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Posts posted by SDVegas

  1. 2 hours ago, cynicat said:


    I struggle with the idea of saying it's Amy's money.  It's not like she came into the marriage with it, so doesn't it really belongs to them both?  I have that same reaction when husbands say that when their wives are not working outside the home.

    I'm taking the children out of the equation, because I think they are figured in to decide how their money should be divided.

    That might be valid if Amy brought in the money and Michael contributed to the family by taking care of the house and kids etc. But he does nothing. So yes it is Amy’s money. But I’m sure she will have to continue to support Michael with her earnings. 

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  2. 26 minutes ago, Gemma Violet said:

    is his refusal to let Amy have the debit card because Amy can't control her spending?  If so, and if he mentioned it, that statement would end up on the cutting room floor.

    Since she’s the only one bringing in money, I dare say she should be able to spend it however she likes. Not being “allowed” to have your debit card? Hell no. 

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  3. Yes, more truth comes out about Michael. Not working, not parenting, controlling, emotionally abusive, it’s no wonder Amy is at the end of her rope. I hope she manages to get away from him. Having a husband like Michael is worse than having nobody at all. 

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  4. 2 hours ago, Pi237 said:

    I fell asleep a few times, how did Amy's sister insult her?  Amy might have a bit of post partum plus being overwhelmed. Two little boys with all that energy is Alot. Imagine if Tammy And her boyfriend moved in?!

    Amanda made a joke about Amy’s eyes. She didn’t mean to be hurtful, but it’s a sensitive topic for Amy; she was hurt and she got quite upset. 

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  5. 8 minutes ago, Dibs said:

    So tired of Amy's victim story!  Yeah, mothers have to juggle two babies when they have them; what's new?  Some husbands actually work, and some women don't have one!  Someone call Amy a WAH-mbulance

    I chose to be a single mom and have 2 kids; have always and continue to do it all on my own. It’s one thing when you go into it knowing everything is on you. But when you’re married and have 2 babies with a spouse, expecting that your spouse will pull their weight as a parent as they should, and then they don’t, it’s understandable to be disappointed and frustrated. Amy’s kids have two parents who should both be caring for them, and they’re not. I don’t blame her for being resentful and overwhelmed. Michael needs to be shown the door. 

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  6. 19 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

    Great F3.   

    At the water task, the beards took the time to put on life jackets…. Why didn’t AL and her dad….they would have been able to go faster.     

    It probably slows you down to try to swim with a life jacket. But it would have been MUCH safer for Steve to do so. Stupid that he didn’t wear one. 

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  7. 2 hours ago, Browncoat said:


    But he also had to remember which dish was which, and who got which one.  There were lots of places to stumble.  He was smart to assign each diner/year a number and keep the numbers/dishes in order.

    Yes and they had cards with their years in front of them on the table. So he just had to go in chronological order and easily serve them. It just wasn’t complicated. 

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  8. I thought the dining task was much easier than it should have been. Seems to me that it would have / should have been: look at the menu and commit all 12 dishes to memory, then get the food and present it to the diners. John even went back to check the menu board in the middle of getting dishes for one of the courses. There wasn’t much memory required in that memory task. 

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  9. 24 minutes ago, monagatuna said:

    It just occurred to me that she was possibly angling for them to move downstairs this whole time because she can't manage the stairs to the second floor. Never mind that her parents were at the time/Glen is now perfectly mobile and by all accounts capable of managing stairs. Because Whitney can't easily navigate stairs due to her mobility issues, she can't keep tabs on them and boss them around and feel special, so they have to move to where she can see them.

    I’m pretty sure they’ve said that Glenn has fallen down the stairs

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  10. 6 hours ago, PupCal said:

    So, what exactly did she do that Glenn got super pissed off about? Honestly, from my perspective, the one "ruining" the trip is Glenn.

    I didn’t see anything that Whitney did that precipitated Glenn’s getting mad at her 🤷‍♀️ 

    (Of course she was plenty irritating before then, but at that time, nothing really happened, that we were shown.)

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  11. On 10/22/2023 at 9:54 PM, eskimo said:

    However, when Christine commented on how, even after the church releases you from marriage, you're not actually fully released until sleeping with someone else, I enjoyed that very much. 😆  And I loved how she cracked herself up over it.  A special thanks to the editors for adding the relevant clip

    Actually, what Christine was saying was that it is NOT the case that you have to sleep with someone else for your marriage to be officially dissolved. Robyn said that she would have to do that (as shown in the flashback), but Christine said that was absurd and untrue. 

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  12. On 10/10/2023 at 6:16 PM, FurBabyMama said:

    I’m really annoyed that whitney made Glen put on one of those stupid shirts… he’s not a grandpa or a greatgrandpa. Biologically yes, but in all the ways that count? He’s not. Not saying he won’t be, but right now he’s not. He’s clearly nervous and her stupid shirts are just wanting her to take control. 

    As pushy as Whitney is, Glenn still could have said no. 

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  13. On 10/2/2023 at 12:52 PM, Roslyn said:

    .Lots of people have noticed on Christine's social media that she seems to be posting snarky jabs at Kody... After her giggly teen girl style lunch with Janelle it is pretty obvious she is really ready to pick and jab at him in general. It just reinforces that Christine is not love and light but can be mean girl right back.

    And she has every right to be

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  14. 3 hours ago, swankie said:

    I tried so hard to keep my sympathy feelings for Whitney because I know how it feels to lose your mom, but she is back to her pushy, controlling ways and it just infuriates me!  Who does she think she is taking over how someone celebrates their first anniversary?  I could tell whats-her-face didn't really want her involved, but I guess it's their job to do her bidding.  I can tell Hunter enjoys getting her upset.  Typical younger brother.  I love how he aggravates her.

    Hunter is older than Whitney 

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  15. 13 hours ago, 65mickey said:

    I would have said to Sol and Ari that Truely and Ysabel are coming over to see us today. Dad is giving them their Christmas presents today. Remember you got yours yesterday. What Robyn did was like having a birthday party for one child but also giving gifts to that child's sibliing. I have never agreed with this.  Children need to be taught that everyday is not their birthday. Robyn was not about to let the non Robyn offspring have their Christmas with Kody without also making it another special day for her kids. She is raising her kids to be just a selfish and entitled as she is.  

    It’s ok for Sol and Ari to spend a pseudo-Christmas morning with their other siblings, really it is. They don’t have to watch from the sidelines. 

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  16. 2 hours ago, LeesburgLee said:

    So Whitney went to Glenn's house while he was still adjusting to losing Babs and cleaned out whatever she thought should go? She bragged to Lenny that she cleared out 90% (no doubt an exaggeration, but still) of his belongings!

    What business does she have going through his and Babs' stuff, and who is she to decide what’s an heirloom/memory/whatever she called it? She doesn’t know what small item may be a very meaningful thing to him. She has no business rooting through her parents' stuff without him there to make decisions on what to keep. He’s grieving - it’s not a Hoarders episode!

    Sorry, but to me this is just unforgivable. Had Glenn asked her to do it, fine. But he didn’t (at least not that I heard/noticed), she just charged in. When he goes to look for something she threw out, I hope he finally changes the locks. 

    He didn’t say anything against it when she discussed what she did. We can probably safely assume that he was ok with it. 

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