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Everything posted by ZumbaTiger

  1. Yes, you're right- I remember that now. I think I mis-remembered that detail because I did remember Whitney saying she needed to "go to a hospital"... and Ashley's HILARIOUS response "The regular hospital, or the mental hospital?". Considering that scene in the parking lot was staged, I don't know how Ashley got away with saying that line to Whitney!! I wish Whitney's friends made more of an effort to point out to Whitney that her behaviour isn't normal. I remember Tal saying to Whitney that he didn't think the way she was reacting to the Avi situation was healthy, but he was too timid to push the point any further. When Whitney's friends act as if her behaviour is normal, it just makes her worse! I like how Todd does speak his mind sometimes but he still lets her get away with far too much.
  2. I recently re-watched "One K At A Time" (the episode when Whitney plays a cringeworthy martyr crawling the 8k) and some questions occurred to me about her "panic attacks". At the beginning of the last series, Whitney was portrayed having a "panic attack" in the car park of the dance studio after seeing how popular Todd was with her students. But I think this must have been staged fiction for the show because we have known for a while that "BGDC" only exists when the show is being filmed, it isn't a real dance class. Even Whitney's fans regularly bring this up on her social media. Then we see Tal driving Whitney to a hospital and on the way she is shown vomiting, which appears to be quite real (although fortunately we don't actually see the vomit, but the noises sound realistic and Tal's concern appears genuine, but that could also have been acted, I suppose). Then in "One K At A Time" when Whitney is freaking out about doing the 8k, she tells her parents she's scared of having another panic attack. So I was wondering whether this was just drama for the show or if she was actually lying to her parents that she has panic attacks? OR perhaps she DOES have panic attacks for real (not in the fictional Todd drama but in other, real life situations), and it's real like the PCOS, but she faked the panic attack in the car park for the show just like she faked the whole "pregnancy" drama? Note, I'm not trying to belittle anyone who actually has panic attacks, I'm just wondering if it's yet another thing that Whitney invents or plays up for sympathy. If she is faking it then it's disrespectful towards people who suffer panic attacks for real. What do other people think? Also, I wanted to correct something I wrote in a previous post. I previously wrote that Todd said he runs several miles every day, but what he actually said in the episode was that he runs 8 miles several times a week.
  3. @MegD I agree, the NHS isn't perfect especially when it comes to the waiting lists, but that's because it's underfunded and the government are making the problem worse with their constant cuts to the services. Like @Littlez I am very grateful to live in a country where we have free/affordable healthcare (I don't wish to start a political argument, just sharing my opinion). Waiting lists are a real problem here when it comes to access to mental health services, with doctors often prescribing anti-depressants as a substitute for therapy. If a person is severely depressed or having suicidal thoughts they can get referred faster. However in my case, as I was not depressed or suicidal and able to function well in most situations, I knew that if I went to my GP to be referred for therapy then I would have a long time to wait, plus I knew there were people much worse off than me who needed help more urgently, so I went to a private hypnotherapist. (Hypnotherapy generally isn't available on the NHS, I guess because it doesn't work for everyone as not everyone is susceptible to hypnosis). Fortunately I was able to afford it, but I feel bad for people who can't afford that option and I wish these treatments were more easily accessible to everyone. I go to an NHS dentist for a check up and clean every 3 months. It's cheap and because I go regularly, any problems with my teeth can be spotted early on and nipped in the bud. My teeth look so clean and white and neat, some people don't believe they're real- they think I had veneers done, and they are shocked when I tell them I go to an ordinary NHS dentist! Plus my life was literally saved by an NHS surgeon when I was stabbed by my abusive ex 18 years ago. My injuries were so bad they flew in a specialist from another hospital to save me. If I lived in the US, I bet that operation, and the cost of flying in that surgeon, would have been so expensive it would have taken me years and years to pay the medical bills! NHS emergency surgeons, doctors and nurses are heroes in my opinion. They work under terrible stress and don't get paid enough. Sadly, and ironically, many NHS staff smoke and are overweight because they lead such stressful, exhausting lives and have little time to take care of themselves properly while saving other people's lives. So basically I think the idea of the NHS is wonderful but it's under a great strain because of the lack of funding and that's really sad. Anyway, I agree with your final paragraph, that Whitney has the opportunity to have instant access to the best available care and, as I said in a previous post, could seek help from the best healthcare professionals in America if she wanted to change. And that pisses me off because there are so many people in the world who would jump at the chance to have the opportunities Whitney has, but can't afford it.
