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Posts posted by SonofaBiscuit

  1. Aw, I watched The Presence of Love over on the other Hallmark channel, and I really enjoyed it! Not sure why it was shown over there, other than it was a bit more dramatic than the normal Hallmark fare. Julian Morris, as always, was so cute and charming 😍, his little daughter was adorable, Janzo from The Outpost was in this, and the scenery was beautiful. The only part I didn’t enjoy was the prickly mother. WTF, lady? Your son is smart, kind, sweet, and a wonderful father. Stop being such a damn pain in his ass!

    • Love 2
  2. Wow, I am really hating the direction the show is going. I hope Jesse Spencer leaving wasn’t the beginning of the end, but it’s worrisome that now Sylvie is leaving for some undetermined amount of time. And we lost Pelham, who I thought was a good addition, while gaining some random new firefighter I don’t remotely care about. I mean, could the show not afford Brett Dalton? LOL. I like Hawkins, so I’m sure he’ll be the next to go.

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  3. Channing Robertson is kinda coming off as one of the bad guys here...I do not understand how this guy compared Elizabeth Holmes to the likes of Einstein, Mozart, Newton, etc. and seemed to truly believe she was some sort of genius. WTF! Channing has Ian right in front of him telling him that they're like 10 years away from the tech working as Elizabeth is promising, and he throws the poor guy under the bus. 

    Wow, "Dr. Jay" was...strange. Hope he was fired after he convinced the other guy to partner with Theranos, but probably not.

    Kevin Hunter was in the second episode of The Dropout podcast (entitled The Enforcer--his portion starts around 14:00 in), and he was another one that could see all of the big red flags. In that podcast, he did mention Sunny waiting for him outside the bathroom - that really happened, LOL! I'll put the rest under spoilers because I'm not sure if they are just skipping over all of this stuff or if it will be in Hulu's next episode.


    Kevin wanted to see the lab and speak to either a Chief Medical Officer or a scientist. He wanted them all to test their blood on the Theranos machines and then run over to Stanford and have their labs run the same tests. But Elizabeth refused, saying that she "didn't trust Stanford's results." LOL LOL LOL. It sounds like he kept warning Walgreens against moving forward with Theranos, but obviously, they didn't listen to him. In the end, he left/quit because he didn't want to destroy his reputation if people perceived him as backing Theranos' product.


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  4. I actually never minded Stella until she flaked off and ghosted Kelly and Boden this season…After that whole ordeal, I’ve been supremely irritated. Would have loved for her to go to the other station (and I would have been completely fine if she was still on the show), but now I am just annoyed we lost Pelham instead, ugh!

    God, I really dislike Gallo. Hawkins is cute and not a man-child, so I would prefer that the show pair him with Violet instead (which won’t happen because we can’t have nice things). It’s tricky since Hawkins is Violet’s superior, but I think they could make it work (but I know they won’t since this show is clearly intent on getting Violet and man-baby back together).

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  5. Happened to catch the 20/20 Theranos episode by chance the other night and got into this because of that. I know basically nothing at all about Theranos or Elizabeth, but my overall thoughts are OMG, what an f-ing weirdo. Like people have been saying, she comes across as a sociopath. But she lacks any charm or charisma, so it’s so nutty that she kept the con going for so long! 

    The first time I had heard Elizabeth speak was in the 20/20 episode and I was like WTF?!, this can’t be her real voice, right?! Her voice sounded just like what it was, a woman speaking in a fake lower register. That was just freaking bizarre and I don’t get the point. It didn’t make her seem more credible or powerful...That, plus her crazy eyes just make her seem quite odd.

    I would have liked to spend more time on Ana Arriola and Avie Tevanian. Ana giving up the 15,000 Apple shares (which I read would be worth millions today) 😱...that decision would have haunted me forever!

    It seems like plenty of people knew there were major problems/had alarm bells going off, so it’s crazy that we’re just chugging along.

