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Posts posted by BabySpinach

  1. 4 minutes ago, Jakes said:

    Dabb never said Michael/Dean will end early and then we get flashbacks very soon--just over analysis imo.  And look--what Dabb says about Dean actually indicates Michael/Dean lasts a while--talking about how we see Dean in the mirror and in his friends minds...when you add to Jensen saying he can't have beard this is why, Jensen will be Michael/Dean for some time and so when he is Dean poking thru they both need to be beardless. 

    That's an interesting interpretation of Jensen's reason for no beard. I took it to be that Dean would be back right away, meaning that any flashbacks they filmed would be impossible if Michael had a beard and they had to go back and forth between the two characters.

    I support your optimism, though. Someone needs to keep the faith around here lol.

    • Love 3
  2. 42 minutes ago, companionenvy said:

    It isn't pointless if it deals with the psychological fallout for Dean.  I know a lot of us regret that the show didn't do more with Dean's hell-time. Having Dean have flashbacks to being possessed by Michael wouldn't be any more pointless than Dean having hell flashbacks to his time with Alistair would have been.

    It is also possible that Dean remembers, but not with 100% clarity. If Michael is keeping him mostly suppressed, but Dean is fighting to stay aware, it would stand to reason that Dean wouldn't  recall everything that Michael had done. That could potentially be highly relevant to the plot, as Dean might have the key to figuring out what Michael was up to somewhere in his mind, but not be able to consciously access it. 

    I'd still like Mean to exist in real-time for longer than two episodes, but if we get substantial flashbacks, that's not a terrible compromise, IMO. 

    I definitely hope that the flashbacks will relate to the present for plot reasons. As far as we know, Michael is the main antagonist of the season, which means that however they expell him from Dean will not send him to the cage to be dropped from the story. If he's still around, the flashbacks will ideally interact with that.

    What I DON'T want is for the flashbacks to only serve as additional fuel for miserable, self-flagellating Dean. And there'd better be multiple people reminding him that if he hadn't said yes to Michael, none of them would even be there.

    • Love 5
  3. 4 hours ago, ILoveReading said:

    Jensen is so 100% done with that Michael/Lucifer fight. 

    What's hilarious is that Jensen's criticism of the fight has gotten harsher and more brazen over time. One of his first comments on it was about him not being very happy with how the scene turned out, which was already unusually outspoken for him. But now he's straight-up calling it shit in his trademark grumpy curmudgeon way, and on an official promo, no less!

    • Love 8
  4. 37 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

    And this being the show it is, they are probably bringing her back to kill her, since she is AU!Kaia and no longer needed for the WS spinoff. I hadn't heard they were actually doing a WS episode though - wtf in an already shortened season? Do not want.

    Especially if it's only two episodes before we're getting all the pet side characters shoved down our throats. Donna and Jody are the only ones of that lot I'm remotely invested in, and even they can afford to wait for their moment to shine later on in the season. If Michael!Dean ends in episode 2 and we're immediately launched into the Super Tween Wonders show, I'm going to be pretty damn bitter, flashbacks or otherwise.

    ETA: But TPTB did say that every episode this season would have some bearing on the mytharc, so as usual, I'm very confused about how it's going to play out. 

    • Love 6
  5. 5 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

    I think there has to be a reason that so-called sizzle reel (still trying to figure that one out) ends with Dean's voiceover saying 'what if we really could change things?'.  And then Jensen's talk about how Michael might be around longer than we think. I feel like Dean is somehow going to deal/bargain with/use Michael (and vice versa) to actually help them/the world.

    That tweet thread also includes this:

    A) Ultimate mom? OMFG. and B) people wonder why Dean fans feel resentful.


    I really like this idea. Dean has always had that unique ability to persuade higher beings to come around and see things his way.  Regardless, there should definitely be a followup to the Michael possession. Gathering followers and purifying the world had better not be dropped like a hot potato after the initial threat is over. Imagine if one of those followers ran into Dean later on! Possibilities are, as always, endless.

    Ah, that tweet. The good ol' "put Dean in his place for no reason other than it's apparently funny and empowering for another character."

    • Love 4
  6. 6 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

    They still have that magic egg don't they?  Why they never used that again on Lucifer is hilariously bad plot contrivance.  And I'm sure they'll manage to trot it out for AU Michael if they want to end it fast.