  4. @Littlez I agree, you are very funny! And I live in London and I watch MBFFL episodes online as well (the only drawback is that on those free websites, the quality is bad and Whitney's voice sounds even MORE annoying!). It's a guilty pleasure of mine- I have it on while I'm drawing (I work from home) and have it on as background noise. I tend to just listen when it's the boring bits (like Heather and Buddy's storyline) and look up now and again to watch Whitney make a fool of herself. Or if it's a more interesting episode, I'll watch it with my complete attention when I'm not working. Congratulations on your weight loss!
  5. I didn't see this episode when Whitney and Todd had that argument- can anyone tell me which episode it was? Anyway, Whitney has a lot of nerve to complain about people not respecting her when she rarely shows respect to other people, including her friends and family members. I guess her values don't include "Do as you would be done by", aka "Treat others as you would like to be treated." And if Whitney's friends ever turned around and treated Whitney as badly as she treats them, I'm sure we'd never hear the end of it! And secondly, Todd WORKED for his "perfect fucking body". He takes dance seriously and runs several miles every day (he said this in one of the Hawaii episodes). Whitney is acting as if it's so UNFAIR, as if Todd just woke up one day with a fit, athletic body while she was randomly assigned a 200kg blob-like physique through no fault of her own. Some people in the world are born with disabilities, diseases, or deformities through no fault of their own. Others sustain life-changing injuries, and all these people don't have a choice, they have to make the best of the one body and life they have. Other people are lucky enough to be born with intact, fully functional, healthy bodies. Whitney was born into the latter category PLUS she was born into a middle class white family with a lot of privilege, money and resources. The world could potentially be her oyster. But what does she do? Ruins her body, which has the potential to be amazing with a healthy diet, and then ACCUSES OTHER PEOPLE OF TAKING THINGS THEY GET FOR GRANTED! Whitney, you are a horrible person, and YOU HAVE THE BODY YOU DESERVE.
  6. Great breakdown, @Elizzikra! I am assuming that when the author used the term 'fatphobia', she meant it in a similar context to the term homophobia, to describe a hatred, rather than a literal phobia, of fat people. I don't deny that fat people do get bullied and picked on, but it pisses me off when fat activists make out that "fatphobia" is as bad as homophobia, or racism (as @DOT points out, Whitney has hijacked the terminology of people who truly are oppressed, describing herself as a 'person of size' which is ripped off the term 'person of colour'.) First of all, there is nothing wrong with being gay, or black, or any other ethnic minority, and people don't choose their colour or sexual orientation, but obesity is a damaging, self-inflicted lifestyle choice. Secondly, it's disgusting for fat activists to make out that they are "oppressed". In no country in the world can you go to prison for being fat, fat people were never enslaved, or victims of genocide, and as far as I know, nobody ever walked into a nightclub for plus-sized people and planted a nail bomb, or massacred them a with gun. Neither are fat people more likely to be shot by police for doing nothing wrong. Another thing that stood out to me about that ridiculous blog post was how the author spoiled her grandmother's party. It reminded me a bit of how when the Thore family were in Hawaii and Whitney's parents were having a special anniversary meal, Whitney COMPLETELY killed the vibe of their occasion to moan to her father (yet again) about being bribed to walk the 8K, and made the evening all about her. If I'm at a party and get upset about something, instead of making a scene and spoiling the happy occasion, I will either put on a happy face for those few hours, or, if I can't manage that, make an excuse and discretely remove myself from the situation. There will always be an opportunity at a later date to approach the person who upset me one to one and tell them "I didn't say anything at the time as I didn't want to spoil the evening, but I have to tell you I was hurt by something you said at the party and I'd like to talk about it now." And @cherenkov, keep up your positive and inspiring Instagram posts- they will help people who really want to change and that's always worth it, no matter what the crabs say!
