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  1. The experts are only about as good as the people they choose are truly honest. Some sincerely lie, they believe they are a better person than they actually are. They convince themselves they will accept and work on the marriage arranged for them no matter who is chosen. Some get angry because the show reveals who they really are...a shallow person. None more so than Madison who but David treated all with utter contempt and disrespect. Yet I suspect she's rationalized every last bit and still thinks she is an honest sincere person. Does anyone believe she was a hurting human longing for the security of marriage and children? She ended up picking the exact opposite of what she claimed she was looking for.
  2. A lot of how we perceive someone visually depends on the circumstances of the person. Michelle was either ticked off, irritated or upset almost the entire time. We didn't get to see her joyful, playful having fun or laughing. No moments of romance or affection. For the most part she had a frown or scowl on her face and a furrowed brow. Under better circumstances with a smile and affection in her eyes she would be a lot more appealing and considered prettier than Madison. If anyone deserves a redo its Michelle and Allen but I doubt either would trust someone to find a mate for them. Its not always the fault of the experts. Many of the couples lie about themselves. The saying be true to thy self doesn't apply to them. They assure the 'experts' they'll commit to their mate even if not initially attracted. Yet many throw in the towel from the get go and put no effort in.
  3. What do you mean red flags? If she was a guy you'd say he can't keep his zipper up. Wasn't her connecting with David a red flag? I think his anger was about even keel for the situation.
  4. He's not innocent as he should have intervened and called her out for allegedly hanging out with her friends. He should have seen the writing on the wall and confronted it. But I didn't observe him drooling over Madison I observed a man who accepted that she is his wife and they are supposed to work on being a happily married couple. I think had he been matched with Michelle who isn't quite as attractive he would have approached it same way. They didn't even as much as kiss after the wedding.
  5. I don't think its possible to fall in love with someone who's keeping you at arms length throughout. Usually serious love making foments falling in love and there was none of that going on with Allen. He wanted to stay married and work it out as long as he believed those were her intentions as well and hoped the other benefits would follow. He knew he was being treated unfairly but he didn't want to upset the apple cart. His life is better without her.
  6. You too? I'm sure her response is you can have him... Had I only known that when growing up. How about lying and cheating does that attract hot women?
  7. I concur. Considering she made it known she preferred a Caucasian I think she would have flipped when she went down the aisle. Even if David was white, she would have the same objections Michelle had. The guy is 36 and can't handle living on his own. That's a major red flag for anyone. When asked if he has plans to move out he's getting to it...eventually some day. If she wasn't happy with Allen's attire imagine how displeased she'd be with David's attire. They hit it off (superficially) because they were both unhappy with their married at first sight experience. They gave each other sympathetic ears. I'm convinced their romance will be kaput by the time of the reunion. David will be ticked off, Allen may feel a little vindication. I hope they don't make him sit next to Madison.
  8. I thought the men should have as tactfully said the same to David...or even not as tactfully. Even if Madison were to sincerely apologize people can forgive, but forgiveness doesn't mean the restoration of a friendship. Love can be unconditional...relationships are not. I'm in favor of believing he's a cheater and an idiot. Its possible to do both at the same time. David proved it.
  9. She is a victim of a poor choice of a husband. She hasn't won anything except weeks of stress and frustration and at the end of the day no husband. She didn't apply to MAFS so she could win some popularity or sympathy game. Had they picked Allen for Michelle it would be a totally different outcome.
  10. The tip off was the text and who David was with when she received the text. Then the endless absurd lies about the text. She put the clues together and wasn't sure if it was her imagination getting away from her. So she went to Allen as a sounding board. At first denial, but then realization came. They picked a loser for Michelle, a grown up boy living at home. There is a huge difference in our perception of people who are happy, smiling having a wonderful time, dressing nicely to impress and someone who is very stressed out and unhappy. As a result the perception of Michelle (which I shared initially) is she is a cold dour bitch. In another situation we'd see a soft fun side.
  11. Because you married that person. A person you vowed to stick with through thick and thin, richer or poorer, in sickness and in health and the key forsaking all others. I'm not justifying Michelle's behavior she could have discussed it more reasonably but his living situation and goals for the future was a legitimate concern. Frankly the experts shouldn't have picked him to begin with. Any marriage that is on a tit for tat basis is going to fail.
  12. He should take lessons from Karla how to excoriate someone with smile and a lilt in his voice. I don't think any measure can save Madison's integrity or reputation. She lived a complete lie in front of all these people. I'm not sure about whether contractually he has to appear at the reunion. The most pitiful and irritating scene was Madison feeling so sorry for herself. She felt sorry for herself because her actions made her feel bad. She'll soon rationalize it. I'll eat my hat if David and Madison are together at the reunion show. Michelle and Allen had a nice talk. My initial reaction is no freaking way..but the more I think about it maybe there is a possibility. They do have this shared light bulb experience of being on MAFS. Allan is everything David is not. On his own managing his affairs. She knows from observing him if they clicked after a few dates and said he was serious...she'd believe him. I haven't seen the happy fun side of Michelle. She hasn't been dressing or dolling herself up. We've only seen her hard edge. If they do click the show should give them a second honey.
  13. No he don't get off that easy. If this gives license to cheat then every married couple in the world is entitled to have affairs. Husbands and wives have spells of being furious with each other. Its true in my house hold. The boundaries of not cheating allows reconciliation to occur. When you breach that wall the marriage as in this case, is over. I agree that Michelle was immediately put off by his living situation. It would be a huge concern to me if the woman I married is living at home. My concern would be her ability to adapt to a marriage and becoming a responsible adult who can manage finances. He demonstrated his unhappiness in a symbolic way. He could have gone ape and I don't know if I could have held it together as well. He did have plenty of warning signs he failed to heed. The first time my 'wife' stayed out to 2 in the morning I'd have the coffee brewing and there would be a come to Jesus meeting then and there. WTF? I'd expect the same if I slide in the same time. That shit doesn't fly in a 39 year marriage certainly not newlyweds.
  14. I think the guys when they had a chance went soft soap on David. They should have laid the heavy wood on him for being such a cad and liar. I don't know if Allan should confront Madison or just erase her like it never happened. I'd want to get my pound of flesh. She deserves to know what a wench she is.
  15. True she was unhappy with her selected husband from the beginning but as it turns out she had every reason to be. Who would want to start a future and have a family with a man who's clearly a bum. At one point she was sincerely putting in some effort but then came the text message from hell. David is not only a bum but he's also a dumb ass. Its hard to fathom how stupid he could be to flirt outside his marriage, but then send the text to his wife. What a foundation for a new relationship. Lies, cheating more lies. No integrity. It will never get that far Madison will dump David without a second thought. You can tell when David is lying it's whenever his lips are moving.
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