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Posts posted by SDVegas

  1. 15 hours ago, auntiemel said:

    Gwen is the one I am really worried about. She, Gabe, and Garrison were “the triplets” growing up. That’s a huge part of her core identity that has been destabilized. Also, I know from personal experience that we neurodivergent people don’t always express our grief in a way that makes sense to people, so we sometimes don’t get the kind of support we need. 💔

    Garrison wasn’t one of the “triplets.” He was older. Gwen, Gabe, and one of Robyn’s girls were the “triplets.”

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  2. 31 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

    I was pleasantly surprised with this episode. I'm glad they started with a positive story. Even being stranded on the side of the road for hours didn't result in a meltdown or anything (at least not that they showed, and I'm sure they would if it happened). I hope they get things under control as a family before the little one gets those bad habits too ingrained. She's got time to learn healthy habits without the lasting damage her mom will certainly carry with her.

    I was impressed by how she handled the car breakdown! She didn’t have a fit, just took it as it came and handled it. Bravo. 

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  3. 1 hour ago, Jst2Wld said:

    I haven't seen this episode yet but thanks for the advance warning. I won't be watching any shows featuring cruelty to ANY species of nature.

    No butterflies were harmed. 

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  4. 32 minutes ago, Gemma Violet said:

    The kids won't remember ever being there.  They would have been just as happy or happier in a house playing with their toys and getting to take a quiet nap.  And why should any adult have to take care of someone else's kids while on vacation?

    You don’t leave kids in the house for years because they won’t remember the particular experiences or trips they have or go on. Or at least you shouldn’t. A major part of parenting is exposing your kids to different things. And part of the joy of parenting is watching your kids experience new things. 

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  5. 1 hour ago, RedDelicious said:

    That part in the car where Gage is crying and she just tossed a stuffed toy at him, not really paying attention where it landed, said a lot 😬

    I was like, did she just throw a narwhal at him? But I couldn’t be bothered to rewind to see if she handed it to him or just tossed it to the back seat. 

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  6. 3 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    Wouldn’t the vacation have been a good opportunity for the boys to have stayed with their father for his custodial time? 

    Go on a beach trip and not take your kids? That’s nonsensical. Especially when you have so many other adults going who can help with the kids. 

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  7. I love seeing how weight-loss surgery has changed these siblings’ lives. Looking back on the clips from previous seasons, the changes in all of them are amazing. Tammy in particular has totally transformed from the angry, hostile, depressed person she used to be. 

    And the family is so patient and helpful with the kids. Hopefully Amy can get a handle on things and get back on the positive path as well. 

    12 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    The flashback to years ago at the nail salon with the weight loss and health improvement for Tammy and Amy is amazing.   Seeing Tammy go up those stairs was heartwarming.      How lovely of the owner to give Tammy a free pedicure, and be so nice to her both times.  Tammy no longer needing oxygen is such an improvement.

    YES to all of this!

    • Like 9
  8. 8 hours ago, Kellyee said:

    I can tell you from experience that at Meri's age, dating is an interesting situation. You definitely have to lower the standards you had at 25 years old or so. I guess that's why I'm single like Janelle 😉.

    Same here, and frankly, it’s more than ok to be single. It’s much better than being with someone for the sake of being with someone (anyone). 

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  9. 6 hours ago, JoannKBC said:

    Was anyone else weirded out to learn that David's daughter had scoped out Christine as a potential wife for her Dad before they had even met? She was so excited to find out that Christine had let Kody because that meant that now her Dad could try to date her. And it seemed like she had hinted that she thought Christine was a great potential match for her Dad even before Christine had left Kody. It's just got to be weird going into a first date with someone who has already watched a huge chunk of your life on TV and already knows a lot about you.

    YES I was weirded out big time, I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

    And I don’t quite understand - his daughter said hey Christine is single; then Christine was the one who initiated contact with David (on the dating site) and was the persuer? How did that all even come about?

    • Useful 6
  10. 4 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    I’m not licensed in GA, but it appears their law on marital property is similar to that in NC and all property acquired during the marriage is marital, with a few exceptions, like gifts or inheritances. Meaning, it doesn’t matter who earns the money, it’s marital and thus, usually divided 50/50, unless certain factors indicate a different division would be appropriate.  

    They live in Kentucky, but I expect the laws are similar in most places. 

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  11. 2 hours ago, Jst2Wld said:

    So I'm not believing all the negative talk about Michael. He must be getting paid by TLC too. Just like all of these family members.

    Great, then they can just have separate accounts and Amy doesn’t need to give him any money. 

    • Like 3
  12. 2 hours ago, cynicat said:


    I struggle with the idea of saying it's Amy's money.  It's not like she came into the marriage with it, so doesn't it really belongs to them both?  I have that same reaction when husbands say that when their wives are not working outside the home.

    I'm taking the children out of the equation, because I think they are figured in to decide how their money should be divided.

    That might be valid if Amy brought in the money and Michael contributed to the family by taking care of the house and kids etc. But he does nothing. So yes it is Amy’s money. But I’m sure she will have to continue to support Michael with her earnings. 

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  13. 26 minutes ago, Gemma Violet said:

    is his refusal to let Amy have the debit card because Amy can't control her spending?  If so, and if he mentioned it, that statement would end up on the cutting room floor.

    Since she’s the only one bringing in money, I dare say she should be able to spend it however she likes. Not being “allowed” to have your debit card? Hell no. 

    • Like 4
  14. Yes, more truth comes out about Michael. Not working, not parenting, controlling, emotionally abusive, it’s no wonder Amy is at the end of her rope. I hope she manages to get away from him. Having a husband like Michael is worse than having nobody at all. 

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  15. 2 hours ago, Pi237 said:

    I fell asleep a few times, how did Amy's sister insult her?  Amy might have a bit of post partum plus being overwhelmed. Two little boys with all that energy is Alot. Imagine if Tammy And her boyfriend moved in?!

    Amanda made a joke about Amy’s eyes. She didn’t mean to be hurtful, but it’s a sensitive topic for Amy; she was hurt and she got quite upset. 

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  16. 8 minutes ago, Dibs said:

    So tired of Amy's victim story!  Yeah, mothers have to juggle two babies when they have them; what's new?  Some husbands actually work, and some women don't have one!  Someone call Amy a WAH-mbulance

    I chose to be a single mom and have 2 kids; have always and continue to do it all on my own. It’s one thing when you go into it knowing everything is on you. But when you’re married and have 2 babies with a spouse, expecting that your spouse will pull their weight as a parent as they should, and then they don’t, it’s understandable to be disappointed and frustrated. Amy’s kids have two parents who should both be caring for them, and they’re not. I don’t blame her for being resentful and overwhelmed. Michael needs to be shown the door. 

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  17. 19 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

    Great F3.   

    At the water task, the beards took the time to put on life jackets…. Why didn’t AL and her dad….they would have been able to go faster.     

    It probably slows you down to try to swim with a life jacket. But it would have been MUCH safer for Steve to do so. Stupid that he didn’t wear one. 

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  18. 2 hours ago, Browncoat said:


    But he also had to remember which dish was which, and who got which one.  There were lots of places to stumble.  He was smart to assign each diner/year a number and keep the numbers/dishes in order.

    Yes and they had cards with their years in front of them on the table. So he just had to go in chronological order and easily serve them. It just wasn’t complicated. 

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  19. I thought the dining task was much easier than it should have been. Seems to me that it would have / should have been: look at the menu and commit all 12 dishes to memory, then get the food and present it to the diners. John even went back to check the menu board in the middle of getting dishes for one of the courses. There wasn’t much memory required in that memory task. 

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