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Everything posted by CharlizeCat

  1. Finn and Hope have ZERO chemistry. I still want for Ivy to swoop in and steal Finn from Steffy.
  2. Ivy is looking pretty desperate herself. She's laying in on pretty thick to the point where it's starting to sound forced and insincere.
  3. Yep. Wait for it. "Finn! You love your mother after all!" This will go on and on and on. Finn called Sheila "Mom," HE saved her. This is so tiresome. The only redeeming point is that Steffy's head will explode. Ivy looked great but I was disappointed to learn she's been pining after that soggy waffle for all this time. I would kind of like it if Ivy ended up with Finn.
  4. I always thought that when Steffy was in her black leather/motorcycle bad girls days, she and bad boy Deacon would have been hot together. Now? Not so much. Although she's calmed down, she's become too bitchy and judgmental, and Deacon has been successfully neutered by Sheila. No fun.
  5. Another thing that is bugging me is the 1950s misogynist writing regarding Luna's "reputation." It seems like these days, playing the field isn't the moral sin it was deemed decades ago and it's cool for both men and women. If anybody deserves scorn and having the "Scarlet A" hung around their neck, it's Zende. Despite all of his claims about "consent" and that he never would have touched Luna had he known she was high, yadda yadda yadda, the fact is ... he still did, all the well knowing that Luna was in a committed relationship and in love with R.J. Oh, well ... boys will be boys ... but now, Luna is damaged goods. Her tale of "wanton abandon" must be silenced at all costs. GMAFB /eyeroll
  6. Why is Hope even giving Steffy the time of day? I would have told Steffy that Deacon has a right to his own feelings and to STFU and stop forcing the issue. I just can't with Steffy. What a bitch. I can't wait until Finn leaves her.
  7. I didn't understand why Luna seemed so hell-bent on protecting Zende. It's not a good look for her and no wonder RJ is confused and angry. Frankly, I am glad that Carter spelled it out for Zende and that RJ finished the job by decking Zende. As far as all the other "misunderstandings," ITA that all perpetrators should have been held accountable for their actions.
  8. This "magic mints" stuff is ridiculous and an insult to our intelligence. Why not just call them what they are, "edibles?" After all, marijuana is legal in California. /eyeroll
  9. Carl never answered Deacon's question. He saw that Deacon was getting slightly cray-cray and backed off. Then Carl got a phone call and hurried out of the room leaving Deacon alone to rave, "10 Toes. 10 Toes." Red Rum. Red Rum. Yes. How magnanimous of Steffy to allow her husband to have his own feelings and thoughts. Now she has set his timeline for grieving.
  10. Carl was back today! Anybody remember him? Wasn't he Bridget's lab assistant or something?
  11. I kept waiting for Hope to use her martial arts skills to throw Steffy across the showroom/restaurant.
  12. If I saw Steffy Forrester at a business meeting or conference or giving a speech somewhere, and she showed up in that black micro-mini dress, I would probably laugh out loud and she would lose all professional credibility with me. Yes, it's fashionable, but, I hate to say this, but I think it's a little generation inappropriate for her. No, she's not old by any means, but I could see that little dress looking snazzy on Luna. I think Steffy looks good in more executive attire, especially with blazers. Otherwise, she is either cosplaying Priscilla Presley, a Valley of the Dolls character, or dominatrix.
  13. Hey, speaking of spoilers ... I have read in several spots that Ivy is coming back. I would love nothing more than to have Ivy get together with Liam and Hope gets with Finn, which leaves bitch Steffy and her delusional brother out in the cold.
  14. Nice of Ridge to stick up for his wife while Satanie 2.0 was spewing her vile at Brooke.
  15. Sheila had only one final job to do and she failed miserably!
  16. Nothing like 30-something adults having mommy and daddy fight their romantic battles for them. Ridge has already gone in on Hope and you know that a major showdown between Brooke and Steffy is coming. I'm afraid that Hope crying to Ridge about how badly Steffy treats her is going to fall on deaf ears. Ridge will do anything to protect his precious spoiled princess. After today, I would love nothing more than to have Finn implode and Finn and Hope get together. Steffy can stew in the loser's corner with Liam and she is just pathetic enough to take him back. Those two belong together.
  17. Funny how Steffy is always demanding unconditional compassion and support when she needs it, yet her brutal diatribe against Thomas was anything but. I understand that when dealing with somebody like Thomas you have to be firm and in-your-face, but that was too much. Of course, somebody who accepted an engagement still warm from another woman's finger wouldn't understand the need to take some time before jumping into another commitment. I wish that Hope had slapped her.
  18. Which decade are these writers stuck in? Why is Thomas so hell-bent on getting married? He is delusional, obsessive, and controlling. Why can't he listen to Hope and respect her need to not immediately jump into another marriage? Do we even know if Lope is officially divorced yet? What makes it even worse is that so-called "modern, liberated, strong" woman Steffy is pushing for pretty much the same thing. 100% commitment from Hope or nothing. No wonder Thomas is so deranged and confused. I give Ridge a slight pass on his attitude just because he's such a stupid, arrogant a**. But really, he is too young to have that type of reaction, pushing for Thomas and Hope to seal the deal. (Meaning that he is younger than the generations that were on the "let's get married" bandwagon.)
  19. Ugh. Thomas is just too much. I am feeling smothered and I'm just a viewer! Hope needs to step outside her wounded ego and take a good hard look at how controlling Thomas is doing to be once the sex haze wears off.
  20. I can't wait for a prosecutor to grill Steffy on her history of "self-defense" killings. (The quote marks referring to Aly's demise.)
  21. I did not know that members of the general public could just walk into the city morgue with no accompanying personnel or protective gear to view bodies. Geez ... the level of "detail" on this show is mind-boggling! Why is Li so hellbent on Finn's marriage? It would be consistent with her self-righteous character to be opposed to divorce in general, or is it mainly because Steffy is a Faux-ester? I don't pick up any real chemistry with Hope and Finn but I also don't feel chemistry with Finn and Steffy. The only actress he had any chemistry with was his wife when she was a stand-in for Steffy during Covid. I wish Finn and/or Deacon would punch Ridge.
  22. You're right. She didn't whisper "Cha! Cha! Cha!" (Or is that just for Lame? I'm so confused.)
  23. Ridge's behavior yesterday was abominable. I am putting my money on Sheila still being alive and Steffy actually killed Sugar or whomever her "person from her past" was.
  24. Yay! Country Girl is back! I like what another poster said about doing a "toe count" on "Sheila" at the morgue. Make sure that body is cremated!
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