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Posts posted by kj4ever

  1. I just had to come here and say I've never wanted a child to die so much as I do in this story and I'm not sorry for it.

    Anyone have a clue how the ones who have talent can control the untalented ones?

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  2. On 9/16/2021 at 4:25 AM, GussieK said:

    Monica was famously nicknamed The Portly Pepperpot by the New York Post, an epithet that was wielded daily by their merciless gossip machine. 

    I'm sorry but they should have cast a different actress for Monica.  The actress playing her is so much bigger than Monica was it's like they've made a cartoon out of her.

    I am a few years behind Monica, and I remember how they used to call her names like that.  She didn't deserve it, and she doesn't deserve having an actress that size play her.  It's like they are making fun of her all over again.  I'm not digging on the actress playing her - she just isn't right for the part.

    The way Monica acted - not wanting to leave in case he called and all that - I had plenty of friends who acted like that and it wasn't for the POTUS.

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  3. 16 hours ago, Sakura12 said:

    For me if Pen was really interested in saving her friend, she should've just straight up told Colin that Marina is pregnant. She doesn't have to understand how she got pregnant to tell him. And even if Colin didn't believe her, it would put that in head and he would probably ask Marina about about it. She choose to out them both publicly, which embarrass both Colin and Marina. 

    And I also agree if Pen is Lady W on her own then she is much more worldly then she appears. She is gleefully writing about a the women of the ton. I don't blame her for it, she's making money for herself. But I don't think she's some innocent lamb, not with what she writes about it. Her innocent act seems like just that an act.

    There are several times during the season that it's made abundantly clear men don't listen to women during this time, and I think that is probably pounded into their collective heads.  Marina was devastated when she realized only Daphne wrote the general and not her husband.  Thankfully (or not) the general still read it but time and time again it seems unless a man says it it's not real. 

    • Love 6
  4. I see all this differently because I had a friend that was duped into marriage in the early 90's by someone who wanted a "better option" and knew damn well the kid wasn't his.  Fast forward 13 years later when the kid yells "well you're not even my father" and yeah, she told the kid but not her husband, and yeah, complete chaos.  He went from someone having a full ride to college to working and going to school part time because he decided to marry her and take care of their family.

    So hell yeah I was cheering when she outed her.  No one has the right to take away someone else's choice just because it's a better option for you.  Marina had the older dude that didn't care.  She had options but chose to be devious and try and possibly destroy someone else's life.  How babies got here may have been a big mystery, but I'm pretty sure most would know how long people were pregnant.

    Really I can see people hating on Pen for getting her family drug down in a mess, but don't understand how people think she should stick up for someone she has only known a month or two over someone she has known her whole life.  That doesn't make sense to me.

    • Love 16
  5. 3 hours ago, Cristofle said:

    Right?! Jason is actually really talented; I first encountered him on a show called Sherman Oaks where he was playing this upper class white kid who thought he was black, and he was HILARIOUS. Going from that to Max - he has incredible range. (I maintain that in the OG show, Jason as Nasedo was more terrifying than the actor who played his base form). And as we saw with Shiri, he is capable of generating incredible sexual chemistry, lol. It's such a bummer that he got blackballed; I wish so much I could see him in more stuff. I am hyper-attached to Max Evans as a character across the Roswell universe mostly because I became so attached to Jason's portrayal of him. 

    That IS a good idea; to make Tripp an Evans. I didn't even think of that, lol. We have yet to meet Max and Isobel's adopted father; there was only that one moment where Max asked his mother how things were going with her and his dad, and she said everything was fine but was obviously lying (in the same episode, Isobel asked Max to call their mother when she thought she was dying, but said nothing about their father, which I thought was interesting). Max was close with both his parents in the book, but was obviously much closer to his mother in the OG show, and Carina is clearly more influenced by the show.

    You would think now that Kevin Spacey has been outed that blackball stuff would cease to exist since rumor has it Jason's problems started after he did that movie with him.

  6. I'm still not buying Nick as the ringleader in all of this.  They've shown how charismatic Jamie is, how he just made all those friends at the bar.  Nick is awkward and appears anti-social.  Those types of peeps normally don't seduce people.  People like Jamie seduce people.

    I think that artist is going to be move involved with the two of them and that she knows them - possibly painted one of them before.

    • Love 2
  7. I'm just catching up with this season.  I don't like hating on kids, and there were to many annoying ones this year.  

    Reggie reminded me of this jerk know it all I went to school with so it took a bunch of my usual enjoyment out of the show.  I know it's not fair to compare to someone with his mannerisms, but based on how he acted the last two episodes I'd guess they weren't given him a bad edit towards the end, but had given him a good edit before that.

    I was glad to see Grayson win, and once Anthony was gone I enjoyed most of the episodes.  Like I said I don't like hating on kids, but Anthony seemed more like "look at my I'm cute" rather than "I have a speech impediment".