    I kinda of hope  Dean is actually okay with chilling with Michael.   And it's no slam against Dean.  We don't know what else happens in that scene with that man.  Michael said he was going to save Dean by killing him first and saving his soul which I presumed also meant making sure Dean went to Heaven. So, what if Dean is actually picking at Michael to not kill humans but find out about humanity and trying to help them versus killing them? Maybe Michael's plan is to give everyone what they want thinking they will then worship him and follow him and recruits humans to be his soldiers more than he wants them dead. 

    It was said that the angels were actually on humanity's side in the AU world until at some point they turned.  But was it Michael that told the angels to go against humans? Or was it AU Lucifer turning them on humanity? And maybe AU Michael's original goals were not to wipe out humanity but to make them not susceptible to AU Lucifer and that plan went badly?  He said he made mistakes. I mean we dont' know much about what happened over there. Maybe we'll get some flashbacks with Christian Keyes and how he became AU Michael's vessel.

    The magic egg is what I was thinking of, too. Lazy, lazy, lazy! Although then there would be two Michaels in the cage, which is a pretty amusing idea. 

    What would be really interesting is if the gang trap Michael and are about to exorcise him when Dean peeks out and tells them to stop, because Michael would just burn out someone else's suboptimal vessel and Dean overall had the best chance of handling him from the inside. 

  7. 30 minutes ago, ILoveReading said:

    I saw on tumblr that the actress who play Kaia is listed for episode 3.

    So I'm sure Dean will be needed for that ep which probably means that real time Michael is done before the 2nd episode ends. 

    I just can't wrap my head around Sam and co. finding, trapping, and expelling the most powerful living being on Earth by episode 2. Whatever they do, it would feel laughably contrived and rushed, not to mention make Michael look like a chump for getting fucked with that easily. It'd also make the season 13 cliffhanger turn out to be just a mild inconvenience.

    • Love 3
  8. Even if the entire Michael!Dean arc is a shit show of wasted potential, I'm so glad that we at least have this scene. I guess the writers finally remembered that angels are supposed to be alien and terrifying. Having Michael speak Arabic was a great idea; it implied the archangel's unfathomable depths of knowledge and power. Reminds me of season 4, if you can believe it! They should have let Jensen play a powerful primordial being like Michael AGEEESSS ago. Finally, an angel is intimidating and mysterious again!

    • Love 4
  9. 18 minutes ago, Jakes said:

    Do not think this is right.  Leming in table interview let slip that there will be mystery, tension, suspense for first 6 episodes--think she went too far and unwittingly gives hint the suspense mystery of Michael/Dean will last 6 episodes and we will get Dean back in late episode 6 or 7.

    Then we will get further Michael/Dean in flashbacks starting in episode 7.

    That would be great news and a huge relief. Do you have the video?

    • Love 1
  10. 5 minutes ago, ILoveReading said:

    This confirms flashbacks. 

    So no tension in the Michael story, and Im sure all the trauma addressed will Dean realizing how wrong he was to trick Sam into possession rather than actually dealing with Dean's trauma.  it will be the Mary confrontation all over again.

    I'm sure Dean will also tell Sam to keep the leader role.  Now that its something to be acknowledged it has to go to Sam.

    Yup, no praise for Dabb, at all. 

    Worst case scenario is they go the Samelia route, where Sam apparently blacked out at random times to recall things that had nothing to do with current events and no bearing on the plot. Flashbacks should only be used if they interact with the present or reveal important things at the right times for maximum impact. 

    Since Michael!Dean is way more important to the plot than boring, bland Samelia, I can only hope that the flashbacks inform whatever is happening in the present. If they don't, then TPTB will have failed one of the fundamental elements of storytelling. Not like that would be a first, but still...

    • Love 1
  11. 11 minutes ago, Aeryn13 said:

    I don`t want only 5 minutes per episode of Michael. They have the actor permanently available, unlike Christian last Season, they can explore the character. I mean, Michael could, gasp, golly, evolve and change due to several new circumstances in his life.   

    Nah, the writers would rather redeem Lucifer, the whiny, entitled, psychopathic, unrepentant manbaby. Why do we only get table scraps of actually interesting characters while the annoying/one-note characters suck up all the screentime? 

    • Love 4
  12. Just now, ILoveReading said:

    Not to mention, only 3-5 minutes long.  Ultimately, it could end up being shorter than demon Dean.

    I saw that Jensen had at least 3 days off last week and saw a tweet from someone in the press room that he's off until friday of this week so if true, that's five days he misses from this ep.. 

    So it seems like reduced episodes isn't resulting in increased screen time for Jensen at least.