    I also find it nuts that Elizabeth had an idea, was told it wasn’t scientifically possible, and then proceeded to procure millions of dollars, all while offloading this impossible task onto some of the best and brightest talent, whom she was able to hire. Just how?!

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  6. Okay, Luca's liver donor is "full on" nutty. Lady, Thony and some random man (whom you know is not her husband) are flying you to a different country for a transplant surgery which Thony is performing herself. At some point, WHY DIDN'T ALARM BELLS GO OFF?!!

    I wish they hadn't made Arman seemingly happily married to his wife and ready to disappear with her once he gets that $6 million. The Thony/Arman actors have fantastic chemistry, and I can ignore Thony cheating on her loser husband (they lost their car and friends because of him and nearly lost their house!), but Arman being in love with his wife and ready to bail with her once he gets his money is an issue (for me), LOL.   

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  7. Really, show? An “S” (for “sexual situations”) rating at the start of the episode?? You lie!!

    Guess we aren’t even going to discuss the kiss, huh? Strange, but OK. Thought Arman would mention it, at least (or go back for seconds — he looked like he was seriously considering it when Thony was checking out that bullet graze).

    I can’t say that I would meet a couple asking for part of my liver at their house, but you do you lady. Seems like a good way to end up an organ harvesting/murder victim, gah!

    Oh Marco, you’re here for like a day and already you’re stealing money from your wife and gambling it away? Yeah, I wonder why she doesn’t trust you!

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  8. OMG, another Law & Order reference.  Harry loves that show 😆

    The Mayor eating a Lunchable at his desk amused me, I don't know why.

    I like the new guy that's interested in D'Arcy.  She bugs me at times (like when she kept going on and on to Mayor Max's Dad about their kiss), but I hope the baseball player/archaeologist is a nice guy and she starts something with him.  He seemed sweet and I enjoyed their banter, and he even made sure to be holding a single red rose while waiting for her, aw!  And Liv is an awesome friend, yes.  



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  9. 8 minutes ago, phoenics said:

    Of course Thony's husband has a gambling problem - that just sets him up to be a mark for Arman - or worse to get himself into deep trouble or killed - which would strain Armany because Thony would feel so much guilt over her trauma bonded feelings for Arman and her husband's death.  OR, this would set him up as a REAL mark for the FBI because he'll hate Arman on sight and won't have any compunction about destroying him and all his ish.

    See, I figured that the gambling addiction would set up a scenario where Marco(?) steals a bunch of that money Thony's been saving and gambles it away, blowing up their marriage.  But I am evil, yes.

    • Love 4
  10. I was thinking that Thony's husband is also a doctor, but maybe I made that up??

    Also, does Arman know that Thony was a doctor/surgeon?  You would think he'd have to know, but it's a little strange that it's never come up in conversation (at least I don't remember that happening, ha).

    • Love 1
  11. Yeah, it took Hayak’s daughter all of five minutes to figure out that something shady was going on with the club.

    Oh man, Thony, do not tell the folks dealing in illegal transplants that you are a doctor 🤦🏻‍♀️ (and maybe you should have used a fake identity as well).

    Also, it looked like Thony had pretty close to $70,000, so negotiating the price down was a bit strange anyways (and even if she didn’t have the money, it’s pretty obvious that Arman would have helped her if she asked).

    The kiss was hot, and I may have watched it a few (or like, six) times.


    Looks like another possible kiss next week.

    Don’t even care about the husband - they’ve already set him up to gamble away all of their money, LOL.

    • Love 2
  12. I also disliked the government agents storyline last season, so I would be fine if they disappeared. And please show, don’t have Harry’s wife pop up again. I HATED that whole storyline.

    Not one of the best episodes, but I did enjoy two scenes:

    - Harry scrambling up the walls like a “damn werewolf” (and flipping off Liv and the Sheriff, LOL) at the start of the episode. 