  7. @Dot I reckon you may be onto something with your observation about Whitney's friends! I think Whitney loved the fact that Nada was in worse physical condition than she was, so that she could feel superior, being the "slimmer" and "healthier" one of the two of them. Also I remember that Whitney appeared to be uncomfortable and visibly envious around Heather when she first appeared on the show as Buddy's new girlfriend, but later on when Buddy and Heather's relationship deteriorated, all of a sudden Whitney seemed to enjoy Heather's company a whole lot more, with long scenes dedicated to drawing out the breakup saga and Whitney playing the role of "agony aunt"! I think Whitney feels threatened and inferior around slimmer women and also women who appear to be having successful relationships-they have the things she wants for herself. Then if she's in a situation where the friend is suffering, I think it boosts Whitney's self-esteem and she feels superior to her friend. @cherenkov, what kind of photos were you posting on your Instagram account? Before and after photos? Photos related to running or other activities? Or simply photos as you are now, that may have annoyed people who knew you when you were bigger? Whatever it was, it was really childish of those people to block you, and very revealing about their mental state! But good riddance to them- no one needs crabs in their life! It is also EXTREMELY narcissistic for a person to take someone else losing weight as some kind of personal dig at them! But sadly it seems to happen a lot. I've posted a screenshot from the fat-activist blog "This Is Thin Privilege" that illustrates that kind of mentality perfectly. When I first heard about it I assumed it was a piss-take, but it isn't! The irony is that if these people truly believed that fat was "fabulous", then they wouldn't be so "triggered" (I HATE how privileged people who don't know what PTSD is like have hijacked that word!!) or upset by seeing fit and slim people. Jealousy and envy ALWAYS say more about the person feeling those emotions than they do about the person they envy.
  8. Congratulations to you too, @cherenkov! I knew you were heavily into fitness and sports from your previous posts, but I didn't know you had lost so much weight. Correct me if I'm confusing you with another poster, but was it you a while back who received horrible negative comments on your healthy weight, like being called anorexic and someone insinuated your boyfriend was a "paedophile" for fancying you as a slim woman? If that was you, and now knowing that you have loose skin from weight loss, which must have been visible to those people, it makes what they said to you even more sick, hateful and disgusting! I have noticed that some "fat activist" people have a pathological hatred of slim people who used to be obese- they hate people like you even more than they hate people like me, the "skinny bitches" who have always been slim. I believe this stems from extreme jealously and a "crabs in a bucket" mentality. They would never actually admit the truth, that they don't enjoy being fat but aren't mentally strong enough to get healthy, and seeing people who have successfully lost weight must drive them insane, because you prove their excuses and lies (eg. diets don't work, only 5% of people who lose weight keep it off long term, etc) are just bullshit. And even worse, sometimes they try to sabotage their so-called friends' efforts to lose weight and try and make them feel bad. They are toxic people!! In contrast, my friend's wife, who has PCOS, joined a slimming club and met some wonderful women there, and several of them ended up being bridesmaids at her wedding. Those women were united in their efforts to lose weight and encouraged each other along the way. And I don't think it's vain in a negative way to want to have loose skin removed. You are at a different stage of your life now and not that fat person any more. If you don't want to keep that excess skin for the rest of your life then you shouldn't have to. Negative vanity is when a person is conceited, shallow and fake and values looks above more important virtues. Rather like Whitney and her extreme Photoshopping! If she put the same amount of effort into getting healthier as she does in putting on her fake front to the world, she might have a visible jawline FOR REAL by now!! She is like a person whose house is on fire, but instead of escaping and calling the fire brigade, runs around putting up expensive curtains in the windows!
  9. Dot, congratulations on such a huge weight loss! That must have taken a hell of a lot of grit. I just calculated that carrying 120 extra pounds would be the equivalent of if I (50kg) strapped on a pair of 2x 2.5kg ankle weights and made you carry me piggyback! Examples like yours are an inspiration to others, proving that the likes of Whitney have NO excuses!! Also, I loved the before and after photos of the lady that were posted on the previous page. It was such a dramatic transformation, but what stood out to me the most was her facial expression in the 'after' photo. Her eyes looked so ALIVE and she must have felt so much better! About the loose skin, when I see people who have lost loads of weight but still have loose skin, my thoughts are that I'm glad they are still here and that they must have worked damn hard- the skin tells me how far that person has come, just like my scars are reminders that I survived my ordeal. Of course, it can't be fun to have all that loose skin, but in Whitney's case, if she one day decided to get her shit together and sought help from Dr.Now, it would be probably the most-watched 'My 600lb Life' episode in history, get huge ratings, and I am sure TLC would happily pay for surgery to remove the skin if Whitney successfully lost the weight. So if excess skin is putting Whitney off losing weight, again, it's not a valid excuse.
