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  1. The same way my single son does (no kids, but he works from 8 AM to 5 PM, has an hour commute home and then most often also does overtime for an hour or so before he gets to dinner): you do meal prep one weekend day/evening for the whole week. He makes a egg and cheese frittata with varying vegies and meats in a lasagna pan that he cuts up and has for a healthy breakfast every week day morning; he uses his slow cooker to make a curry or a stew or something that will be 3-4 dinners on week day evening, and then he will make sandwiches to take with for the weekday lunches if his firm is not supplying lunch (he works for a large law firm which keeps very long and intense hours). One or two evenings a week he pan fries some fish or broils a steak (10 minutes cooking time). And a roasting chicken should not take more than about an hour or so at 375F or it will turn into leather. Seriously...I work at a food pantry and the working (many single) moms we feed love to get a whole uncooked chicken because it stretches so far. Single moms need to teach their children to cook not just for the nutritional value but because it teaches math, planning and collaboration. Back to your regularly scheduled programming....😸
  2. If you are so poor that you cannot buy food *and* pay your electric bill, that is exactly what food banks/pantries are for. And cooking a whole chicken takes about 10 minutes of actual time: putting it into a roast pan and putting some spices inside and out (maybe a whole onion or some sprigs of herbs inside and butter on the outside plus salt, pepper and garlic powder). The rest of the cooking time you don't do anything: the oven does it. Seriously...acting like cooking from scratch is too much for working people is ridiculous - they could be doing that with their kids (or having their older kids do it) as a family activity and its easy to make a big batch of something on the weekend that you can freeze and/or portion out for weekday evenings when you are all too busy. I think it is really patronizing to think lower income people are only capable of eating fast or unhealthy packaged food and that they should be fed sugar and food with lots of salt with tax payer dollars so they can get diabetes and high blood pressure that then the tax payer can deal with also.
  3. If you actually read this article there are various "persons" quoted but the U.S. envoy says he never met or spoke with the Romanians about this issue (although he says he is a supporter of the Tates). And the UK wants them extradited to Britain to stand trial there. From all the other sources it seems like the Romanians can't come up with enough actual evidence to hold them and they (the Tates) still have not been convicted of anything anywhere, no matter how scummy the allegations. (I'm not supporting or defending them but if you want to champion human rights you have to apply that across the board, right?)
  4. Why are you hanging out in "alt-right circles" if this sort of talk (which I would agree is clearly racist) offends you? (as it should)
  5. More fact checking (Google is your friend) indicates Trump had nothing to do with this and did not know anything about Romania releasing the Tate brothers: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cpq222rqv4po https://www.npr.org/2025/02/27/nx-s1-5311621/andrew-tate-brothers-romania-florida And it looks like they are not very welcome: "When asked about their arrival, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis told reporters that while the decision to rebuff their entry lies with the Trump administration, the state's attorney general is looking into what authority "we may have to be able to deal with this." "The reality is: No, Florida is not a place where you're welcome with that type of conduct up in the air," DeSantis said. "I don't know how it came to this. We were not involved, we were not notified." " You know if you want to complain about stuff, its always good to make sure its real stuff. 😺
  6. I work at a food pantry and anyone (and yes, I mean anyone: we don't means test or ask about income or anything other than whether the person lives in our area as there are plenty of food banks/pantries elsewhere in the county for people not local to us) can come and get a big sack of fresh fruits and vegetables, a sack of butter, eggs, cheese with milk, juice and fresh meat/chicken/fish of their choice, and staples (oatmeal, tuna, peanut butter, pasta, rice, beans, etc. etc.) that feeds an entire family of 4-6 twice a month. What I have observed over the many years I have worked at the pantry is that people are LAZY and prefer packaged garbage food to fresh, nutritious food that they have to cook themselves. I see moms come in with little kids and ASK for soda and candy and cookies and sugary cereal and these 3 and 5 year old children are already substantially overweight. Low income people should be encourage to eat healthily, not given benefits to get free garbage food! So if that is "stacking the deck" against anyone, yeah, lets do it.
