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@kwnyc You make a good point. That actually crossed my mind recently. Perhaps if the boys who play Jack and Sean really aren’t good actors, they can have them on less and less when it comes time for their characters to go off to college. I really don’t like Nicky and kind of wish she blended into the background like Jack and Sean.
@misslindsey I like that Nicki is her own person, but she’s just so self-righteous. I’m not a fan of Erin, even though most times she’s right. As for Baker, I don’t particularly care because she’s not a huge character. She’s very stiff and boring. It’s weird; as much as I dislike some characters’ traits, they all work well together. It’s hard to explain.
@Sarah 103 I can’t believe I forgot to add that. Was it Sean that wanted to go in the Marines, and Linda was scared? That was the most storyline Sean or Jack have gotten so far. We’ve seen Nicky at college, and in an event with Thomas Wilder (I won’t say what so I don’t accidentally spoil anything for anybody who hasn’t seen it), but Linda and Danny’s boys are pretty much extras at the dinner table right now. I know it’s called Blue Bloods so it focuses on the law enforcement aspect, but I’d love to learn more about the rest of the family. I love the characters so much and I think the cast has awesome chemistry. I would also like to see flashbacks of a young Frank as a cop, and even Henry back when he was the PC. I may be the only one on this, but I honestly don’t care either way if Jamie and Eddie become a couple. Just because Jamie is good looking, it doesn’t mean he NEEDS a girlfriend. I want him to be happy but he’s very dedicated to his job and loves having Eddie as his partner.
@Juliet73 That actually crossed my mind during the call. I would think someone who is a dispatcher would understand when people/fire/medics are on a call, they’re busy. That part was kind of dumb. I’m wondering what will happen when/if they meet. She never did tell him her age when he asked (unless I missed her saying it later on), and I wonder what Buck will think.
I never said it was, and I’m not comparing it to other shows. I’m just saying I’m curious where they’re going with it this early.
Same here! She’s not funny. All she has going for herself is the accent and using her weight as a comedic crutch. So many people find her hilarious, and I just don’t get it.
Don’t worry, no spoilers here! Okay, I love Blue Bloods. It’s one of my favorite shows. Now that I’ve said that, I’ve just got to vent a few things that have been bugging me lately. I think Tom Selleck is perfect to play Frank Reagan, but...he sighs a LOT. I know Frank deals with many issues being the PC and all, but the sighing is a bit much. Maybe I’m just nitpicking haha. Nicky is annoying. Sure, she’s growing up and becoming more opinionated, but the self-righteous smug attitude makes me hate when the storyline gets to her. It doesn’t help that I can’t stand Sami Gayle in the role, either. (The forced vocal fry is just...ugh.) I love Danny. I’m actually okay with how much focus his cases get; although, it would be nice if Jamie got more scene time also. I know Danny becoming the focus of the show is a common complaint, but what do you guys think?
There’s something off-putting about both of them. I can’t figure out what it is. Maybe it’s their shared lack of emotional range, I don’t know. I don’t get mad seeing them in a movie, it’s more of a feeling of disappointment.
Oh, @Laina, I felt so heartbroken for Athena. I couldn’t imagine being a mom who found her child like that, and dealing with the issues she’s going through with her husband. When he came to the hospital with his date, I felt for her. Wow. To probably see a person he was with made it more real for her. I’d really like to see the pace slow down a little bit and learn more about each character. It’s only been three episodes so there’s definitely time and I’m hoping this is just the reeling people in phase. The first episode gave us a synopsis, but I can’t wait to learn more.
Agreed. I mean, it’s one thing to grieve but at some point, someone who wasn’t so self-absorbed would let his family have some peace. I’m sure it wasn’t easy for them to keep hearing about how much his death affected HER. Imagine losing a loved one and having their spouse or significant other talking about it for the next several years to every single person they encounter. It would open up the same wound again and again. Of course, I don’t know Cory’s family so who knows how they truly feel about Lea, but I have some guesses lol.... It’s just been something Lea made all about her again and again, and it’s sickening how she exploited her boyfriend’s death for extra attention. Oh and I didn’t dislike or hate Monteith either; Lea Michele could have done the same thing had it been someone else she was dating. It’s all about how much press she can get for herself.
Yes, yes, yes! I couldn’t have said it better.
A lot of things in the show remind me of something you might see on 1,000 Ways to Die or something. I’m not sure if I like the show yet. I don’t feel like I’m learning much about the characters. The show is moving very fast. It’s only been three episodes and already we have a central character clinging to life. It’s interesting, that’s for sure. I’m definitely going to give it a chance. Maybe the pace will slow down, I’m not sure. I feel like it’s too early.
I won’t go into my reasons for all of these just so I don’t just repeat what everyone else said. I’ll split them between the women and the men. As long as relevance/star power doesn’t matter, here goes... Lena Dunham Kat Dennings Gwyneth Paltrow Angelina Jolie Natalie Portman Cameron Diaz Chloe Sevigny Sami Gayle (In case you don’t know of her, she portrays Nicky on Blue Bloods. I cannot stand the way she speaks, especially when she uses that vocal fry a lot of young actresses like to use.) Julia Roberts Kristen Stewart Rebel Wilson Anna Kendrick Rashida Jones (No matter her role, her characters always come off as condescending, bored, or annoyed.) Rachel Bilson (I actually forgot all about her and how much I couldn’t stand her trying to act, but then I saw a Chapstick commercial and it all came back to me.) The Gyllenhaals Clooney/Pitt/Damon/Affleck Tobey Maguire Robert Pattinson Channing Tatum Ashton Kutcher Main cast of Will & Grace