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Posts posted by BabySpinach

  1. 26 minutes ago, Etoile said:

    I share this Unpopular Opinion. I think AC has a couple of faces and he uses them for everything. Coupled with the simplistic writing for a character that has no edges, no real personality, but is simply a trope, the effect is astonishing - in a bad way.

    I dislike the writing and characterization of Jack far more than I dislike Jack himself, and that's largely to do with the actor doing his absolute best with what he's been given. 

    I hate how manipulatively they wrote him at the beginning. Every single time he did something wrong (which was often) he was always given a handy excuse to justify it. His character was stuck in perpetual woobie cinnamon roll mode, to FORCE us to like him. It was worse than making him evil, it made him boring. He never showed any inclination to do bad,  so there was no tension or ambiguity with his character. 

    I also hate how they threw Dean, one of the actual main characters, under the bus for having reasonable reservations about the spawn of Satan. He wasn't allowed a single modicum of vindication for those reservations, because Jack was nothing but a flat, blandly "nice" little put-upon woobie. *barf*

    I swear, he was tailor made for the Tumblr fangirls. He's the textbook definition of a Mary Sue, he's young, cute, childlike, and makes a lot of tragic facial expressions and angsts about his own existence as a monster. Didn't we already have Sam for most of those traits, at least in the beginning?

    The finale did make him a little more interesting, as he finally did something that was objectively wrong and not immediately justifiable (attacking the kid). Wonder if they'll ever go anywhere with this. Probably not.

    On a related note, the whole storyline with Kelly last season was, in my opinion, the worst story they'd ever done. Kelly was nothing more than an incubator for the ACTUAL important character, dontcha know? She had no distinguishing personality aside from her pregnancy status and her creepy, cult like devotion to an unborn child. Her only job was to keep the bun baking in the oven, get brainwashed by it, then willingly die with a vacant smile, as she's apparently good for nothing else but being a brood mare. And all that was somehow framed as heroic, rather than pathetic and creepy and severely mysogynistic. Hey, show, remember that little movie in the 70s that treated it like the horror scenario it actually was? No? Ok...

    • Love 10
  2. 1 hour ago, Etoile said:

    We saw barely a few seconds of michael taking over. We have no idea what Dean did or did not, if he resisted or tried to kick him off, if he was too tired by the fight and the beating he took. I really hope these are things shown next season.

    Oh and who better than Dean can show Michael exactly what righteous is, as opposed to self-righteous? Dean, who represents humanity in all its aspects of loyalty, bravery, love, but also enjoys everything that life can give, included those so called sins that Michael wants to erase.

    Beautiful and comprehensive description of Dean.

    • Love 3
  3. 5 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

    So what if Lucifer is dead, but Dabb's love for Mark Pellegrino lives on - and the Empty takes on the form of the last powerful entity to enter. Namely, Lucifer/Pellegrino.

    Anything that's not a resurrected Lucifer, pleeeeaaasseee. Flashbacks or hallucinations I can handle, just let him stay dead. 

    • Love 4
  4. 19 minutes ago, bearcatfan said:

    Ok, I’m rewatching and I don’t hear Mary say “call Sam” when they find Maggie’s body. She says “Maggie.” I rewound it 3 times to make sure. 

    She said "call Sam" when Lucifer showed up at the bunker with Jack.

    • Love 1
  5. 28 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

    He's so fucking beautiful. And his silly side just makes him that much hotter.  JFC.  

    His eyes don't seem digitally enhanced this time. BONUS!

    Thanks to all the edited pictures I've seen of him, I always assumed that his eyes were vibrant green. It's so nice to see their true color! What is that, hazel?

    • Love 1
  6. 6 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

    Given how vocal Jensen's been about the DD and Purgatory arcs being clipped short, I have to imagine he negotiated this one in advanced.  So I'm going to extrapolate that however long it lasts is precisely how long he wanted it to last. JMO of course.

    Jensen's already been burned twice. I really hope he campaigned hard (and successfully) this time, given how excited he has always been for these relatively infrequent opportunities to spread his wings (ha).

    • Love 9
  7. 2 hours ago, Reganne said:

    I agree that this could be a problem but they could try something new.  Have Cas and Jack become part of the MOTWs with Sam and have the overall Myth arc with MichaelDean be another story during the MOTW episodes.  Maybe have the MOTWs connected to DeanMichael somehow.  That would upset some of the fans that want the brothers together all the time, but it would satisfy the fans who want Dean to be a part of a long arc/fast forward to only watch Dean.  It would definitely be something different for the show.  It's not impossible but I don't think they will go this route.  

