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Posts posted by SDVegas

  1. 42 minutes ago, sagittarius sue said:

    A rather different obituary than I'm used to seeing.  Most obits I read state "in lieu of flowers...", and usually suggest a memorial donation to a charity or non-profit.  No, the Thores wanted flowers and money sent to them.

    There’s nothing wrong with wanting an abundance of beautiful flowers at the funeral of a loved one. 

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  2. I can’t believe they filmed the wake, funeral, Glenn blubbering at the funeral, the family saying goodbye…it was so, so invasive. Such private moments, why would they be shown on tv? I’m flabbergasted. 

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  3. Do we really have to see the saga of Hazel learning (or should I say NOT learning) how to ride a bike - every single week? Can’t wait for the season finale which I can’t imagine will be anything other than - Hazel has finally learned to ride a bike. 


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  4. 4 hours ago, Kellyee said:

    I haven't watched the episode yet, but why is a 20 year old young woman having her father take her to get her ears pierced?? Doesn't Aurora have friends? And why would there be drama at that age? At first I thought it was a typo and it was really Ariella getting her ears pierced. 

    That was all discussed in the episode 

  5. On 8/24/2023 at 1:12 PM, Dibs said:. 

    And what's with naming her BRICK-AND-MORTAR store after the male child she never had and calling it her "baby"? 


    THIS is what I want to know. 

    Is this shop name some kind of resentment, regret, or ?

    I don’t even know what it could be. But it seems creepy and unhealthy to me. 

    I would love to see them sit down with a therapist and explore this issue. 

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  6. 7 hours ago, Elodia said:

    I know right?! The kids never say please or thank you. But I didn't hear those words from Adam and Danielle either. Downright rude. 

    I did hear one thank you last night! So rare that I immediately took note. 
    Happened when Adam handed one of the girls a bottle of water as they were heading on their long (2.5 - 3 hour) trip lol 

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  7. 4 hours ago, endure said:

    During the convo with Blake Danielle immediately blames Adam for not paying attention to Blakes new school schedule.  Blake is telling her she didn't want to bother to tell her because she is too busy working.... and still Danielle wouldn't take any responsibility.  Obviously it was more important to Danielle than it was to  either Blake or to Adam, but why doesn't Danielle get it and admit she screwed up? I guess it's just never her fault

    WHY do they use disposable plastic water bottles?

    Looks like Danielle went out and bought all new stuff to go camping.

    How did Danielle screw up? She never saw the paper. Blayke and Adam didn’t tell her about it. How was she to know?

    Picking classes for 7th grade is important; it sets the path and affects the classes you can take in high school. Danielle was right to want to make sure the classes were appropriate. 

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  8. Why oh why do they continue to stand and sit on the kitchen counters? So disgusting. 

    I didn’t hear one please or thank you at the ice cream shop. Stellar kid raising going on in this family. 

    The one-on-one with Blayke and Hazel was sweet, even if it was totally set up. 

    • Like 7
  9. That episode was all sorts of cringe. 

    Way too overproduced. 
    Way too fake.

    Kids way too wild (what a disgusting breakfast scene!).

    Parents way too checked out and showed no emotion throughout the whole episode. 
    Adam way too bulked up and likely spends tons of time away from his family and in the gym (ok I don’t really blame him for that).

    • Like 8
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  10. It was heartwarming to see how the family accepted Amani so easily and completely. 

    These episodes where GG is crying or close to tears several times are hard to watch. She seems like such a good person; I hope she can forgive herself for any mistakes she may have made in the past, knowing she did the best she could do at the time. 

    Why oh why do they wear those Dur-ree-koh shirts and hoodies so much? Are they selling them? Do they expect people to buy them? Let’s see some regular clothes more often, please. 

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  11. 21 hours ago, magemaud said:

    Wasn't Michael in the third row of the van,[…]
    I figured he was off-camera, maybe taking care of Gage, when the siblings were having their powwow.

    Michael taking care of Gage? Now that is funny!

    • LOL 2
  12. This episode really hit me in the feels. I know people love to hate on these sisters, but they are real people. 

    Loved it when Tammy was on the call with the doctor, telling him how much she weighs. Both of them were so down right happy about Tammy’s progress and hopeful for the promise of surgery. I couldn’t help but smile. 

    And I really felt for Amy when she was talking to Misty (?) about how Amy wants so badly to be the best mom she can be for her kids, and how she’s worried she won’t be “good enough.” What mom can’t relate to that?


    I wish for nothing but the best for this whole family. 

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  13. 7 hours ago, Made in MT said:

    Okayy....is anyone else just totally grossed out. We all know that her cats are allowed to sit their butts down on every counter in the kitchen, right? I just watched her serve NASTY Nachos to her friends by dumping the chips out DIRECTLY onto the counter top !!And they're EATING THEM !! FKN YUCK!!

    No, if you look, she put down something covering the whole island (butcher paper or something? I’m not sure what it’s called). It was actually a cute setup, the bowls of chips, nachos dips, and then some more chips placed around the display. 

    The finger licking, though, I cannot abide!

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  14. 12 hours ago, JeanJean said:

    I totally get Aiden's feelings about it being his one week off per year. His feelings about that should have been taken into consideration.

    He could have simply not gone, instead of pouting in the bedroom the whole time and bringing down the mood for everyone else.  

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  15. 23 minutes ago, winsomeone said:

    A child that age normally knows to not grab someone's glasses like she did..that is something much younger child would do. She just attacked that baby too, and her mother said if she had another baby, it would be a dead baby with Lela around. She is always angry and screaming and stomping  and shouting too. Maybe being removed from her grandmother's house to live with a mother she hardly knew did something to the child?

    She’s 2. Nothing abnormal about that behavior. 

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