    - Max trying to compare how he sometimes has to brush his teeth (as a “man”) to the expectations society has when it comes to women.

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  13. Loved Liv reading Harry’s lips and being dead-on about his comment regarding Asta and the toilet in the bunker. But then Liv and the Sheriff thought that nonsense couldn’t have been what Harry was actually saying.

    Also, ”My grandma talks a lot of shit about me.” 🤣

    I also cracked up at Max volunteering to jump up and yell that he farted. “I’ll do it. I’ll be your puppet!” Thank goodness Max has Sahar as a friend, she’s the brains of their operation, gah.

    • LOL 1
  14. I enjoyed the singing and dancing (and spinning around the pole, ha!) on the party bus, but man did it ever go downhill from there. I will enjoy watching FBI guy blow up his life and career over his obsession with this case.

    Hayak's daughter seems very smart and business savvy.  I don't see how she won't figure out pretty quickly that something shady is going on (frankly, I don't know how she hasn't picked up on that over the years??).

    Fiona's son is a bit of a turd, but I'm glad he stepped up to take care of Luca, making sure that he received his medicine while Thony was gone.  But Fiona's daughter is definitely the smart, responsible one of the kids.

    I was confused by the bus chase scene because Agent Paris Geller said that she had made some calls and "the good news is they found one of your girls. But the other one was deported." I took it backwards and thought that the FBI intercepted the other lady and Fiona was the one who had been deported (obviously not out of the US yet but on her way out).  But no, in the meantime, the FBI didn't even bother to send anyone for Fiona after "receiving the good news that they found her," WTF?  She just got extremely lucky that douchey FBI guy was able to chase down her bus and pull her off.  Like a heads up from the FBI to the bus driver might have even been helpful in the situation 🤷‍♀️

    Next week looks intense, and I'm pretty sure that it's the episode that Arman and Thony


    kiss or almost kiss.


    • Love 2
  15. Oh man, why did Miss Frances leave all that money to Dana Sue? Please, no more cheating scandals or secret children!

    Oh noes, Cal punched a guy at some point in his life (like, as a sports “star,” I don’t find that super surprising). Do I think that’s some deep dark secret he should have shared with Maddie? Meh, not really. And the stuff with punching the unruly fan was just so overdramatic 🤣

    Jackson doesn’t talk like a normal teenager, his dialogue is not remotely realistic (who am I kidding, most of the dialogue is silly).

    So were Maddie and Bill together when he got Peggy pregnant? He said something like “it was before you and I were serious.” If Bill cheated on her, I get that she would be upset. But otherwise, her reaction seemed too much since he didn’t know anything about the pregnancy or adoption. I mean, Bill has made some terrible life choices, but he was robbed of having any say in the adoption as well as having a relationship with Isaac. 

    I thought we’d get a scene showing that more happened at the party last season, but nope. So it was just that dumb argument between the brothers that caused Kyle to run off and steal his brother’s SUV? How stupid.

    • Love 13
  16. Ahahahahahaha, so Bill is the bio dad, OMG! They tried to fake us out with both Ryan and the Mayor. I can’t believe Bill has FIVE kids with three different women, holy crap. And now Isaac is living with his baby sister, gah!

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  17. The wardrobe people hate the Maddie actress, LOL. They always dress her in tops with hideous poofy sleeves OMG.

    Also, sometimes the dialogue is sooo bad. There are so many stupid little nonsensical sayings (I think this episode had Maddie say something dumb about a June bug in a bug zapper). Overkill on the “bless your hearts” also.

    Yeah, I am definitely noticing the over-the-top acting from the Helen actress this season. Sometimes less is more, LOL. And she does have a nice singing voice, but the singing scenes have been a bit over-the-top as well.

    • Love 5
  18. Still suuuper bored with Maddie and Cal. Both are bland and I don’t care, LOL.

