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Posts posted by SDVegas

  1. 34 minutes ago, Alapaki said:

    Because for some reason there are gullible, vulnerable people who actually believe in her and who deserve the truth 

    Huh? Why does anyone deserve the truth about how someone lost weight?

    She lost weight. She seems to be doing better physically. Good for her. 

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  2. 13 hours ago, lilmarysunshine said:

    How is this child's carseat actually strapped to the car or have things changed since my kids were little? 

    It’s tethered in at the bottom. 

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  3. 1 hour ago, Poohbear617 said:

    Jenna drives me nuts..she is so spoiled and so stupid.  Her nasal whiny voice and the fact she says LIKE every other word just gets under my skin. Yet even though she's not old enough to.drink yet and has no job she has a nice car, expects and GETS a $1200 purse has a myrtle beach apartment but is too stupid to use birth control and now has 2 baby dads in 2 different states.  I am a retired teacher and my students would idolize these girls as well as the teen mom girls because they never see any down side or hardships of being a teen mom.

    She has only one child. There hasn’t been any mention of her being pregnant again. And she makes enough money to support her lifestyle. So, 🤷‍♀️

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  4. It makes me sad that Lilly tolerates Lawrence doing absolutely nothing.

    Yes he works. Ok, he works a lot and brings in all the money. Kudos I guess.
    But when he came home from work, he didn’t even give the kids a hug. Didn’t lift a finger or get off the couch to set up the Christmas presents.  Come on now. 

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  5. If you’re so stressed out about your hectic life, and you’re already being nostalgic about your kids growing up fast, why would you take on more work, that will take you away from your kids for a whole week every month?

    How about work less, spend more time with your kids, and you won’t need as much outside help. Crazy thought, I know. 

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  6. Still with them wanting someone to do two jobs and be paid for one?

    What do they not understand? They need a housekeeper (which I don’t believe they don’t have already). And they need a nanny. I’m glad to see that (so far) nobody is fool enough to agree to do both for one salary. 

    • Like 11
  7. 7 hours ago, Dibs said:

    Don't know.  Heather made a statement that she was no longer doing the show.  She's doing community theater, which probably isn't much different!

    How does that equate to them being on the outs? Is that just your inference based on the fact that she won’t be on the show?

    • Like 2
  8. 13 hours ago, Yeah No said:


    You are misunderstanding my point. All single parents are not created equally. What you are talking about are single parents by circumstance: people who didn’t intend nor want to be single parents. No, their children don’t do as well because those parents are not prepared to parent them alone. They probably do have lower incomes etc. 

    The relevant point here is, Whitney and others in her situation who choose to have children on their own, are in general, older and more financially stable. Their children are not underprivileged. You can indeed find studies showing data to back this up if you so choose. 

    • Like 3
  9. On 6/3/2024 at 11:42 PM, Yeah No said:

    All you have to do is point out a general tendency even when it's supported by research and someone will tell you it's not true in every case, especially theirs.  Well of course it's not and there are always going to be shades of gray

    The general tendency, in fact the overwhelming tendency, of children raised in single-parent households where the parent intended to have the child on their own, is for the children to fare extremely well. 

    • Like 3
  10. 11 hours ago, Yeah No said:

    children raised in two parent households tend to do better in many respects, too many for me to list

    Actually, children raised in single-parent households created by choice fare extremely well. Our kids were planned for and wanted, we moved mountains to have them, and we provide financially stable and loving homes. (By “we” I mean the single parent by choice community, of which I am a proud member. And my two teen boys are thriving.)

    All single parent families are not created equal. You’ll find that the ones that were not formed by choice are the ones with the more negative outcomes. 

    • Like 7
  11. Poor Dr Paradise, having to sit next to Margaret’s bed while she just laid there all splayed out, each and every ounce of flesh exposed to the world. At what point do you lose all respect for yourself and those around you? Cover up for God’s sake. 

    And the patience and kindness of her nurses was something to behold. Everyone recruited to help her was much kinder than she deserved. 

    • Like 6
  12. 1 hour ago, Joan van Snark said:

    Am I missing something? When has Darian been shown singing or to have a serious passion or talent for it?  How did she get an audition at NYU for a vocal program when it doesn't seem like she even belongs to a choir or attends vocal lessons?  Seems like a lot of shenanigans to me.


    It’s quite real, as she did attend NYU. 


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  13. college” emphasis is mine


    [Joshua] ‘explains, "This is, like, for us to gain sole custody of Alana from [Mama] June."

    Joshua clarifies he's not coming at Sugar Bear "with a dagger," and instead just wants to be able to formally take care of Lauryn's sister. 

    "I just want to be able to take care of Alana like I have been taking care of Alana," he tells Sugar Bear, mentioning that this arrangement would include medical bills and college

    However, Sugar Bear is visibly having a difficult time with the situation and admits it's going to be hard for him to sign. As he said, it feels like he's "basically signing her out of my life."’

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  14. 4 minutes ago, Dibs said:

    Oh, no.  After having three boys, Audrey has given birth to a daughter (average-size, of course).  Tori will go off the rails!

    Any bets as to whether "shop will open" again and she'll go for a fourth in hopes of that mini-me?

    Wasn’t their first baby a girl?

    • Like 4
  15. 9 hours ago, merylinkid said:

    I hope Alana does stay in school.   But if she is living with her boyfriend, I am afraind she is going to get preganant and drop out.   He is certainly not interested in supporting her.

    They’ve been together for years now and she hasn’t gotten pregnant yet. Looks like she’s smarter than that. 

    And he does have a job. So let’s give them both some credit. 

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  16. So this “friend” Deb who came over to help out for a couple of hours, knows enough about the girls and the running of the house to get them from the bus stop, do the after-school snacks, homework, whatever, give them dinner, do baths/showers/pajamas/bedtime, since Adam was delayed by several hours, and got home after they were in bed. 

    And they claim they’ve never had someone help them with the raising of their kids. Right. Right. 

    • Like 7
  17. 1 hour ago, EtheltoTillie said:

    I am having trouble watching these episodes and I’m tuning out quickly. I don’t remember them from their first appearance and can’t figure out what is going on. Are they all previous failures getting a second chance?  

    No, they’re just following these people in their second year.

    The first season of the show followed people for a longer period of time (5 years maybe?), and they were able to show more progress that way. 

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