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Everything posted by Ivylady

  1. Hey y'all. How y'all doin? Sorry I'm late. Work is hectic. My eating habit tonight is terrible. I ordered Chinese. Enjoying these two train wrecks.
  2. Here's the thing...you can get 50-100% more protein from grass-fed or lean beef of the same size (22-31 g based on the USDA). That's the issue. Dr. Now is all about maxing out their protein intake. Also, I'm sure it'd be different if Doug was in the maintenance phase, but he's still in weight loss. He needs to stick to the plan because we all saw what happened when he didn't.
  3. Watching the beginning because I missed it. Doug sounds like a big baby.
  4. Yay! I'd hate to go to that resort because they're all such sad sacks. I liked the group therapy, but man, some of these people know how to suck the life out of everything.
  5. Ashley looks great, tho. I see why Dr. Now told her she's fine at 172. Doug? I still am on the fence about. I feel like he's gonna start gaining in a couple of years.
  6. Why won't it end? I'm already exhausted. Listening to this is putting me over the edge.
  7. I'm late, but hey y'all! My eating habit is nonexistent tonight. It'll probably be junk food. Sorry, Dr. Now. I'm glad his wife is joining him in losing weight, but if he can't take her eating occasional carbs, he's doomed.
  8. That was impressive. I don't think I've ever seen anyone hell bent on dying the way James was. He's back to 800 lbs, and won't even go 5 days without Lisa because she's sneaking him food. I'd say it was tragic, but the world will be better off without him.
  9. James has to take the cake as the worst. Not even Penny or Pauline or Schenee were this bad.
  10. Night all. Time for me to go work on my eating habit.
  11. I'm yelling at the TV. These people make me want to scream. "His body doesn't burn calories!" And...I'm done.
  12. Dr. Now needs to let him die. I know that's harsh, but it's true. James feels like everyone should do everything for him, and that's not realistic.
  13. 803? 42 lbs? How? And APS didn't do anything, like I suspected.
  14. I'm so glad I've never had to hoist my mama anywhere. She just looked at me and yelled "child abuse!"
  15. Cynthia is gonna gain weight again then come crawling back to Dr. Now, but not before she gains 100 pounds. She's one of those people who thinks she knows what she's doing in every situation.
  16. He's CALLING APS! Good! They deserve it. This lady sounds very unsympathetic. James is doomed.
  17. Nailed it. She's done with the program again. These people irk my spirit.
  18. I agree. They're trying to milk this for all they can.
  19. I'm glad that Cynthia lost weight, but I still want her to go to therapy. She has a lot to unpack.
  20. They deserve everything Dr. Now throws at them. 112 in a month? Unbelievable.
  21. Yep. They are bad for each other. He's abusive and she's a doormat. He won't stop eating, and she won't stop feeding him. She needs to pack up and move back to Kentucky. Listening to her lie about making changes is pathetic. Just throw in the towel.
  22. Watching with my mom and she gagged at James's legs. How is he even still alive? The sheer amount of drugs pumped into him to keep that infection at bay is mindboggling, I'm sure.
  23. Long time, no live chat. So happy I made it in time for this train wreck.
  24. Ugh. I just caught the beginning of Skin Tight, and Sarah looks like she might have gone too far in the other direction. She looks very skinny.
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