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Everything posted by EllenB

  1. Big time athlete looks like a kindergarten league player.
  2. Couple meltdown! Now it's officially an Amazing Race season!
  3. I hope Lamumba does the challenge. As a teacher, he should be better at memorization tricks.
  4. The cart falling apart after getting a pass reminds me of my 9th grade Home Economics skirt that was so attractive it got put in a display case - then fell apart the first time I wore it.
  5. I just realized that with both teams with whining women gone, I like all the remaining teams. I think it's the most teams I've ever liked with this many left. Cool, I can just enjoy it from here out since I'm not rooting for anyone to get Philiminated.
  6. Huh, Sharik pulled her weight on that last task and stayed fairly positive - and even squealed over the puppies. I'm glad for her father that she was a decent teammate right at the end.
  7. I think her woo thing is a performative act. She's just a cranky ol' bitch under pressure like any mortal.
  8. Ditzy Dom had to be the quickest giver upper on a task ever.
  9. I know, it's as bad as the ones who are always throwing God or Jesus around like they're the special pets of their deities.
  10. Pete Townsend's grandfather sure looks wiped out.
  11. It bothers me that Jesse and the show was trying to frame Rachel Retch🤮ia's behavior as some kind of positive woman power thing. Just no. The way Gabby spoke to Clay!-un at the end of last season would be positive woman power: calm, rational, and addressing specific, real problems. Rachel Retch🤮ia was a toddler throwing a tantrum over getting offered the wrong brand of graham crackers, and going on and on and on because it kept the attention centered on her.
  12. We'll get to see how fast Zach can run.
  13. Maybe Rachel and Aven had a fight while Gabby was on, and they're gonna let her disembowel Bachelor #2 tonight.
  14. Jesse, it really does not sound like it was a big deal. Drop it.
  15. I think Gabby looked gorgeous at her engagement/final rose. Jesse, you're being a dick tonight.
  16. Dude, grow a.pair and tell her -and everyone - "I've already apologized to you a dozen times. Take it or leave it."
  17. She looks like she's performing for the camera.
  18. Good grief, she's turned me into Team Tino.
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