    I'd actually be really okay with that. It'd give both brothers something meaty to do, and season 14 would be about the right time to try something as bold as that. At least it won't be as boring as the constant cuts to secondary characters like we had in season 12 and 13, that had pretty much nothing to do with the protagonists.

    • Love 4
  8. 14 minutes ago, devlin said:

    What I would love for next season is for dean to remain Michael!dean. That way the boys can be seperate, dabb and his fellow sam fans can get an entire season of leader sam who gets to form bonds with all his followers and most importantly get to know his mother and be the BDH. Hopefully if dabb allows himself this he will also give us some really cool Michael!dean stuff. Then the J’s will get more time off and I will be able to watch dean only scenes whilst fast forwarding through all the other scenes.

    I'm 99% sure the writers and showrunner will never drop the MOTW format. There's no way they'd be willing to separate Sam and Dean for an extended period of time. I'd love for Michael!Dean to stick around for more than three episodes, but it either won't happen or they'll have Michael power down temporarily so that the brothers can go on those one-off hunts. I'd be happy to sacrifice the MOTWs for a more cohesive and in-depth story, but the writers probably wouldn't. Sigh...

    • Love 1
  9. 3 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

    I just wonder how could Dean show off the wings though?  Did he get powers to do that when he was possessed? Is it that the vessel gets all the angel's powers and can control them or was this just specific to Dean because of it being AU Michael? I was thinking the wings be under the  control of the angel not the meatsuit? 

    I mean if Dean got all of Michael's powers that's awesom! It makes me wonder why Michael could rest control back if Dean had all his powers.  Just wondering about the logistics of this.

    If I were to really try to analyze this, I would guess that an angel's power and the angel himself are two combined elements that could be separated. An angel can have their grace removed and still be themselves, just de-powered. I suppose Michael let Dean have access to his grace, which includes wings, while taking the backseat.

  10. 48 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

    I was thinking about Dean showing the wings. Dean was in control at that point so do you think he just wanted to show his wings so Lucifer would be all 'Oh shit'oor to impress Sam or just cause he thought it would becool? Or did Michael show then and gave the wheel to Dean during the fight and took it back after?

    or were Dean and Michael so intertwined that they were flipping back and forth before, during or after the fight?

    It was a statement of power and intent in-canon, and an awesome, iconic moment for the viewers. I like to think that the fight was Dean all the way through, just because I love the idea of our Dean showing off angel wings. I would have loved to see him actually testing out his powers and getting used to them, but I guess that would have spoiled the reveal.

    • Love 6
  11. Okay, I want to cheer myself up after that craptastic possible spoiler, so here's a few ideas for where they could take Michael in season 14.

    Michael wants to cleanse the world of sin ie. kill all humans, but he needs an angel army. He could:

    1. Get his army from AW by opening another portal. For the archangel grace, he could possibly break out our Michael from the cage (who's apparently a babbling lunatic, so not much of a threat *eyeroll*) to serve as the tap. 

    2. Get his army from this world by recruiting the angels, only to find out there's maybe 10 left (lol). He'd have time for some scathing disappointment for their miserable failures and in-fighting, which would be pretty fun. Maybe Michael does know how to create angels, though it involves some heavy, difficult stuff that he wouldn't be able to accomplish right away.

    As much as I demand for Michael Dean to last a while, it's pretty much impossible to do given the MOTW format. What would be really interesting is if Michael powers down for whatever reason and lets Dean drive for a while. Maybe he doesn't want to lose his true vessel, so he plays nice and tries to compromise instead of going full-on asshole.

    And until I get official confirmation, Lucifer doesn't fit into any of this because he's Mr. Dead McRoastedwings.

    • Love 2
  12. 5 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

    Yeah, I probably should have restrained myself. But if Jensen is correct and there's any chance they haven't set out S14 in stone yet, I want my opinion out there in the ethos. Not because I have any illusions that Dabb won't do exactly whateverthehell he wants with the show, but it makes me feel better. It isn't just the possibility of Lucifer not being dead that makes me rant, it's the careless disregard of canon and lore that eats away at any investment I can make in the show. Dean's sacrifice being completely meaningless would really be the last straw. I would just look for his Michael scenes on Youtube.