  10. Whitney wrote: Living life to the full. Making the most of every moment I can. Treating my mind and body the best I can, so that I can continue feeling fantastic inside and out. Creating art. Dancing. As in, moving my feet and actually dancing! Embracing life. Learning new things. Learning and growing from life's challenges and mistakes. Wonderful people and animals. Great music. This incredible planet. Empathy. Compassion. Love. Friendship. Gratitude. Winning fitness challenges. Feeling free to be one's authentic self. Laughter. Doing things just for the fun of it. Honesty. Good communication. Looking back on my past 38 years of life and knowing that while I'm not perfect and made many mistakes, I did the best I could, and successfully grew from a shy, bullied child into the confident person I am today WITHOUT being spoiled as a child, and surviving a stabbing along the way. Feeling thankful to the surgeon who saved my life and gave me a 2nd chance and to everyone else who has helped me along the journey no matter how small their contribution. Being aware of my own mortality, which makes me even more happy to be alive. Having a positive attitude. Feeling inspired by the amazing things other people have done. If you really feel this way, then why do most of your social media posts revolve around those things you just mentioned?! And if you don't care about compliments then why do you constantly fish for them and Photoshop your selfies?! Because your Big Fat Fabulous Life is a shallow lie and you use food and Prozac to drown out your real feelings, and you've surrounded yourself with enablers and other fame chasers, and whenever people genuinely show concern and care for you, you are ungrateful. "Forever" won't be very long at all if you continue destroying your physical body. A clean house? A CLEAN HOUSE? This coming from someone who can't keep her poor cats' litters trays clean?!
  11. Ooh! Please, tell me the title of that thread so I can search for it! I'm quite new to this forum so I haven't seen it.
  12. You bring up several excellent points! As I mentioned earlier, if a person doesn't GENUINELY want to change and/or is in denial, then the best psychologist in the world cannot help them! After all, a person like Whitney, who cannot be honest with herself or with her personal trainer or her fans, is not going to be honest with a therapist either. As you probably already know, there are, sadly, many people out there who may be in therapy for YEARS, "talking the talk", but making absolutely no progress. Like you, I'm not saying this to be horrible or sound mean, but because it's true. Some people constantly lie to their therapist and the therapist may not realise this. Someone with HPD would be extremely likely to do that- trying to "impress" or even seduce their therapist. And again, not trying to be cruel, but some people actually enjoy being "sick", and the attention it brings them, and in an unhealthy way they want to have a role in their family or friendship group of being the person who everyone babies and makes excuses for. With some people like that it's a conscious resistance to wanting to heal, with others I think they do it unconsciously. Speaking as someone for whom therapy has been very effective, I think it's VITAL to be as honest and self aware as you can otherwise you won't make progress. I believe that most people have the inner strength needed to heal themselves, and the therapist's job as the trained professional is to find the most effective way to help their client/patient tap into that strength. As you say, a good therapist wouldn't want their patient to become totally dependent on them. They would hope that eventually the patient would need to see them less or not at all. I am MASSIVELY, MASSIVELY grateful to my hypnotherapist who, in one 2 hour session, healed the neurophysical PTSD symptoms (such as over-sensitivity to noise and hypervigilance) that had been part of my life for the past 18 years. I will remember what she did for the rest of my life, however, I will only return to her as and when I notice problems I still need help with, and my aim is that one day I hopefully won't need any more hypnotherapy. Because my objective when seeing any kind of therapist is to get better. But for Whitney, I suspect she enjoys the opportunity to talk about herself endlessly!
  13. I too am unfamiliar with American prom culture as I grew up in the UK before they adopted the custom over here in the 2000s. I didn't realise there was a distinction between a prom queen and a prom princess, but it may be a very important distinction if it exposes yet another exaggeration or lie Whitney has told! If she was really one of many 'runner up' princesses then she was not the centre of attention that night, but of course she'd want to give her social media followers the impression that she was! Come to think of it, it would be FANTASTIC if some of the people who went to high school with Whitney joined this forum! I'd love to hear their interpretation of events! And @3girlsforus after watching Whitney's delusional, obsessive, possessive man-stalking antics on her show, it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if she stalked a man across the Pacific Ocean!!
