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  1. Thank you! Unfortunately, there is nothing scheduled while I will be in town. The Christmas Extravaganza starts the 18th, just not sure if I will able to make it.
  2. Does anyone know where to locate a schedule of DCC appearances? Like, at a grocery store, some other type of store, or that type of thing? I'm heading to Dallas next Wed. (11/16) - Tues. (11/22) and was hoping I might catch them out and about somewhere. Thanks!
  3. Gorgeous couple! I knew she would be a lovely bride.
  4. I rewatched and I think Caroline is point with Kelcey in the triangle on one side. It's hard to make out who is on the other side.
  5. I saw Tori and Kelcey on an instragram story together in California. I believe they are in Oxnard with the rest of the showgroup.
  6. You are correct - she is a year 3 vet,
  7. I've watched to videos from Oxnard several times. My eye is always drawn to Marissa. I noticed several other things - why is Kelcey so hidden in both of these? I think she is a hidden gem. Also, I do like that a few of the girls are moved from front to back. I'm also curious as to why Claire is so hidden? I get it's a bide your time type of situation, but that girl can dance and she seems to have toned down and is looking to be in better shape - not that I thought she was in bad shape before, just fuller figured in comparison to their "standards".
  8. The office that Kelcey works at is the same one that Heather worked at. I remember Heather saying that Jackie Bob worked there and had helped her get the job. Several years back, Colin also worked there while a DCC. There may be others as well, but that is all I can remember.
  9. Also, don't forget that Bridget moved in with Brennan when she and her fiance broke up. I'm sure there is a strong bond there.
  10. I'm still in shock and disbelief over Hannah being cut (if it is actually true, which I'm unfortunately starting to think it is). As someone stated previously, the only negative I could see related to Hannah is some of her IG posts that could be seen as possibly political. I don't want to believe this! Her dancing was fierce. I wish her the best. For Brennan, I am sorry and feel so bad for her. She seems to have been such a calming and mature presence on the team. She is such a classy woman and will be dearly missed. I saw on Brianna's post that it looked like she was having morning coffee with Brennan. At least it appears that she had a lifelong friend in Brianna. Regarding Lily and Meredith, I do feel very bad for them. It is devastating to have your dream torn away from you. I hope they both go on to bigger and better things. They are obviously both very strong women and I wish them the best.
  11. What???? How did I skip/miss this? How do we know this to be true? Add me to the begging for this info please.......
  12. I have also seen several of these girls post on Lisa's IG. I'm not saying she never gets responses, I'm just saying that she gets a lot less than all of the other girls, in my opinion. I've also noticed that Victoria gets some responses, but also not as many as the others.
  13. Very good points that I didn't actually think about - the crew and misc. other people who may be going in and out of the bubble. Thank you for helping me see another perspective. I keep wondering what they will even do as a team this year. Maybe there will be football games to perform at, maybe they will have a masked appearance or 2. I guess time will tell.
  14. Going back to the mask vs no mask debate - if they've all been tested and have negative test results, then why can't they go without their masks when only around each other? I can see when in public areas, wearing a mask. Did anyone else have this same thought? I feel bad if Meredith got cut. She's beautiful, seems very sweet. I agree that she is not the strongest with their style, but I can't imagine she is that off. She also seems like a good teammate. Now to Lisa, prior to her birthday this year (while in the bubble), it seems that hardly any of the girls had much to say about her or to do with her. I never notice other DCC making comments on IG of her posts, at least not as many or frequently as the others. When she was teaching those heels classes, I never saw any other DCC featured as taking her classes. I may have missed something, but she just doesn't seem to fit in.
  15. I really enjoyed "Boots in the Bubble." It is always nice to see the girls in a somewhat less formal setting and get to know them.
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