night - I think this was their best one so far. Kyle and Alex were unexpectedly entertaining (I LOLed at "What's the worst we can find?" "Literal skeletons!") and touching. It was interesting that someone (was it Valenti? Was it Rosa? Was it someone else?) hid a piece of alien glass in the walls. Also, there was a point in the pilot of Michael having a piece of the same material, so I think that's going to connect Michael and Alex at some point. 

    So Kyle and Liz share a sister. That makes their sexy times a bit squicky. Also, her stealing something from that box when I feel like he would have given it to her if she asked is interesting? Not the best friend move on her part, lol, but also they may be braced to start hiding things from each other, which was fast.

    I have to wonder, is Max just INCREDIBLY melodramatic or did more happen between them than we've been told so far? If you were lab partners/pals in high school who drove to the desert once, I wouldn't call her leaving town "abandonment." But she called him a "stranger" in the pilot and he seemed pretty surprised and upset, so maybe Isobel wiped out a lot more of Max in Liz's mind than we've been told so far.

    That said, I am enjoying Max and Michael's bond more. I liked Michael handing Max the gun. Also in terms of Max/Liz, I thought Jeanine really sold Liz's terror when Max got shot. 

    The main part - again, I do not believe any of the main three killed Rosa and this WOULD be getting a bit tiresome, but I'm interested in Isobel's blackouts and what DID happen between her and Rosa, and from Max's seemingly genuine surprise at the mark on Rosa's face, I wonder if Isobel is even capable of making it. If she is, maybe SHE tried to save Rosa. I hadn't thought of Noah as an alien, but it's definitely plausible. 

    It does seem likely that Michael staged the crash to protect Isobel (I got the impression from the trio's confrontation that Max didn't know until after the fact, but he's still allowed an innocent family to suffer for a decade in order to protect his sister, so I'm not sure he's ultimately less culpable, albeit seemingly more remorseful). That's...less than good. 

    He asked Liz just how much she remembered from the last two weeks she was in Roswell so I guess they are going to send some big love story our way that Liz can't remember.

    I still think Liz is a complete asshole and Max is pathetic.  At least some of the others are semi-interesting.  I don't see Alex as being the kind of kid that people just know is "gay".  He doesn't come off that way at all.  I wonder if the actor is straight in real life?

    Actually out of the whole cast I think I like Kyle the best.  Maria would take that spot but we only see her when they need to talk to the friendly barkeep for advice.

    • Love 3
  19. 40 minutes ago, steelyis said:

    Liz declaring Kyle's dad was in a sexual relationship with Rosa because of a 13 word post-it was a giant, "WTF! How did you Hulk jump to that conclusion, lady?"

    Knowing how her family was treated after Rosa supposedly killed those two girls, it doesn't make Liz look super great pulling the same shit on Kyle. It looked like she was about to kill him for something his father might have done.

    Isobel has good foe yay with Maria. So does Micheal. It felt like Isobel and Micheal had long, sorted histories with Maria. I think Lily Cowles and Michael Vlamis gave their best performances to date acting opposite Heather Hemmens.

    The telepathic invasion brought back some bad memories, so I wasn't crazy about that.

    Max's meltdown in the hospital was terrible. Nathan Parsons completely whiffed that scene, in every sense of the word. It would have been better if he decided to repair the hospital's power and never said a word.

    Liz is a freaking idiot, and it is bad when you are hoping that Isobel actually succeeds in getting her to leave.  I would assume the sheriff was perhaps helping a trouble young woman get away from some bad influences.  At least that would be my first thought.  I don't like that they've made Liz this bitter a-hole.

    Kyle seems to be a bit more reflective than Liz.  I think he actually used his brain tonight and decided that someone who would help the hospital was not bad.

    The Max/Liz scene was painful.  Not because of what she said, but because of the horrible acting and blatant lack of chemistry.

    Maria and Michael are about the only saving graces for this show right now.  I was interested in the whole Rosa deal, but she was even a bigger jerk than Liz.  How are we supposed to care about these people?

    • Love 4
  20. 9 hours ago, Cristofle said:

    I think it is possible that for Max, this is the truth as he knows it. He clearly feels deeply guilty for running away instead of helping Rosa, or getting someone to stop her from driving. That was the memory that Max seemed to react to so negatively when he pushed Liz away in the last episode. And he probably told Isabel - or at least he thinks he did. However, Isabel clearly knows more about Rosa than she's saying, and I think Michael possibly does too. I think Max may know something deep down, but I'm not sure he remembers. 

    I think Isabel definitely mindwarped Liz - Michael pretty clearly indicated as much in the pilot. And I can't IMAGINE Max knows that. Also, Isabel said it was "her fault" Max has been so unhappy (without Liz, presumably) for the past decade. But obviously, something happened to Rosa too (and I think Michael knows, at the very least - he didn't seem surprised Isabel was having flashes of Rosa). Oddly though, I sort of hope Isabel mindwarped Liz because of something that happened with Rosa and not just because she wants to keep Max all to herself, because if it's all about making sure she's #1 in Max's life, that's super creepy. 

    I'm  going to take a stab in the dark here and say that Isabel put the suggestion that Max was bad for Liz in Rosas head to keep them apart. Her visceral reaction to a simple love letter was just weird.

    • Love 2
  21. I'll never understand these people in their 30's that actually want to stay in their parent's house.  I had an awesome relationship with my parents but I still couldn't wait to get the hell out and grow up.  Granted I'm Gen X so if you just worked a 40 hour week job you could afford to live on your own.  Maybe not in the best place in the world but you could do it.  I'm not ignorant enough to think the millennials  can do that now, but damn by the time you are in your mid to early 30's it should be natural to want to GTFO of your parents house! 

    • Love 15
  22. 1 hour ago, shapeshifter said:

    You're probably right although it didn't occur to me. Ugh, if they go there, because, again, it takes away a person's right to choose whom they have sex with—IMO.

    Meanwhile, I am now dwelling on whether the close up of Alex's amputation is foreshadowing that Max will "heal" him. That didn't work out very well on the Invasion series, but here there could be some nuance, given that Alex's father is anti-alien (both terrestrial and non-) and apparently homophobic to some degree as well.
    But, wait. @kj4ever, would Max then have to have sex with Alex to prevent Max giving rise to an apocalyptic earthquake? Hmmm. Interesting (to quote OG Maria).

    It was the first thing I thought of when last episode he said the only time he felt normal was when he was with Liz.

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  23. 26 minutes ago, phoenics said:

    Remember the healing stones?  That doesn't exist in the books, but the Stones of Midnight do.  And they can heal.  I wonder if Max is kinda out of balance and needs to be healed that way?

    Also - when is Max going to register what Liz said?  She revealed that she's seen a handprint on Rosa.  Max knows he didn't do it - so who did?  Unless the show wants us to think Isabel or Michael did it (no way), then that means there is another alien out there.  When is Max gonna realize that and tell Michael and Isabel?  Michael definitely would want to know this - even if whoever it is - is a killer.

     did she actually say that she saw a handprint on Rosa? I thought all she did was ask him if he killed her.

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