  14. Great observation! But, if she WAS telling the truth about being booed... could it possibly have been because WHITNEY was a bully herself? You know how often a bully is surrounded by a clique and very popular even though they have a rotten personality, and people are scared of pissing them off? But at the same time some other people (who might have been in a rival clique or had enough friends to be protected/feel safe) may still express their distaste for the bully openly. I'm just throwing out a wild guess there! You have my sympathy for being bullied, by the way. Bullies are disgusting, weak people.
  15. @AZChristian: So sorry you've had to put up with an abusive person in your life, but I'm glad to hear my words gave you another perspective. When you are involved with people like that (ideally it's best to completely cut such people out of your life, but that's not always possible if it's a family member for instance) it's really important to stay objective and grounded and realise their issues are their issues and no matter how much you wish/hope they'd wake up and change, ultimately they won't change unless they want to. @Kaia40 Great points!! I wrote "possibly" because unfortunately it isn't uncommon for some obese people to falsely claim to have EDs. I remember one of Dr.Now's patients claiming, with a straight face, that she was bulimic!! But I can't rule out that Whitney may have had an ED at some stage because, on the other hand, it's quite common for some people to go from one extreme dysfunctional relationship with food to another. Sometimes an obese person starts to diet in an unhealthy way (starvation instead of a healthy balanced diet) and ends up anorexic because their body image is distorted and they don't realise they have gone too far, and in their head they still believe they are fat. And other times, people who have been anorexic for years balloon in weight when they start eating again because their body has gone into a desperate survival mode. Their metabolism has been messed up from years of starving and also, some former anorexics develop Binge Eating Disorder because once they allow themselves to eat again, they find they can't stop. The way Whitney talks, it's as if she doesn't realise there is a healthy middle ground between being morbidly obese and starving yourself, which COULD be a sign of her having ED-like thinking, BUT on the other hand, as you say, the vast majority of people with genuine EDs are very secretive about their illness and don't like to bring other people's attention to it. Either way, anybody who falsely claims to have an ED for attention is a disgusting person, because they make a mockery of the genuine suffering ED patients go through. About your suggestion of Whitney maybe having Borderline Personality Disorder, I don't think so. 21-18 years ago (it is me in my avatar photo, but I'm a older than I look) I was in a 3 year abusive relationship with a guy who did have it. He seemed charming at first but revealed himself to be a full-on nutcase: going from loving to hating me in a matter of seconds, violent rages, paranoid outbursts at men who he imagined were looking at me, threatening to commit suicide if I left him, heavy drinking and abusing drugs, out of control of himself but extremely controlling of me, even locking me in his flat overnight on one occasion. And I have a feeling that if Whitney did have BPD I would have spotted it because obviously I am quick to notice such traits in people now! HOWEVER, now you mention it, I can see a few "mild" BPD type TRAITS in Whitney, such as using emotional blackmail to control and manipulate people, obsessive behaviour in relationships, and covering the peephole when she knocked at Lenny's house. So, if personality disorders are on a spectrum and my ex was at the extreme end then could Whitney have a milder case of BPD? Either way, BPD or not, those traits are disturbing and unhealthy.