  7. Google is your friend: Why is fluoride banned in Europe? AI Overview Fluoridation is controversial in Europe, and some countries have stopped adding fluoride to drinking water due to health and environmental concerns. Health concerns Dental fluorosis: Too much fluoride can discolor tooth enamel, causing white or brown spots. Skeletal fluorosis: Long-term exposure to high levels of fluoride can weaken bones, leading to joint pain and fractures. Other health problems: Some studies have linked fluoridation to osteoporosis, irritable bowel syndrome, and other health problems. Environmental concerns Fluoride's impact on the environment: Some studies have raised concerns about the environmental impact of fluoridating agents. Other reasons Fluoride as medication Some European countries object to fluoridation because they believe that drinking water is not the appropriate place for medical treatment. Lack of knowledge Some European countries stopped fluoridation because they didn't know enough about long-term effects. Some European countries, like Ireland, still fluoridate their water. Other countries, like Spain, have pockets of fluoride uptake. Many European countries also add fluoride to salt or milk. Facts about Fluoridation Fluoride is the only chemical added to drinking water for the purpose of medication (i.e. to prevent tooth decay).
  8. I just saw this...what? There is a litmus test on who gets to convert to Catholicism? Who knew? (As a full blooded Jew who was baptized into the Episcopal Church at age 21 and then became a Roman Catholic at age 40, am I a "type" of Catholic and if so, good or bad?) Is this thread degenerating into criticism of people's faith choices now?
  9. And then what? It sounds like you and your husband are continuing to get angry about the boy breaking rules, but there are never any *real* consequences at either home, so he continues to break rules. Frankly, if this was my kid all privileges (i.e. all electronics - including gaming systems, cell phones, etc. etc. and all other things he liked) would be confiscated for some considerable time and some serious chores would be assigned (weeding, sweeping, cleaning the baseboards, you name it...) until considerable remorse and apologies were expressed by him and it was made clear that this would *never* occur again.
  10. From the NIH website: Ambiguous genitalia affect approximately 1 in 5,000 live births [Sax, 2002; Thyen et al., 2006]. These children form a subgroup of individuals with differences/disorders of sex development (DSD) in whom sex-chromosomal, gonadal, or anatomical sex is atypical [Hughes et al., 2006]. And I doubt "plumbing" is really what is the crucial point here: its all about the chromosomes, and atypical chromosomal structure is far, far less likely than the incidence of anatomical or gonadal atypical presentation at birth. Back to your regularly scheduled discussion! 😺
  11. Salient phrase in the reddit article: "Should I have gone to a catholic organization to get this procedure done? In hindsight I guess not." Duh!
  12. Just a little advice: Don't compare your son to yourself at the same age (he is not a mini-you, or a mini version of your husband or anyone else either). And remember he is a *boy* and they are much more physically active naturally, in my experience raising a son and from what most educators observe, than his classroom setting may accomodate.
  13. What is your opinion of Blue Mountain Grain Free Formula? I buy the chicken one that is labeled: Adults "Weight Control", as both my tabbies (now 5 years old) are tending to get chubby. They each get 1/2 a tiny can of wet food once a day plus small spoonfuls of the dry food a few times a day (I don't leave anything out as the tom will eat it all instantly and then want yet more). They have a water fountain and drink water several times a day.
  14. And thus you have it: Both SS's parents are enabling him and they will reap what they have sown, sooner than later. I sincerely wish everyone involved well but I especially hope you, AgathaC, are not caught in whatever the eventual fall out is of this parenting disaster.
  15. Actually yes, they can. All the restrooms in stadia and concert venues etc. could be easily repurposed. I go to a big hospital and some medical clinics locally and they have retrofitted all their restrooms in this way. Or, again, you use the "porta-potty" model and simply put in stalls in both men's and women's restrooms and open them up to both genders: voila!
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