    And him going on about the stories for the side characters is just salt in the wound. I DON'T CARE ABOUT THEM, especially if it's at the expense of a main character's arc and screentime. If I have to put up with another quirky, cutesy Charlie Sue episode AGAIN, I'm gonna barf.

    • Love 5
  13. 23 minutes ago, ILoveReading said:

    Why did I watch this?

    So it does seem like Michael is going to be gone after a couple of episodes and we get flashbacks to the rest.  

    Dabb said a good chunk of the season.

    Dabb says Lucifer is gone for good. 

    Buckner says if he comes back. \

    Sounds like one again Jensen's story is going to be told on the back burner, and the writers prove once again that they don't talk to each other.  So did they lie to Jensen or did they mislead him again.

    *siiiiiiighhhhh* now I'm sad again. Any tension in the flashbacks will be nonexistent if we know that Dean's going to be back. 

    • Love 3
  14. Tweets about the first scene of season 14 are coming in. It's apparently a long scene of Dean!Michael interrogating a worshipper about what people want. I'm hearing really good things about Jensen's performance!


    • Love 3
  15. 15 minutes ago, Pondlass1 said:

    He's been fairly outspoken about Demon Dean being cut short, but the marionette dance criticism was full blast. No hiding his anger there. And he  now seems to have a certain degree of clout.  He's chuffed that Dean/Michael story will be given time to evolve.

    Go Jensen....

    He's got a better sense of Dean and the show overall than the writers do at this point. I'd trust him to conceive of, write, and direct an excellent episode more than most of them.

    • Love 3
  16. 1 minute ago, Pondlass1 said:

    I really don't know what they're going to have Michael do?  He's learning about our world, feeling his way.  But I don't want - this is a cell phone, ooh traffic lights, or anything like that.   I just wish I had faith in TPTB.  I'm looking forward with excited anticipation and dread.

    The apocalypse AU was exactly the same as our original's until about 8 years ago. Michael has got to be familiar with most of the modern world already, let's hope! We already have Cas and Jack for the woobie fish-out-of-water stuff.

    • Love 2
  17. 4 hours ago, devlin said:

    Without getting too sappy, I just have to say how much I love Jensen. The footage from CC is glorious, he is alone, looking relaxed and assured and gorgeous!? and there is none of the drama that surrounds certain other cast members 

    Not that I'm complaining (quite the opposite), but why is Jensen alone? The three of them are usually a package deal at Comic Con, right?

    ETA: Also, did anyone notice how Sam the interviewer snuck in at the very beginning that Jensen was the "true star" of Supernatural? Dayyuummm!

    • Love 3
  18. 2 minutes ago, Myrelle said:

    Still nothing on that. And Naomi is just a blind guess. He didn't really give anything away in that interview, but as I said he seemed really upbeat about playing the new character. He said that it was tougher coming back and having to create another character and that he missed being Dean at first because of that. He intimated that he's trying to give Mean some layers, but so far he thinks that it's all him trying to do that and that it's hard and he felt kind of "rusty". 

    He must have really wanted this, IMO.  

    What gives me hope is that Jensen was "surprised" by how long he would be playing Mean. If it were for a short time, it wouldn't be a surprise given Deanmon's premature end and his displeasure with that.

    He was also quietly charming, modest, and witty as usual. And that little secretive, mischievous smile when he's teasing the upcoming season.... *siiiiiiiiiigghhhhhhh*

    • Love 4
  19. 5 minutes ago, Myrelle said:

    He seemed pretty happy about that answer to me and he again reiterated that all he really wanted out of this new role was time to develop the character and that he really felt like it was stretching his acting muscles out and giving him chance to flex them once again and that he felt challenged as an actor again. All things that I was hoping to hear, tbh.

     And yes, Mean sounds mean and cold and I'm going to go ahead and guess that it's Naomi who he speaks to about helping Heaven in the premiere.

    That's awesome! Now I feel safer to eagerly anticipate season 14. Hallelujah!

    • Love 3
  20. 1 hour ago, ILoveReading said:

    I don't think I like the idea of Dean being awake and aware.  Because if he was on a beach somewhere at least it would explain why he's not fighting.

    But if he's awake it means that he's along for the ride and is too weak to do anything against Michael. 

    Sam was awake when Lucifer was possessing him as well. It wasn't even a contest at the beginning, since Lucifer swept right in and quashed any resistance immediately. It was only the "power of wuv" deus ex machina that let Sam take control back. 

    If Dean is awake and actively resisting, I'm sure we're going to see its effect on Michael. 

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