  16. @ChessDiva19 Thank you for sharing your insights! It's really great to hear the opinion of somebody qualified in the field of psychology. I find the subject highly interesting and fascinating myself, have had a lot of experience on the receiving end of different types of therapies over the years (Gestalt, CBT and most recently hypnotherapy) and have read many books about psychology, but am not qualified in that field. So it was wonderful to read your opinions about Whitney! Thank you! When I read your reply to my last post, I suddenly remembered the story of Tania Head aka Alicia Esteve Head, a Spanish woman who pretended to be a survivor of 9/11 and that she lost her husband who worked in the other tower -she claimed to have been the widow of a man called Dave who had actually died, but in reality she had never met the man. In fact she was in Spain at the time of the attacks! But she was such a convincing liar she managed to become the president of a group set up for 9/11 survivors and fool a psychiatrist she had PTSD. When her story was eventually found to be fake, she showed no remorse. So afterwards, everyone was speculating her motives for doing it, and most people believe that she did it for attention and fame, to feel like a hero, because to her having suffered a (fake) trauma made her feel special (of course, to a genuine survivor of terrorism or any other trauma, and speaking as someone who's had PTSD myself, you do NOT feel like that and you wish it had never happened to you). It was revealed that just like Whitney, Tania was extremely spoiled as a child- her family was very wealthy- but she was teased for being morbidly obese, and used telling elaborate lies as a way to feel better about herself. Most of her lies, incidentally, featured fictional boyfriends or husbands! Anyway, I'm not saying that what Whitney is doing is anywhere as bad as exploiting a tragedy the way Tania Head did, but I'm bringing up her story because I think she was an attention seeker in a similar way to Whitney- I think her motivations may have been be similar. In her "fat athlete" Instagram post, and many other times, Whitney likes to portray herself as a victim, when in reality (apart from possibly having had real eating disorders) I highly doubt she has experienced anything close to a real traumatic experience. Yet she talks as if she sees herself as a brave survivor. That's something that has always disgusted me about her. An obese person can always lose the weight, even if it's difficult, but people who have suffered burns, amputations or severe mental trauma go through battles Whitney can't imagine, and she should be ashamed for acting as if her "struggles" are on the same level. In reply to a great point you made in your following post, I agree that a person has to WANT to change and be willing to do the work themselves even when provided with all the tools to do so and the best therapist available. And I think part of that willingness has to come from a self-awareness and honesty with oneself. I don't think it's corny- that's just how it is!
  17. That's something I don't understand about Whitney- experiencing moments that for most people, would be a terrifying wake-up call to take action to save herself, or at least try. I wonder if it's ever occurred to Whitney what might happen if one day she fell over when she was on her own and there was nobody around to help her up, and she couldn't reach her phone to call for help? I have heard many stories of people who have successfully lost weight (either with their own pure willpower and determination, or with the help of therapy and/ or weight loss surgery) after experiencing mortifying moments, such as getting stuck on a fairground ride or breaking a chair. But with Whitney, it's as if her survival instinct is dulled somehow. I don't know if that's because her food addiction is so strong or perhaps being on Prozac (if she is on a very high dose) gives her a false sense of "happiness" while dulling experiences that could be a potential wake-up call. I'm not saying anti-depressants are bad- sometimes they can literally help save a person's life if that person was having suicidal thoughts and deep depression, and being on anti-depressants helped them to drag themselves out of bed in the morning and go to see a therapist. But in some cases I think those medications can actually hinder a person's recovery and they are not suitable for everyone. I've seen many people, including my own sister, get hooked on them and then become avoidant of facing their actual problems. It's very sad. And I know many people don't have much choice because they can't afford to have therapy and drugs are cheaper. BUT, I wish Whitney would realise that she is in a privileged position and she could access life-changing help more easily than most people if she really wanted to change! With the money she makes, she could easily afford to go to the best therapists in America! Of course, if she got mentally and physically healthier, she wouldn't have her TV show any more, but isn't happiness- true, genuine happiness, not chemically induced Prozac happiness or the temporary buzz of attention seeking- more important than being on TV or being famous? Maybe having Histrionic Personality Disorder prevents a person from realising that?
  18. Exactly! The woman in that picture bears zero resemblance to the real Whitney. If Whitney posted that image as her picture on a dating website and a guy agreed to go on a date with her (having never watched MBFFL and not knowing who Whitney was) and then Whitney showed up, that guy would not recognise her as being the same person!! Also the woman in that Photoshopped image appears to be more than a decade younger than Whitney, and bears a closer resemblance to Charlotte Kalla (a Swedish cross-country skier, Google her to see what I mean) than to Whitney Way Thore, who the photo is supposed to portray!
  19. And neither do they feel entitled to constantly grope men's bodies without warning or invitation, behaving exactly like the kind of men real feminists campaign against! Or appear in a grotesque music video where the lyrics refer to thin women as "toothpicks", and are shown holding down a thin woman and forcing a cupcake into her mouth. Neither do they post selfies on Instagram which are Photoshopped to the point where they are unrecognisable from their real selves (real feminists don't agree with dramatic Photoshopping as it creates and perpetuates fake and unrealistic beauty standards). Or feel jealous, insecure and threatened by other women, seeing other women as rivals for them always being the centre of attention. Or pretend to be bisexual to make their TV show more "interesting", trivialising the experiences of actual bisexual and lesbian women who were born that way and experience the prejudice, discrimination and possible rejection by their families that come with the reality of being bisexual or lesbian. I'm sure I could think of more to add to the list but then I'd have to sit here all day! The point is, Whitney's actions show that she only gives a shit about one woman: herself. Even when she makes a show of "supporting" other fat women (as in the Avi episode) she disregards their feelings for the sake of her own ego.