    • Love 3
  8. Wasn't Nick digging the grave the last flashback we had on the show?  This time it was Jamie.  I still think that Jamie is the instigator and Nick the follower.  Makes me wonder if in his flashbacks he's switching them in his head.  It's an interesting thought, and it sure sounds like Nick has killed peeps before.  Ambrose could have a serial killer on his hands if the two are switched in Jamie's head.

    • Love 1
  9. Bomer is killing this role.  I don't know if I can take any more baby scenes with him.  All of his scenes have this sense of dread or anticipation - like some crap can go down at any minute.

    I need to start drinking while watching this because it really packs on the anxiety.

    • Love 3
  10. Well there's 1 hour and some odd minutes I'll never get back (thank you DVR).

    I really wish this show would delve deeper into the enablers.  I'm sure Dr. Now did say something to Dawn and the Mom, but it just wasn't show.  I mean here is a show that has people feeding people to death, and their excuse is usually somewhere along the lines of "You wouldn't want to deal with them if they don't get their food." 

    When you look at people like this train wreck, she can't go get her own food or order Uber Eats or anything like that, so it is specifically people bringing her food.  What could she do?  Yell?  Scream?  Just leave the house.  She can't follow you.

    I think it would be interesting to see what makes these people listen to these bed-bound brats.

    • Love 12
  11. On rewatch I noticed something interesting.  When Jamie was telling Nick to leave he said, "You don't get to tell me what to do," and then very quietly added "not this time."


    The past two seasons always led with a person who was so guilty and you couldn't imagine why they did the things they did.  They both had psychological reasons and weren't inherently evil, so I think it would be very interesting if this season flips the script and Jamie is indeed a villian. 


    • Love 3
  12. 10 hours ago, Door County Cherry said:

    It's a good start to the season.  I can't wait until we get flashbacks to see just what was the dynamic between Nick and Jamie.  It looks like Nick was the leader but I'm wondering if we'll discover that Jamie was more of a leader than he might appear.  

    That's where I'd put my money!  I'm getting huge narcissist vibes from Jamie. 

    • Love 6
  13. They sure are marathoning the heck out of all the different seasons.  It's been fun rewatching some of the old ones.

    Season 1-3 are very, very good.  Season 4 had it's moments, and I don't think I really finished watching Season 5.  I just FF to the judging, and sometimes didn't make it through that.

    I remembered most of my favorites even though none of them won...lol

    I loved Bill in season one, Alberto in season two, and didn't really have a fav for season 3, and didn't mind Jason winning.  Season four I loved Joshua, but I also liked Jen.  I just always wanted to eat Joshua's desserts.  Season five just sucked any way you looked at it.

    • LOL 1
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  14. 10 hours ago, omgtv said:

    I'm watching a repeat now, and the one who claimed to be the only baker who uses salted butter and then didn't know how much salt to add annoys me so much!  And she keeps licking her fingers AND itching her nose.  Like, if you are a real baker or cook- you learn NOT to touch your face when you are in the kitchen!  Or maybe that is just me as a nurse and a baker. 🤣

    I will never for the life of me understand why people use salted butter when they bake.  Why on earth wouldn't they want to control the salt content and use unsalted?

    • Love 4
  15. 41 minutes ago, TVbitch said:

    Just got caught up! On Sweet Revenge, I thought the one guy (Steve?) was robbed. He obviously did too, cuz he went from stunned to seething as the winner celebrated.

    I thought maybe Lorraine was taking bigger bites cuz the bakes were tasting really good this season.  

    I also was wondering if they were able to use recipies. Does anybody know?

    Also, the bakers know their final challenge ahead of time, don't they? 

    You know what's really funny?  They had a best of show on the other night, and Lorraine took at least regular sized bites of all of those.  Who knows maybe she takes a regular bite at first and then does her little bites of each of the components.  These shows are all what they want us to see.

    • Love 5
  16. On 11/7/2019 at 2:29 PM, ShelleySue said:

    I noticed something about the slice and bake (or whatever they are called) cookies.  Everyone used a lot of food coloring.  The guy who eventually one (the dog biscuit bakery guy) even used black food coloring on the base of his snow globe.  On other cooking shows they always talk about how too much food coloring, especially black, gives food an artificial, chemically flavor.  I thought it was weird that no one mentioned that at all.  As a matter of a fact, the only time taste in relation to a color was discussed was when the same baker (I can't remember his name) used metalic paint on his centerpiece cookies.

    There is no way those cookies could have tasted good.  I made these black cauldron cookies at Halloween, and they were just plain nasty.  The amount of food coloring you have to put in to make black is ridiculous.  Even all the other ones would have way to much food coloring.

    • Love 2
  17. On 11/3/2019 at 11:07 AM, Deskisamess said:

    Am I the only one bothered by a 11-12 year old girl with fake fingernails? So very unsanitary for one thing. Geeze, let kids be kids, they grow up soon enough.

    I've had cake pops once, at a wedding reception. They were horrible...undercooked cake mashed with frosting, formed on a stick, then dipped in white chocolate. Just awful.

    I love cake, frosting, and white chocolate. But not like that.

    I have never ever tasted a cake pop that was decent.  I can't understand for the life of me why people eat them.

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