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Posts posted by BabySpinach

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    I expected something completely different from Death`s last minute "the Darkness is the greatest evil that ever eviled" exposition in the Season 10 Finale but I guess my UO is then that I did like Amara as a character. And I liked the concept of her. That she wasn`t just out-and-out mustache-twirling but had a sympathetic side to her story. And Chuck wasn`t all golden. I also liked that she turned out to be his sister.

    The entire lore of that, I really had no problem with. Even that the "fight" ended with a peaceful reconciliation was a nice touch. 

    I just had problems with a lot of the execution. Her relationship with Dean was really underwritten because IMO the writers didn`t care so they half-assed it. Why did she not kill him but kiss him? Answer from the writers: "well, everyone can make up their own minds about it". Translation: "it really had no reason and we wanted to give the actors something to do in their scene, we don`t give a shit about that storyline". Yup, I noticed. 

    And the reconciliation itself, the entire Finale was written lamely. Last second flower lady wasn`t needed to dilude everything so much. The Finale should have been much tighter written, drop the annoying interludes with Lady Toni, it`s enough she is in there as a cliffhanger at the end and make it a two-parter that is freaking epic. But nope, even the actors admitted everything was rushed to hell. Dabb just wrapped it up in a lackluster way to get to his new pet stories of BMOL and Mary for Season 12. And both were shit. 

    Oh, and big UO: the standalone in Season 11 were godawful. Normally I like the standalones but apart from very few there were epic stinkbombs in this Season.


    I generally find that season 11 improves on rewatch. It was mostly focused all the way through and the story was pretty simple. I like that Dean got a cosmic win just by being himself and talking it out with God's sister, no shiny powers required. That nicely wrapped up the MoC arc, beginning with this ominous dark force that appeared only evil and destructive, then ending with that dark force finding peace herself. 

    But while I liked the general outcome of the story, the execution could (as always) have been better. Dean and Amara's weird irresistible bond was never fully explained, and we got multiple possible answers that never solidifed. Is it because he was the first of God's creation she saw? Is it because his "light" drew her in? Is it because he bore the MoC? Is it because he was just a proxy for her brother? She obviously favored him, but how and for what reason?

    I don't agree, however, that most of S11's standalones were godawful. I found them, in general, better than S10 and S12. Into the Mystic and Safe House are ones I find especially enjoyable. Red Meat and Just my Imagination may be the only ones that annoyed the shit out of me.

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