  20. I know I'm very late commenting on this, but I was shocked to find out that Women's Health Magazine did a positive feature about Whitney (and also Tweeted about it): https://www.womenshealthmag.com/life/a19731339/whitney-way-thore-body-shaming/?utm_source=t.co&utm_medium=Social&utm_term=1463665791&utm_campaign=Women's Health I cannot BELIEVE they did this!! A HEALTH magazine featuring WHITNEY, who is both physically and mentally unhealthy and a terrible role model. I don't think whoever wrote the article did any proper research on Whitney or actually watched the show, otherwise they'd know how fake Whitney's claims of being 'healthy' were. I wouldn't have a problem with Women's Health writing a story about a bigger lady who truly was trying to get fit- and I think that if Whitney was a nice person with a truly positive -NOT fake 'fabulous'- attitude, who actually ran a REAL dance class aimed at bigger women, that would make a great feature for the magazine. After all, everyone starts their journey at different levels of fitness, and while images of already super-fit people in magazines can inspire people to want to be that fit as their end goal, I think that maybe for overweight people beginning their health journeys, it might be more inspiring to see other people who are in the same situation as them taking steps to be stronger and healthier, showing what is possible at their size. I've never been overweight myself but I do know several fitness instructors who used to be obese, and when they started first started getting fit, they couldn't imagine that one day they would be fitness instructors. Journeys like that are more successful when they are broken down into lots of smaller goals. EDITED TO ADD: I also don't have a problem with a health magazine running a feature on someone experiencing mental health issues, so I hope my post didn't come across as shaming anyone who is mentally ill. I'm living with PTSD myself, and I liked a feature that the British version of Women's Health ran recently where they interviewed Katie Piper (who is a FANTASTIC role model and truly inspiring!) as well as several other women who had struggled with mental health issues including anxiety and depression. My issue regarding Whitney's mental state is that she has a histrionic personality disorder and is a delusional liar who, instead of seeking treatment for her food addiction, lies to the world and misleads her followers, so is not someone who should be celebrated by a health magazine!!
  21. Great point! Other people had brought up Whitney's smoking in the recent threads and I'd been meaning to comment on it earlier but I forgot. Personally I see the way Whitney hides her smoking habit as just more proof of what a dishonest person she is. Someone else here mentioned that Whitney claimed she stopped smoking but then started again when she was dating Lennie because Lennie smoked too... but wasn't Lennie Alehat exposed on an older thread here as not being a real person, but a character played by an actor named Nathaniel Lee, and him being Whitney's boyfriend was a completely fake storyline?! Which leads me to believe Whitney most likely never quit smoking (and what's more, she made an excuse for "starting again" by blaming another person for influencing her- nothing is ever Whitney's fault according to Whitney!) I believe Whitney purposely conceals her smoking (the comedian who was on the show last season claimed she smoked a packet every day) to give her fans the impression that apart from being obese, she is "healthy" and a good role model. So often her fans forget that Whitney smokes at all- several of them posted hateful comments on the comedian's Instagram page blasting the comedian for being a smoker, as if smoking makes a person evil, yet forgetting the fact that their heroine Whitney smokes just as much if not more (and judging by Whitney's complexion plus the dry wheezy way she laughs sometimes- not the loud braying but the hoarse laugh she sometimes does-I think she probably does smoke a lot)! For the record, I personally don't think that a person being fat or smoking or having any other unhealthy habit makes them a bad person, but obviously when I care about someone, I hope that they try to lose weight or stop smoking. And I have respect for people who acknowledge that they have an addiction and are doing their best to do something about it. What disgusts me is when people like Whitney lie about their habits, try to give the impression they are healthier than they are, and deceive impressionable young girls into thinking that you can be obese and healthy. I think the fat acceptance movement is just as bad as the 'thinspo' mentality that glamourises being underweight and eating disorders.
