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Posts posted by deirdra

  1. 8 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

    Shades of Brown, you might say....see also: Kody Brown, Robyn Brown.

    Leon also seems to like shades of brown, particularly burnt sienna, which they commonly used as the main or background colour on IG posts.  I found this funny because as a kid, burnt sienna was always the least-used colour in everyone's Crayola box, so an odd choice for someone who wants to be an influencer.  My last name is a genus of fish, but I never considered using it on all of my messages.

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  2. It is probably a combination of meal & healthy, but it sounds awful and there are at least two ways to pronounce it - is it "meel-thy" or "mell-thy"?   I didn't think of meal worms initially (I do now! 😝), but envisioned one of Janelle's beige & grey dog barf combinations in a bowl.  

    • LOL 5
  3. 15 hours ago, JNavarro said:

    If you're going to have a mute character..well, it should be Phyllis.  BUT, otherwise, Cait Fairbanks is the perfect fit.  I've always loved her background reactions and they're clearly serving well here.

    The weirdest part of the SL was that Tessa looked like she was dressed to pop out to a store to buy a cute new pair of sunglasses to match her sundress, but left and returned from "vocal chord surgery" and the only difference was that she was mute.  Wouldn't such surgery require at least twilight sedation (usually with instructions to wear something comfy & warm & return home to rest afterwards)? 

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  4. 4 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

    I train wreck watch. 👀

    I love watching for inconsistencies with what they have said previously. Are they unaware that they are on TV and we can easily re-watch them saying or doing the exact opposite in previous episodes?  

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  5. In grade school I loved biographies and started with the ones in the school library about people I was interested in, then read all of the rest in alphabetical order until I'd read every single biography in the library. Even people I'd never heard of had interesting histories, just like people on WDYTYA.

    I'd toured Civil war battle sites on vacation as a kid w/my father, but when I studied geology in university we had field trips there because many sites were strategic because of their topography or confluence of rivers, which were all related to the underlying bedrock geology.  That made the battles even more interesting and you could really imagine how hard it would be to defeat troups that held the higher ground. Seeing the lay of the land in person gives the best perspective of what your ancestors saw.

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  6. Ana is socially liberal but fiscally conservative, like many mainstream, moderate Republicans who immigrated legally and believe in hard work and paying their own way to get what they want in life.  Whoopi complains about taxes & bike lanes like people farther right of Ana. Sunny is even farther right when the subject is gender roles in marriage, the Phyllis Schlafly of sleeping in makeup to look nice for your man.

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  7. I was once at a business meeting in Toronto and thought it was odd to have a Ninja sitting next to me on the plane, but my hotel and all surrounding hotels were filled up with costumed young people - on the elevators, in the halls & lobbies, on sidewalks as far as the eye could see. I could image Tony feeling at home with these people.

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  8. My sister & brother & cousins who were blonde as kids darkened to brunette by their 20s. Logan Brown has had darker hair the whole time of the show, but he may have been blonde when Sol/Areola's age.

    Brown eyed blondes tend to turn brown brown with age, but blue-eyed blondes like Janelle, Maddie & Meri tend to go mousy brown.

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  9. Sounds like the old "Cambridge Diet" of the 1970s, which did kill people who stayed on it as their body consumed their heart & other muscles to get protein since collagen is not a good bioavailable protein (ground up hooves, anyone)?  3 days won't kill you, but drinking your "meals" reconstituted from packets of processed crap & chemicals doesn't teach you how to eat properly.  How many Plexass cult members might  ignore the directions and follow this "meal plan" for more than 3 days?  Maddie proudly announced that she feeds 3-yr old Evie Plexass despite the instructions saying it is only for kids 4 or older.

    Curiously Google tells me the Cambridge Diet plan & products are back and they contain the same ingredients as Plexass - Garcinia Cambogia, chromium, Green coffee bean extract, etc., all in little packets for drinks, shakes, soups.

    Wouldn't 45 Cool Ranch Dorito chips just be a tiny appetizer for Janelle?

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  10. 2 hours ago, Cetacean said:

    I can also see him at comic cons or those deals where loonies all dress up like their favorite action heroes.  I wonder if he takes his dolls along to show them off.

    Ha ha.  There may be special conventions just for the dolls, swords and other stuff he collects.

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  11. 7 hours ago, Just Wondering said:

    he sacrificed by losing the opportunity to “marry” a woman he was actually attracted to

    He wanted to marry "Plyg Royalty" but sacrificed by not waiting for a Plyg Princess who could eat nachos daintily. Though most men looking for good breeding stock would be impressed by one eating with gusto rather than picking at her food.

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  12. 9 was common in those days for farmers due to diseases and accidents taking several of the kids before they reached adulthood. Two of my gr-gr-grandfathers had second or third wives and more kids after the previous one died in childbirth. It was also common after losing a child to name the next one born of the same gender after their older sibling who died. Another complication to look out for when doing genealogy.

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  13. 6 hours ago, cameron said:

    Just watched the episode again and think she is aiming to be the Joanna Gaines of Canada.

    One Joanna Gaines is more than enough in the world, but at least Joanna seems to stay within budget and doesn't keep changing her mind mid-stream, causing costly delays & labour & materials costs to re-do things, like the ~16' tall stone fireplace in her Canadian home that Sara wanted moved over 1' after it was built.  She was stupid not to notice the asymmetry in the planning stages and a real designer would have used furniture and art placement to disguise the asymmetry after the fact or make it look intentional. Canadians love Brian, but most of us wish Sara would go back to teaching ballet and off of our screens.

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  14. 3 hours ago, Shannon L. said:

    I love this show.  I don't comment often because I'm a bit intimidated by amount of history knowledge you all have.  I hated history--I had the most boring teachers--so I zoned out a lot (until 11th grade, when I got a cool, fun teacher, who was cute, too ;)  Now that I'm older, I'm much more interested in our history and being able to get the basics from a source like this show is much more fun than just reading it online. 

    We had to memorize dates of battles, when WHY they were battling would have been more interesting, and knowing what one's ancestors were doing at the same time puts it into perspective, even if you are learning about these ancestors for the first time.

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  15. 2 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    Who gets monsoon rain every afternoon? (I mean where?)

    In the Canadian Rockies we sometimes get a thunderstorm at 3 pm on very hot summer days, occasionally several days in a row, but they last 15-30 minutes. You wait them out or throw on your rain gear, and go back to whatever you were doing as soon as they've passed over you. In the mountains, clouds have a hard time rising in the heat, so they drop some water weight to gain height. Flagstaff is at a higher elevation (~7000') than Banff townsite (~4500').

    25 minutes ago, DakotaJustice said:

    Water weight. 

    Especially when you binge eat or carb load in preparation for the next "reset".  If Plexass worked to lose weight and modify behaviour, nobody would need multiple resets.

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  16. Kootie saying Christine never did anything for anyone else in the family was rich.  She raised, taught & cooked for their first 12 kids while Janelle worked, Meri & Kootie went on road trips, and Robyn canoodled with her husband when she was in labour with Truely.  What good has Robyn ever done for the fambly? She objected when Janelle asked if Savanah could spend the day with AuroraBreanna when Janelle had something else up.

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