    Yeah, the biggest justification for Dean sacrificing his autonomy was to kill Lucifer, and he succeeded. Give him this win!

    • Love 3
  13. 41 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

    Seriously, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck Andrew Dabb with a rusty angel blade if this is true.

    Whoooboy. I hate this idea so much, I'm considering taking up day drinking.  I may have gone on a bit of a Twitter rant.

    I'm going to hold off on the freak out because I don't want to waste my emotional energy over something that may not be true, but if Lucifer doesn't turn out to be dead I will flip my shit. FUCK, JUST LET HIM STAY DEAD.

    • Love 2
  14. 14 minutes ago, OrigamiNightmare said:

    I liked those aspects too. Hell, they could've quite easily shown the ground shaking with the force too. I love the idea of the windows blowing out. Though maybe that would've been too expensive. Still, there were so many other inexpensive ways they could've shown a more epic fight (and no glowy balls of light. I always thought that was kind of silly. It might've been cool to show them being hurt, but then healing instantly. Or being scratched with angel blades, but not killed ... something, anything else! For some of us, this battle was something that we'd been waiting years to see. And I would think hand to hand based fight would've saved them some money for other stunts. Or they could've saved up money for the battle ... Oooh what if they showed car alarms and stuff going off outside?

    Yes to everything! Also, maybe Dean starts off too strong with his first hit and makes the ground shake. He then realizes he needs to tone it down so as not to cause collateral damage. It's not much, but it helps a bit in justifying why this epic battle didn't roast the world. The whole thing should have been a lot longer and grander, basically.

    • Love 3
  15. 15 minutes ago, Myrelle said:

    I've always liked the light coming out of an angel as they die. I think that's a cool effect and seeing it almost happen to Dean/Michael was pretty thrilling for me, but yes, I agree that up to that point, the big fight was mostly a bust-except for that one kick at the very beginning, but that was before the wires.

    The kick, then the hand-to-hand bit was awesome. I loved it when Dean twirled the archangel blade and briefly got the weight and balance before charging in. WHY, OH WHY, didn't they have the entire fight like that?! Have them punch and kick each other into the walls, have the glass windows shatter from the shock waves, maybe have lightning and thunder strike with a few of the stronger hits. Let pieces of the church crumble a bit, ANYTHING. It could have been so much better.

    • Love 10
  16. 32 minutes ago, Casseiopeia said:

    Dean/Michael's were the most beautiful. Sam/Gadreel's were very sad, Castiel's were amazing because his were the first ones we saw and Jack's were just cool

    Michael's plumage was exquisite. The feathers were the most defined and graceful out of all of them. *heart eyes*

    • Love 5
  17. 12 minutes ago, ukgirl71 said:

    Can I just say how much l loved Sam’s smile in the moments after Lucifer’s death?  And this from a Dean girl.

    Yeah, I don't remember him ever smiling like that. The pure, exhausted RELIEF on his face was quite something. 

    • Love 3
  18. 5 minutes ago, Aeryn13 said:

    I loved when Michael acknowledged "I know exactly what you are". Maybe that was the reason he wanted to make him his first kill in the new world? It sounds counterintuitive to do away with what you know is your perfect vessel but it`s the exact kind of "I`m the apex predator and I do what I want" stuff that seems to be AU!Michael, from what little we`ve seen of him.

    Now obviously, since the Christian Keyes-vessel was banged up but not destroyed, it`s not unfeasible that Michael will hop back at some point. I don`t expect him to possess Dean forever and unless they kill off the whole character quickly, he would need a different vessel.

    Interesting question is how Michael knew. I would say he could have read it in Mary`s head but the ice-queen never took enough interest to even learn such details about Dean if I`m not mistaken. And obviously, Dean and Sam were never born in AU-world. Granted, the angels or at least Michael  knew about the "breeding program" between John and Mary so he could have easily put two and two together on what a certain Dean Winchester should be in regards to him. Oh, he could have gotten it from Lucifer. 

    Would be cool, though, if he somehow knows just by looking. Maybe Dean gives off something to Michael the same way Sam gives off something to Lucifer that makes them recognize their perfect vessel. Or all the angels are huge genealogy nerds who have bloodlines down to the stone age so they know who would in general be usable to them.   