  22. Love your post! I agree 100%! I think it's scary how the obesity epidemic has warped a lot of people's perceptions about what is a normal weight. I remember seeing a My 600lb Life episode a few years ago where the teenage girl who was the subject of the episode (I forget her name) said that her mother preferred her sister because her sister was "skinny". So when she said this, in my head I was picturing a girl my size or thinner (I have a BMI of 19 which is at the lower segment of the healthy range). Then later in the episode the sister made an appearance and I was shocked to see that she wasn't skinny, or slim, but extremely overweight- definitely into the lower obese range! Really sorry to hear about the horrible comments people have made to you- I'm sure they are all jealous of your fitness and motivation! It's disgusting that anyone would shame a person for being fit, but it happens a lot unfortunately. I've had similar comments made towards me, not as severe as the things people said to you but comments suggesting I'm anorexic, underweight, etc. But I don't even have a thigh gap because my legs are muscular and I can do 39 burpees in a minute and have won loads of fitness challenges at the gym! I live in the UK and we also have an obesity epidemic as well as a growing Fat Acceptance movement, and there is definitely more fit shaming and skinny shaming here now than there used to be a couple of decades ago. A few weeks ago the charity Cancer Research UK had a billboard campaign here to raise awareness that being obese is the second biggest contributing factor, after smoking, to people getting cancer, and fat acceptance activists here went crazy and said that the posters were fat shaming. Their mentality is so fucked up, they want to ban cancer prevention health warnings that could save people's lives, just because their selfish egos get uncomfortable when they get reminded of the reality (which I'm sure they are aware of deep down) that they are killing themselves with their eating habits! Edited to add: Here's a link to a story about the Cancer Research campaign and backlash, in case anyone's interested. Sofie Hagen's logic is equally as deluded as Whitney's ("Society viewing fatness as a negative thing is a thing that kills more than the cancer that you MIGHT get due to MAYBE something to do with you POSSIBLY weighing more than a CERTAIN weight POSSIBLY MAYBE.") https://www.boredpanda.com/obesity-campaign-cancer-research-uk-reaction-sofie-hagen/
  23. Without question, Whitney has no concept of boundaries. Many people don't have appropriate boundaries, and often it may not be their fault, for example if you are raised in a dysfunctional home and your family members didn't have boundaries either, and you grew up thinking their behaviour was normal. And actually I think most people could do with tweaking their boundaries from time to time to prevent people from taking advantage of our kindness or trust. For example when I was younger I used to be a loss less discerning about the people I picked as friends and romantic partners, and so I learned my lessons the hard way! What bothers me the most about Whitney though, and what absolutely sickened me about that scene the most, was that in a situation where most normal people would be embarrassed, she APPEARED TO BE ENJOYING TODD'S DISCOMFORT- his revulsion appeared to give her extra pleasure, and that was so warped! She KNOWS she's busting his boundaries and grossing him out and I think it gave her a thrill. It's similar to how she gets a perverse pleasure out of smelling things that most people would find disgusting (I am a serious cat lover, but I do not enjoy cat breath!) Speaking of cats, if I remember clearly, in the episode where she got that poor little curly haired kitten as a surprise present for Babs, Whitney lifted the cat to her mouth to smell his breath and when the cat meowed uncomfortably, Whitney said something like "Oh, listen to his little protest!" She knew the kitten wasn't enjoying it and yet she carried on. It really pisses me off seeing the way she treats her cats! Real cat lovers don't treat cats like they are dress up baby dolls- we admire cats because they are dignified animals and you need to earn their trust!
  24. I think you and some other posters here might enjoy the book Emotional Vampires by Albert J Bernstein, if you haven't checked it out already. It has some great chapters about histrionic types and how to deal with them and it's written in quite a humorous way. You will definately recognise your ex friend and Whitney in those pages! One of the tips that book shares, by the way, is to use "psychological ju jitsu" on histronics when they ham it up hoping to get your sympathy (as Whitney did exaggerating both her real and made-up physical problems to guilt Glenn): you just ignore the histronic's display and carry on as normal, as you'd ignore a toddlers tantrum until the toddler realises their behaviour isn't getting the desired response. I wish Whitney's parents had tried doing that back when she actually was a toddler and maybe then she wouldn't have grown into the manipulative monster she is today!
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