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Posts posted by SonofaBiscuit

  1. No, what's getting me is that having put them together, the writers are barely having them interact on screen, let alone act the way this show usually has their long term couples act on screen.


    At the end, Felicity said something to Oliver about how he had been sleeping on the cot every night, so I guess he hasn't been going home to Sara every night either.  I don't know if we're supposed to understand that this has been a temporary situation while Thea was kidnapped, and since the writers apparently don't like to think about timing and logistics, I guess I'll just interpret this however I want.  I hope that if Felicity and Oliver do end up together at some point in the future, this is not how the show handles their relationship. 

    Now that Felicity is probably out of a job maybe they are going to have her apply at Star Labs.  She needs some sort of day job to pay the bills.  If she is fired, maybe she can just blackmail Isabel to get her job back.

    Speaking of Laurel, I can't say that I'm happy that she knows that Oliver is the Arrow.  I'm hoping that juicy tidbit just signed her death certificate.  She's overstayed her welcome for about, oh, eighteen episodes now. 


  2. Finally got around to watching this episode.  I had to laugh at that keychain that Laurel had that said "30 Days Recovery" in big ass bolded capital letters.  Surely actual Alcoholics Anonymous recovery chips/keychains are a little more subtle than that I hope.

    Laurel should look into investing in a cute pair of flats.  Girl is always trying to run in a three inch pair of heels.  Escaping is easier when you can run at full speed, Laurel!   


  3. My favorite part of the episode was when Mellie slapped Fitz across the face.  I really hope she gets together with Andrew because I can't take three more seasons of the Olivia and Fitz back and forth with Mellie standing by her husband's side.  I used to root for Olivia and Fitz, but it has just become so toxic now that I'm over it. 

    While watching last night, I had to wonder how Kerry Washington and Tony Goldwyn feel about being part of this disaster.  This used to be a show that was sexy and intriguing.  Where did it all go wrong?

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  4. I have to admit, I found it really satisfying that Alicia will never know what Will wanted to say to her in that voicemail.  I think it was probably something totally unimportant, but I'm glad that Alicia will have to wonder about that for the rest of her life. Oh, who am I kidding?  She'll probably be over it by the next episode.

    I was worried that the message would be some love declaration from Will, and I didn't want that.  I didn't want Alicia to have any sort of closure because I feel like she spent the last few seasons playing games with Will's heart...pulling him back in with a kiss or a comment and then pushing him away again.  I have found her to be absolutely insufferable since Florrick Agos started their own firm.  Very rarely has a show made me go from liking a main character to absolutely loathing them.   

    I find it strange that Alicia and Kalinda never have any scenes together and didn't even have one shared on-screen scene after Will's death.  Do those two not get along in real life or something?

    I enjoy many of the actors on the show, and I adore Matthew Goode, but I think I'm out.  I was only kind of hanging in there for Will, anyways.  However, I think that I will continue to read the forums because I enjoy hearing what people have to say about the episodes.


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  5. I really want to see more Sara/Felicity stuff, Sara/Diggle could be cool too, and, for some reason, I think Sara/Thea could be fun.


    You know, it's funny.  At the beginning of this season, I thought that maybe they were going to go the romantic route with Sara and Diggle.  There was nothing shown on-screen to make me believe this, but I just thought that they would differentiate themselves from the comics a bit by doing that.  I thought we would have a Diggle/Sara pairing as well as a Felicity/Oliver pairing by the end of the season.  Guess I was way off base, but I would have rather had that happen than what we have ended up with.

  6. As Oliver is being a dick right now, I'm kind of hoping that the show has more one-on-one scenes with Felicity and Diggle.  The scenes that the two shared in the Clock King episode as well as Suicide Squad episode were lovely.  They have such a warm sweet chemistry, and I would like to see more of these two together.

    I've been thinking lately that maybe Felicity will be leaving the team temporarily towards the end of this season either because she feels taken for granted or because she is somehow put in danger.  It could parallel the start of this season where Diggle and Felicity went to the island to retrieve Oliver.  Only this time, it would be Diggle and Oliver trying to convince Felicity to come back to the team. 

  7. I initially liked Sara before the Christmas break.  I don't dislike her now, but I guess that I have come to resent the fact that she seems to be everywhere now...in the flashbacks, in the Arrow cave, in Oliver's bed.  I was happy with the dynamic that we had with original Team Arrow, and I had even accepted the fact that Roy would eventually be added to the team.  As I have never read comics, I guess I just wasn't expecting for Black Canary to become such a focused part of the show.  Green Arrow comic fans are probably laughing at me right now, I know.

    I haven't even bothered to watch the Birds of Prey episode yet since I know that it is Sara and Laurel heavy.  Sara is great as Canary, but I'm kind of hoping that she leaves at the end of this season and shows up occasionally in season 3.  I'm bothered by the fact that she seems to have more screen time than characters who have been around since season 1.  Poor Roy joins Team Arrow and disappears for like three of the five next episodes! 

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