    Oh, man, it really stood out to me when Michael already knew that Dean was his sword. I liked that his reason for knowing wasn't elaborated on; it makes the whole thing bigger and more mysterious. I like to think that Michael knew as soon as he encountered Dean. The fact that he made a beeline straight for him as the first of his "saved" was also really interesting, as was the fact that he never even brought up using Dean as a vessel. That was all initiated by Dean. Maybe he just assumed that Dean wouldn't accept?

    • Love 4
  19. 11 minutes ago, AwesomO4000 said:

    I understand you wanting the kind of stories you like for your character. I just hope that if things don't exactly go the way you suspect that you aren't sorry.

    You may site the Gadreel storyline as one that Sam was "lucky" to get whereas I thought it was awful and an insult to Sam. So while I agree with the "okay someone else can have a shot" part (actually yes, please - no more stories like this for Sam), I disagree with the "well fed" part.. in so much as if "well-fed" includes wanting to throw up also. That's not to say that i didn't like the Hallucifer storyline - because I did - but the Gadreel one: no thanks.

    I just hope for your sake that the Michael storyline doesn't include some Michael redemption where he gets partial credit for some kind of world saving - while Dean gets none - and then Dean has to learn that Michael is actually just misunderstood and accept him as a "friend." Or some other equally "Michael is actually a cool character" afterall while Dean is just a meatsuit storyline. In other words, I hope "be careful what you wish for" doesn't apply here.

    Obviously, I hope that Michael's possession of Dean allows us insights into Dean's character and self-perception. If he's anything like the "tough cookie" we've come to love, he'll be fighting for his body like nobody's business. That will involve lots of time spent in his head, with the endless narrative possibilities that it entails.

    However, as I always temper my expectations, I'd still be happy if they had Michael, as played by Jensen Ackles, doing awesome, badass stuff. I just really, really want to see that. Shallower reasons, sure, but still valid, ha.

    • Love 4
  20. 8 hours ago, catrox14 said:

    Seriously. That legit fucking surprised me in a good way. I was all YASSSSSSSSSS.  Coming from Dean it was just the best way to do it. Dean never forgot he was the Michael Sword even if the show tried. And that was probably THE MOST satisfying moment. Even if Dean didn't let Michael possess him, I would have been okay with Dean just being able to say it.

    Gods, I'm really surprisingly not annoyed by this episode. I mean I don't know what show I was watching with AU Bobby and Mary walking through the lush rainforests of Lebanon, Kansas and that they apparently aren't all that in a hurry to get by to the AW to save the rest of the planet, but hey you know...that doesn't matter....

    I fucking LOVED seeing Michael!Dean with wings.  That was just stupidly satisfying.

    Castiel crying is distressing. But he'll save Dean. He will.

    It shocked the hell out of me when Dean said all that stuff about being the Michael Sword. PLOT CONTINUITY INVOLVING DEAN? Please, sir, may I have some more, sir? I love that it was re-established that Michael in Dean would make him more powerful than he's ever been. I wonder how much Jack would be able to actually hurt Michael!Dean, now.

    • Love 10
  21. I'd also like to mention that it was a really neat idea for it to be Dean with archangel powers killing Lucifer rather than straight-up Michael. Given our current crop of writers, I am pleasantly surprised that they granted Dean this small bit of agency and awesomeness, as well as at least an attempt on his part to get Michael to heel. And hey, he did keep to that part of the bargain and let Dean drive, which wouldn't have been easy for him given the way he ran AUWorld and refused to use his own grace for the portal spell. Handing over power never seemed to be his thing until now.

    • Love 10
  22. 6 minutes ago, BoxManLocke said:

    I agree. If they want this thing to last it's going to have to be more subtle than that.

    I think he'll take interest in heaven's current predicament and maybe even try to help the angels. That could create an interesting dilemma for the ones who are trying to help Dean.

    Yeah, that'd be a compelling moral dilemma. Let Dean continue to be possessed, or potentially allow hundreds of billions of ghosts to fall back to earth? 

    Also, the complete absence of Billie is a giant WTF for me. Why the hell did she say "see you soon" merely four episodes ago, then have nothing to do with the finale?

    • Love 8
  23. Just now, BoxManLocke said:

    Yes, Michael is powerful, and yes, people will die.


    I also know Michael will be stopped at some point.  Whatever happens until that won't be anywhere as terrible as Lucifer enslaving half the human racing and killing the other half.


    So Dean made the right choice.

    THANK YOU. It also wasn't Dean's fault that Michael and Lucifer invaded. He did the best with what he had.

    • Love 15
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