    It seems like there will be some reveal about what happened at the kids’ party and why Kyle is still so angry. I was glad to see Noreen show up when Kyle called. Her friendship with him was the best thing about her last season. And now Noreen will be staying with Isaac (and I actually think she’ll be a great supportive friend to him, as well).

    I am glad to see that CeCe is thriving and that Helen’s belief in her has probably changed her entire life for the better.

    Man, I really hope that both Jackson and Dana Sue’s ex are actually trying to be better and won’t revert to douchebags soon.

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  19. I recently got Netflix (LOL), and this was one of the shows they kept recommending to me, so I gave it a shot. 

    I'm not a Justin Bruening fan and don't find him cute or charismatic.  So Maddie and him are just very "blah" to me, and I don't care.  No heat there at all.

    I like Helen, she's excellent at her job, she was so great in her support of CeCe at the mock trial stuff, and her wardrobe is wonderful.  But I never bought that her ex was this great love who she was supposed to have a lifetime of history with.  Just like Maddie and Cal, I got nothing.

    Chef Erik was wonderful, and I was actually kind of hoping they would pair him with Dana Sue.  She needs someone like him to help her calm the fuck down, jeezus.  Looks like he's being paired with Helen, though, so I'll see how they click.  Wish he hadn't got rid of the facial hair since it looked so much better, IMO.

    Noreen frustrated me when it came to Ty, but I thought she was so sweet & lovely & supportive with Kyle.  Hope next season continues the Kyle/Noreen friendship.

    And speaking of Kyle...wow, he is the superior brother.  He's a cutie, he's funny, he's artistic, he's smart.  WTF is Annie doing crushing on Ty?  He's "basic" and I actually thought he was kind of an asshole when that drunken Annie voicemail leaked.  He didn't bother warning her and just texted "it wasn't me" after the voicemail was all over the place.  

    Not sure why they had Kyle jump into Ty's vehicle and get in an accident.  That was totally weird and random.  I guess they just wanted to end on a dramatic note?     

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  20. The Max/Harry interactions are always my favorite. Loved the part at the end with the “I know you are, but what am I?” Max is such a little shit, LOL.

    For a laugh, I watched that scene from season one where Harry calls Max and pretends to be his friend “Elvis” from school. Harry is telling the kid that he saw the alien leaving on a bus. Max questions “are you sure it was him?” and Harry responds with “yes, he was very handsome. Like a young Jerry Orbach.” 🤣

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  21. Wow, my CW was super flakey tonight, so thanks for that! Missed a good chunk of the Ace/Nancy stuff towards the end.

    Oh yay, half an episode wasted showing us stuff that didn’t actually happen. And now a curse to keep Nancy and Ace apart. Fuck you, show.

    Oh, and the tarot card prophecies thing was stupid, considering the show had to do that little recap at the end explaining which one fit which character.

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  22. Oh messy FBI guy, you are so desperate that Thony's going to be cleaning up after your dead body in no time!  

    I wish the sick kid was a sick little sister instead.  I find him mumble-y and generally annoying.

    LOL at Hayak telling his son he had a special role for him (or however he phrased it) and then announcing to everyone at the wedding that his son was going off to fight for Armenia.  Bye, bitch!  Sadly, I do not think that's actually going to happen.  But I don't know how the son is getting out of it since dad doesn't strike me as someone you say no to.

    I'm not sure Hayak's son-in-law realizes what exactly he's marrying into?  The soon-to-be-a-soldier son said something about killing him if he hurt his sister, but son-in-law laughed it off as a joke...

    On 1/25/2022 at 12:27 AM, Trini said:

    ETA: (Not related to the story, but it was annoying that the conversation in Spanish with Arman and his wife wasn't subtitled or captioned.)

    think that Arman said something like "Thony works for me, she doesn't work for you."  But then I don't know what the wife responded with. 

    Ha, Arman told Thony not to ask him for any more favors, and there he is next week "Do you want my help or not?" You can't stay mad at her, my (sexy) man.

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